1.Athletic analysis of Edwards triple jump skills;爱德华兹三级跳远技术的运动学分析
2.By documentary searching,the paper makes a comparison analysis on the triple jump technique of Edwards and Welman who were the first and runner-up of the 5th TAC.通过查阅大量的文献资料,对第五届世界田径锦标赛男子三级跳远冠亚军———爱德华兹和威尔曼的三级跳远技术进行了比较分析,以期全面准确地反映爱德华兹三级跳远技术的特点。

1.Forsyth-Edwards Notation(FEN)福斯夫-爱德华兹记录法
2.Melissa Compton-Edwards,梅利萨?康普顿?爱德华兹
3.doi edwards theory陶盖 爱德华兹理论
4.We've put John Edwards in charge of CP21.我们已经让约翰?爱德华兹负责CP21。
5.The party will run Edwards for mayor.该党推选爱德华兹竞选市长。
6.Edwards in particular has been put forward as an author of great intellectual distinction.爱德华兹更被视为学识渊博的作家。
7.Despite a spirited campaign, Edwards had lagged in the race.尽管竭力战斗,爱德华兹还是落后了。
8.Athletic analysis of Edwards triple jump skills;爱德华兹三级跳远技术的运动学分析
9.Royal Edwards voiced the thought which had occurred first to Peter.罗亚尔?爱德华兹说出了彼得刚才想到过的问题。
10.We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open. -- Harry Edwards我们必须教孩子们睁开着眼睛做梦。——爱德华兹
11.John Edwards has been made Product Manager for CP21.约翰?爱德华兹已被任命为CP21的产品经理。
12.Even in some external conditions Pascal and Edwards suggest compariso巴斯加和爱德华兹的外在环境也颇有类似之处。
13.A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad. --Bob Edwards知识浅薄诚然危险,但无知同样糟糕。——爱德华兹
14.Sheila and David arrange to go over to the factory to meet John Edwards.希拉和大卫准备去工厂会见约翰.爱德华兹
15.It was the 50th shuttle landing at Edwards.这是在爱德华兹空军基地的第50次着陆.
16.A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.-Bob Edwards知识浅薄是危险的,而无知更坏。--鲍勃·爱德华兹
17.Biomechanical analysis on Jonathan Edwards’triple-jump technique;爱德华兹三级跳远技术的生物力学分析
18.Mr. Pound would check with John Edwards, the Product Manager for CP21,庞德先生去和CP21的产品经理约翰?爱德华兹进行核实,

Edward Edwards (1812~1886)爱德华兹,E.
3)Jonathan Edwards乔纳森·爱德华兹
1.A Study on Biblical Influence on Jonathan Edwards "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" and Its Stylistic Usage in the Sermon;从文体学视角及圣经影响探析乔纳森·爱德华兹布道词《落在愤怒的上帝手中的罪人》
4)Edwards Personal Preference Schedule,EPPS爱德华兹个人爱好量表
5)doi edwards theory陶盖 爱德华兹理论
1.Rapid defection Aeromonas hydrophila and Edwardsiella by multiplex polymerase chain reaction;多重聚合酶链反应快速检测嗜水气单胞菌和爱德华菌
