1.The reason of the Luxury Consumption in the mid and late Ming Dynasty research;明代中后期消费奢靡原因探析
2.In the mid-and-late Ming Dynasty,the atmosphere of luxury consumption appeared and greatly influenced the social development.明代中后期,消费凸显奢靡之风。

1.The prince indulged in luxury.那位王子奢靡无度。
2.They should call it the" Spoiled Rotten in China" tour.他们应该叫它“奢靡中国”之旅。
3.He was extravagant and wasteful after he made a fortune.发财后,他的生活放纵奢靡
4.It was her opinion that every one in the East lived at rack and manger.他认为每个东方人都生活奢靡
5.troops softened by luxurious living因生活奢靡而战斗力被削弱的军队
6.Local politicians proposed that advertisements should not focus on wealth and luxury.当地政界人士提出,广告不应渲染财富和奢靡
7.The Concept of Shemi (奢靡, extravagance and waste) during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Evolution--An Investigation Based on Local Chronicles明清人的“奢靡”观念及其演变——基于地方志的考察
8.The Influence of Luxury Consumption Atmosphere to Social Development in the Mid-and-Late Ming Dynasty;明代中后期奢靡之风对社会发展的影响
9."Luxurious"Fashion in the Reigns of Emperor Chenghua and Emperor Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty Shown in Huang Ming Tiao Fa Shi Lei Zuan(a compilation of royal laws of the Ming Dynasty)《皇明条法事类纂》所见明成弘时期“奢靡”之风
10.It was, therefore, not only in burst of youthful rebelliousness that I found the luxurious social life at home not to my liking.我不喜欢家庭奢靡的社交生活,这不单在于青年人的桀骜不驯。
11.The Influence of the Wasteful Custom on the Ecological Environment in the Middle and Later Ming Dynasty--Taking the Assuming Residence for Example;明朝中后期奢靡之风对生态环境的影响——以住宅僭越为例分析
12.A Brief Talk on the Simplicity and Luxury of the Costumes in Wei and Jin Dynasties--A Case Study on the Costumes of Bachelor Stratum in SHI SHUO XIN YU;浅谈魏晋服饰的简约与奢靡——以《世说新语》中的士阶层服饰为例
13.On pornographic characteristics of folk songs in the Ming Dynasty and extravagant custom in late Ming Dynasty and their negative influences;明代俗曲的“色情”特征与晚明“奢靡”之风及其负面影响
14.A great celebrity writer of the day, he was almost as famous for his reckless spending and lavish lifestyle, and he was frequently in debt.除了在写作方面大名鼎鼎之外,他奢靡的生活方式也同样臭名远扬,他经常处于欠债的境地。
15.These are thought to be crucial to Mr Kim's ability to keep control at home, letting him spread favours and pay for private luxuries.这些手段对于金正日在国内保持控制地位、布恩泽以及维系个人奢靡的生活至关重要。
16.Despite lavish IVF subsidies, there is precious little research to support the contention that it will boost birth rates.尽管对试管受精的补助非常奢靡,却少有宝贵的研究能够证明它能提高生育率。
17.The cheap music turned elfin and lovely.这靡靡之音忽而变得精灵可爱。
18.It is easy for the frugal to become extravagant,But very difficult to reverse the procedure从俭人奢易由奢返俭难

extravagance and luxury奢靡豪华
1.The narration of extravagance and luxury had long had its literary tradition.汉赋欲“风”反“劝”的成因,一是铺叙奢靡豪华本有文学传统;二是欲“风”之物本有可歌颂的一面,汉赋“风谏”的不是奢靡豪华而应该是法度;三是赋这一文体的写作特征就是要求夸耀“竞于使人不能加也”;四是人们认为赋这一文体的撰作目的就是“颂”;五是汉代批评家是以屈赋为标准、以诗歌批评为标准批评汉赋的。
3)extravagancy and merry-making奢靡游乐
1.On the basis of a careful investigation of documents and files , the paper holds that Zixu compose was composed to admonish King Liangxiao for his extravagancy and merry-making.本文在考察文献资料的基础上认为 ,《子虚赋》是为讽谏梁孝王的奢靡游乐而作 ,内容取材于梁地风物、梁孝王的奢靡状况和游乐场景等 ,以梁孝王游猎为主线 ,以子虚乌有对答的形式展开 ,虽与《天子游猎赋》的行文形式差不多 ,但内容截然不
4)"extravagant" started up"奢靡"之风
5)indulge in high living奢靡无度
6)extravagant consumption concept奢靡消费观
