1.Textual Research on Geographical Locations of Qi County and Jianling and Dong’an marquisate in Donghai Prefecture in Western Han Dynasty;西汉东海郡所辖县、建陵、东安侯国地望考辨
2.Research on GanQi Dance's Origin (1)干舞渊源考(一)——干、考证

1.My heart has been heavy all day long because you have so far to go.永日方, 出行复悠悠。
2.A gentleman is open and poised; a petty man is unhappy and worried.君子坦荡荡, 小人长
3.A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy .君子坦荡荡,小人常
4.Than that you should remember and be sad.也不愿你记住而愁容
5.The martial dancers held Gan (shield) and Qi (axe), so the two dances were also called the "Gan-Qi Dance".武舞持干(盾牌)(斧钺)而舞,又称干舞。
6.Research on GanQi Dance's Origin (1)干舞渊源考(一)——干、考证
7.a relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman.因血缘关系或婚姻关系而成的亲;男亲或女亲.
8.His kindred are still living in Ireland.他的亲仍住在爱尔兰。
9.I am not related to him in anyway.我和他无任何亲关系。
10.He and I are not related.他和我无亲关系。
11.My parents are reckless of the way they treat their relatives.我父母对亲十分鲁莽。
12.He manifested no desire to see his relatives.他不想见他的亲
13.Row [sail] in the same boat with sb.休相关,同舟共济
14.the funeral director's gloomy visage殡仪员的悲面容.
15.he lives indolently with his relatives.他很懒,寄宿在亲那里。
16.Zhezhu lodged in his relative's house.哲洙寄宿在亲家.
17.visit long-lost relatives拜访久未相遇的亲
18."But you've still some of your folk there, haven't you?"“你不是有亲本家么?”

To be sorrowful and unhappy戚戚不欢
4)Gan and Qi干戚
5)Qi city戚城
1.Qi city was an important city of Wei state during the Eastern Zhou period.城是东周时期卫国的重要城邑 ,分为“东”、“西”。
6)Waiqi Empresses外戚
1.On the Grand Scribe s "Writing Technique"——A Case Study of Waiqi Empresses and Their Clans in Records of the Grand Scribe;简论太史公“笔法”——以《史记·外世家》为例
