
1.The Discuss Of Struggle Against Superstitions Of Central Government In The First Half Of the 20th Century;论二十世纪上半期各届中央政府的反迷信斗争
2.The Modern Course of Anti-superstition and Community Belief Space-Focusing on the Ceremony of Rain Praying in Suchou in 1934;反迷信与社区信仰空间的现代历程——以1934年苏州的求雨仪式为例
3.Whoever sent the message is trying to confuse me.那个写信的人不管是谁,反正想迷惑我。
4.where we no longer set our own belief over against our neighbour's superstition.不用自己的信仰去反对我们邻居的迷信。
5.The Struggle and Resistance against "New Superstition"--A New Discussion on Gall and Sword;面对“新的迷信”束缚的挣扎与反抗——《胆剑篇》新论
6.In his opinion, that man 's pronenessto trust in superstition is a reflection on his natural ability依他的看法,那个人相信迷信的倾向是他自然能力的反映
7.Anti-Superstition and the Modern Form of Chinese Folk Belief:Review On Prasenjit Duara s Rescue History from the Nation;反对迷信与民间信仰的现代形态——兼读杜赞奇“从民族国家拯救历史”
8.tonic labyrinthine reflex迷路紧张反射迷路紧张反射
9.But customs associated with death are generally fraught with suggestions of fear or superstition.而相反,与死亡有关的习俗却充斥着恐惧和迷信的气氛。
10.4) To promote science and disseminate truth, oppose ignorance, superstition and backwardness, and exert great efforts to propagate Marxism-Leninism.(四)提倡科学,宣扬真理,反对愚昧无知、迷信落后,加强马列主义的宣传。
11.It is essential to create an atmosphere in society at large favorable for respecting and promoting science, encouraging innovation and opposing superstition and pseudo-science.5.在全社会形成崇尚科学、鼓励创新、反对迷信和伪科学的良好氛围。
12.We should disseminate scientific knowledge, combat superstition, and promote a civil and healthy lifestyle.普及科学知识,反对迷信,倡导文明健康的生活方式。
13.He is prone to idleness [superstition].他好偷懒 [迷信] 。
14.Feudalistic and superstitious content;封建、迷信内容的;
15.Frightened or intimidated by superstition.(因迷信而)恐惧被迷信吓倒或胆怯的
16.credulous superstition因轻信而产生的迷信
17.Atheism is better than superstition, Faith must be guided by wisdom.无信与迷信二者,宁愿“无信”;也不要“迷信”,信必须智信。
18.Opposed as it is to all feudal and superstitious ideas, it stands for seeking truth from facts, for objective truth and for the unity of theory and practice.它是反对一切封建思想和迷信思想,主张实事求是,主张客观真理,主张理论和实践一致的。

countering superstition反对迷信
3)struggle against superstitions反迷信斗争
1.At the promotion of two new culture movement and personalities of various circle,all center government in the first half of 20 century had launched violent struggle against superstitions at certain range,which partly helped to bring about the change of superst.在两次新文化运动及社会各届进步人士的推动下,二十世纪上半期各届中央政府都在一定范围内开展了反迷信斗争,部分促成了二十世纪上半期中国迷信状况的改观。
1.Analysis on Psychological Explanation of Superstition among College Students;大学生迷信的心理原因分析
2.Philosophical Considerations on the Existence of Religion and Superstition;对宗教与迷信存在的哲学思考
3.People s ignorance,superstition in bodybuilding in China and social control;我国健身群体中的愚昧、迷信现象与社会控制
5)believe in superstition相信迷信
6)superstitious belief迷信信念
