1.In this article,the writer draws an outline of the management system on exiles in Tang Dynasty through historical materials and documents,and analyzes why the punishment wasn t in accord with the law.利用文献勾勒唐代流人管理制度,从发遣、行程、居作、流放期限以及流人入仕等几个方面进行阐述,并对法刑不一的现象作了分析。

1.Those who shine in the second rank, are eclipsed by the first.二流人物的光芒总被一流人物遮住。
2."They're all second-raters, black sheep, rascals."他们都是二流人物,是流氓,是恶棍。
3.Attach Importance to Build the Discipline of Logistics,Hasten the Training of Talents for This Field;重视物流学科建设 加快物流人才培养
4.makes them sort with mean company;使他们与下流人为伍;
5.Causing or tending to cause tears.使人流泪或易于流泪的
6.Rational Flow of Population Has Become a Trend人口合理流动已成潮流
7.A deported convict.流放犯被流放的犯人
8.Many people are anti-abortion.很多人反对人工流产.
9.Everybody was bleeding equally.人人都同等流血牺牲。
10.United States Escapee Program美国流亡人方案(流亡人方案)
11.Perfect Talents Mobility System and Promote Reasonable Mobility of Talents;完善人才流动机制 促进人才合理流动
12.The Spatial Mobility and the Occupational Mobility of Floating Population in Beijing;北京市流动人口的空间流动和职业流动
13.But can you traverse the stream?可是,你能闯过那车的洪流、人的洪流吗?
14.A stream of vehicles and humanity engulfed the horizon.远处是车的洪流,人的洪流。
15.The pop song is popular in the populous city.这首流行歌曲在人口稠密的城市流行.
16.streams of shoppers, traffic购物者的人流、 车辆的川流不息.
17.Using abusive or obscene language.说话下流的用骂人的或下流的语言的
18.the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine after the Babylonian exile (358 BC).巴比伦流放后犹太人的流散。

Artificial abortion人流
1.Distinct effects of drug induced abortion and artificial abortion on complications of pregnancy;药流与人流对妊娠并发症的不同影响
1.objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of painless induced abortion with a combined use of propofol and remifentanil.目的对异丙酚复合瑞芬太尼在人流术中的情况进行系统的观察,以评价其镇静效果和安全性。
4)stream of people人流
1.In this paper, the effect of internal flow, stream of people, goods flow and informationflow in the hospital on the planning and architectural design of the hospital is introducedbased on the changing idea on the modern medicine, variation of population structure, medicaltechnology and development of the medical equipment.作者通过现代医学观念的转变、人口结构的变化、医疗技术、装备的发展进步,阐述医院中内部流程、人流、物流、信息流对医院建筑规划、设计的影响。
2.With the expanding of high education scale,the conflicts between the stream of people and vehicles that running around the newly built school area and its involved road outside centre city are becomeing more and more conspicuous.随着高等教育规模的扩大,非中心城区新建校区与公路沿线的人流、车流的矛盾日益突出,事故频发。
5)human flow人流
1.Recently,the guidance mechanism of Website information flow to human flow became a new subject of "information-oriented human geography research" by domestic scholars.以多种期刊数据库和搜索引擎为检索源,评述国内网站信息流对人流导引作用研究的进展及需解决的问题,将国内该领域的研究分为导引作用相关要素间关系框架构建及单要素的研究、导引过程和导引机理的透视、网站信息流与现实人流的关联、信息流对人流导引力的模型设计与计算4部分。
2.It will be have a most powerful guiding effect for the generation and variation of human flow in various forms of flows.网站信息流是互联网信息传递的基本形式和唯一介质,是众多形态“流”中最具影响,并对人流的产生与变化发挥巨大的导引作用。
3.The guiding effect of website information flow to various human flows is an important cutting-point to reveal the geographical features in the information society.网站信息流对不同类型空间人流的导引作用研究是揭示"信息社会的地理学"特征的重要切入点之一。
6)people flow人流
1.Taking Leyou outdoor sports club website as a case, this paper explores the members communication model of the "self-relying" small-medium outdoor sports websites and the guiding function of information flow to people flow.本文以乐游户外运动俱乐部网站为案例,探讨中小型“自我依托”户外运动俱乐部网站信息流对人流生成的导引作用问题,认为这种作用经过网站访问者的信息获取、知识转化、认知与决定的过程而发生,经过网站交流媒介的信息、集聚、交流和组织四种平台而完成。

“黑字还流”贷款转贷“黑字还流”贷款转贷 【“黑字还流”贷款转贷1中国进出日银行承办的日本政府对中国政府提供的一种贷款的转贷款。日本政府“黑字还流”贷款是在特定的国际背景下产生的一种特别贷款,是日本政府从其国际贸易顺差中拿出一部分资金,作为优惠贷款回流到发展中国家,目的在于促进发展中国家出口产业的发展,实现国际贸易收支的平衡。“黑字还流”贷款按中日两国政府贷款协议的规定,经中华人民共和国国务院批准,用于轻工、纺织、原材料、农业4个行业的出口创汇企业技术改造。申请此种贷款必须符合以下条件:项目符合国家的产业政策;项目投产后50%以上产品出口;贷款原则仁不搞新建项目;贷款金额不能超过企业固定资产净值50%;不能同时用于利用其他外资的混合项目上;项目要有经济效益;还本付息有保证;提交中国进出口银行认可的还贷担保书。转贷的年限一般为3一5年,包括宽限期1一2年(。利率为年利率3.5%。接受转贷的企业除按规定支付利息外,还要支付转贷业务费、国家偿债基金及国家偿债基金手续费三项费用。