农奴制,serf system
1)serf system农奴制
1.This treatise discusses the success and failure,gains and losses of the reform of Russian serf system 140 years ago,and brings forward a new explanation on the from-above-to-below mode of the reform.本文探讨 1 40多年前俄国农奴制改革的成败得失 ,并对“由上而下”的改革模式提出新解。
2.Except Athen and Roma,there universally were the serf system and subsidiary relations in the ancient world,not the slave system.除雅典、罗马外,古代世界普遍存在的是农奴制和依附关系,而不是奴隶制度。

1.The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.废除农奴制度后,农奴们获得了解放。
2.IV. Feudal Serfdom in Old Tibet四、旧西藏的封建农奴制
3.reform of Russian serfdom in1861俄国1861年的农奴制改革
4.The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments.农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度。
5.This movement overthrew the serf system and freed a million serfs and slaves.这一运动推翻了农奴制,并且解放了百万农奴和奴隶。
6.On the Evolvement of Russian Dictatorial System after Servant System Reform;论农奴制改革后俄国专制制度的演变
7.Now the savage system of serfdom in Xizang has been ended.现在西藏野蛮的农奴制已经结束了。
8.renewal and strengthen of German serfdom德国农奴制的恢复和加强
9.After the 1861 reform on serfdom, the pupulism went up on the historical stage.1年农奴制改革后 ,开始登上历史舞台。
10.Peflection on the Reform of Russian Serf System in 1861;1861年俄国农奴制改革的再思考
11.The law of nature contributed to the abolishment of villeinage and serfdom.自然法对于废除农奴制和奴隶制起了很大的作用。
12.Having smashed the yoke of the feudal serfdom, the broad masses of serfs and slaves obtained political and national equal rights.广大农奴和奴隶砸碎了封建农奴制的枷锁后,获得了政治平等权利和民族平等权利。
13.On the Relation between the Feudal Serfdom and the Migration of the Village Labors in the Medieval England.封建农奴制与英格兰中古时期农村劳动力转移
14.The Studies on the Relationship between the Demographic Fluctuation and the Rise and Decline of Serfdom;人口变动与农奴制兴衰关系的再探讨——中古西欧农奴制兴衰的政治经济学
15.The second reasons is the Second Edition of the Serfdom which made the economy of Poland backward.“农奴制第二版”直接导致了近代波兰的经济落后;
16.The Democratic Reform and Abolishment of the Feudal Serf System of the Uygurs in Xinjiang新疆民主改革与维吾尔族封建农奴制度的废除
17.The Function Change before or after the Russian Serfdom Reform in 1861;1861年俄国农奴制改革前后村社职能的嬗变
18.Village Communities as Foundation of Serfdom: A Case of Medieval England;农奴制的村社基础——以中世纪英格兰为例

1.One is the serfdom which hindered the migrations of village labors; another is the lagging agriculture productivity that couldn t release a great deal of village labors from the soil.英国从11世纪“城市兴起”至18世纪工业革命的7个世纪间,劳动力转移进程缓慢,城市化和工业化成果不及工业革命后一个世纪的成就,主要原因在于三个方面:政治上封建农奴制阻碍农村人口流动;经济上农业生产力落后,难以将大量农业人口从土地上解放出来;观念上封建传统思想在相当程度上限制了农村劳动力转移和人口流动。
2.The feudal serfdom hindered seriously the migration of village labors, whether moving to towns or shifting to non - agriculture industries in the medieval England.封建农奴制严重阻碍了英格兰中古时期农村人口向城市流动,限制农业人口向农业之外的非农行业转移,而农村劳动力转移则对农奴制造成冲击,逐步侵蚀和瓦解封建制度的根基。
3)Western European serfdom西欧农奴制
1.The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal socie- ty,and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy.中世纪西欧农奴制是西欧封建社会的一种经济形态,与自给自足的庄园经济相适应。
4)servant system reform农奴制改革
1.After servant system reform in 1861,Russian dictatorial system transformed into capitalist monarchy system fast.1861年农奴制改革以后,俄国专制制度迅速向资产阶级君主制演变。
5)Russian serfdom俄国农奴制
1.The shaping of Russian serfdom underwent a protracted his torical process, which resulted from a combination of the feudal lords imposing serfdom as individuals with the making of the statute of serfs by the state.俄国农奴制度的形成是一个长期的历史过程,是封建主个人施行的“农奴制”与国家制定的“农奴法”相结合的结果。
6)the serfdom in eastern Europe东欧农奴制
