1.From Ally to Enemy:America and Saddam s Iraq;从盟友到仇敌:美国和萨达姆的伊拉克

1.ally of the moment临时的联盟,暂时的盟友
2.betrayed by perfidious allies遭背信弃义的盟友出卖.
3.“ We are ally, an alliance”, he alleged.他宣称:“我们是盟友、个联盟。
4.Strategic Alliance Partner Preference Study Based on Strategic Triangle Theory;基于战略三角理论的战略联盟盟友选择研究
5.Allies and opponents: A Review of the Relationship between Liang Qi-chao and the Chinese Alliance;盟友与对手之间:梁启超与中国同盟会关系述论
6.Study on Selection of Dynamic Alliance Ally Problem Based on ACO基于蚁群算法的动态联盟盟友选择问题研究
7."Eurasia is our ally,Eurasia has always been our ally,“欧亚国是我们的盟友,欧亚国一直都是我们的盟友。”
8.It is also contemplating a tie-up with Renault and Nissan.公司还期望与雷诺-日产结为盟友
9.We're not in the habit of conducting sneak attacks on our allies我们可没有偷偷摸摸攻击盟友的习惯
10.An augmentation that increases the strength and wisdom of the templar's ally.提升牧师或其盟友的智慧和力量。
11.Hanging out with Anglo-American friends shows how different he is.与英美盟友示好可以彰显其与众不同。
12.This managed to offend even Japan's staunch ally, the United States.此事甚至冒犯了日本的坚定盟友美国。
13.Oh spare me, I wanted only to be your ally, really I did.=>噢,宽恕我,我只是想成为你的盟友,真的。
14.The alliance enhanced the reliability of the applicable alloy appliances.盟友增强了适用的合金用具的可*.
15.to mislead our allies in Eastasia,,,诱导我们在东亚国的盟友
16.His former allies ran out on him.他过去的盟友不支持他了。
17.The Bush Administration considers the United Arab Emirates an ally in the war on terror.布什政府视阿联酋为反恐战争的盟友
18.Turnus was deserted by his celestial allies.图努斯已为天国盟友所摈弃。

partner selection盟友选择
1.To enhance the validity of the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) in partner selection problems during the formation of the agile virtual enterprise(AVE),a new trigonometric fuzzy number-AHP(TFN-AHP) model was given.为提高层次分析法(AHP)在敏捷虚拟企业(AVE)盟友选择问题中的实际应用能力,提出一种基于三角模糊数(TFN)理论的模糊AHP(TFN-AHP)模型。
2.Partner selection is a priority issue in enterprise informatization.企业信息化面临着盟友选择问题。
3.In this paper, the type and characteristics of partner of virtual enterprise in network environment and the partner selection method based on AHP are presented.分析了网络环境下虚拟企业盟友的类型和特点 ,提出了一种基于AHP的盟友选择方法 ,论述了虚拟企业中盟友选择指标体系和评价模型的确定方法 ,并以运输商的选择为例给出了方法的应用 。
3)a sworn friend.歃盟朋友
4)ally and enemy盟友与敌人
1.State actors form different knowing community basing on the different knowing,and result into different diplomatic policy tropism of ally and enemy.国家行为体的自我利益需求使该国在其特定文化观念中形成孤立与不结盟的外交倾向;国家行为体基于不同的认知形成不同的认知共同体,从而出现盟友与敌人的不同外交政策;国家行为体在认知上的超越及“属有性”个体差异则建构了合作与竞争的外交政策。
5)a treacherous ally不忠的盟友
6)feminist colleague女性主义盟友

盟友1.战友。 2.犹言盟兄弟。