1.Silijiaowei's Accomplish and Effect in Han Dynasty's Economic Life司隶校尉在汉代国家经济生活中的职能与影响

1.Silijiaowei's Accomplish and Effect in Han Dynasty's Economic Life司隶校尉在汉代国家经济生活中的职能与影响
2.The Amount of Agricultural Duwei and Their Subjection Relation during the Periods of the Western and the Eastern Han Dynasties;两汉农都尉的设置数额及其隶属关系
3.One who holds the rank of captain.上尉,上校拥有上尉或上校军衔的人
4.A captain ranges between a lieutenant and a major.上尉军阶在中尉之上,少校之下。
5.Junior specialized technical officers: specialized technical reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant.初级专业技术职务:预备役专业技术中校、少校、上尉、中尉、少尉。
6.The captain was preferred to the rank of major.那位上尉被提升为少校。
7.A captain is inferior to a major.上尉的级别低於少校.
8.A major ranks above a captain.少校比上尉军衔高.
9.A major ranks a captain.少校军阶高于上尉。
10.A major precedes a captain.少校级别高于上尉。
11.A captain comes after a major.上尉军衔低于少校。
12.The captain has been promoted major.这上尉己晋升为少校。
13.An army major ranks between a captain and a colonel.陆军少校的军阶在上尉与中校之间。
14.Usually, after the marshal and general are colonel, major captain and lieutenant, etc.通常,元帅之后和将军之后是上校、少校、上尉和中尉等。
15.This corporation procures the cell phones for employee use, Lieutenant,这家公司有权监听雇员的手机, 中尉
16.commanding officer(美军)少尉至上校军衔的指挥官
17.Cao Cao, a wise and resourceful army officer, had long wanted to kill Dong Zhuo.校尉曹操,足智多谋并早有杀董卓之心。
18.The military court reduced the major to captain.军事法庭把少校降为上尉。

1.The main research object of this text are all officials who worked in SilixiaoweiBu in Han Dyansty in more than 400 years ,mainly including three officials of layers which are Zhou officials, county officials and county officials.本文的主要研究对象是两汉四百多年的时间内任职于司隶校尉部的各级地方官吏,主要包括州级官吏、郡级(诸侯王国)官吏、县级(侯国)官吏三个层次。
3)HAN-SOGN, TANG-MING: commandant校尉
4)N-S DIV (N.Wei): commandant of bamboo crafts司竹都尉
5)N-S DIV (N.Wei): rectifier for the chamberlain of law enforcement廷尉司直
6)Eight Xiaowei八校尉
1.A Textual Research for the Military System of the Eight Xiaowei in the Western Han Dynasty;西汉八校尉军事建置考辨
