1.A Rustic Opinion of the Gaochang Shuyi from Turfan;吐鲁番所出《高昌书仪》刍议

1.The class history book only goes down to 1960.这个班用的历史教科书仪叙述到1960年。
2.A book of liturgical forms.一本关于礼拜仪式的书
3.liturgical book [not containing music]礼拜仪式书[不含乐谱]
4.This is a book on etiquette.这是本有关礼仪的书。
5.Rite basis and rite accomplishment of the secretary;职场玫瑰——秘书的礼仪基础和礼仪修养
6.A book of forms for ordination.圣职书有关授予圣职的仪式的书
7.A book or other collection of stated and fixed forms, such as prayers.仪式书一本包括成文的仪式的书或集子,如祈祷书
8.The Ritual Narration and Its History Writing--Preface to the Book Cultural Memory and Ritual Narration of Liyi(Manner and Rite)仪式叙事与历史书写——代序《〈仪礼〉文化记忆与仪式叙事》
9.marine electronics certificate船舶电子仪器合格证书航海电器设备证书
10.a book of directions for using or operating some piece of equipment.使用或操作某种仪器的指导书。
11.Ritual Activities of a Provincial Noble Family in the Late Half of Chosun Dynasty Era;朝鲜后期一地方世族家门的书院仪礼
12.Views of Early Daoism on Women Concealed in the Ritual for Passing from The Yellow Book;“《黄书》过度仪式”与早期道教女性观
13.Courtesies and Decencies Needed in Library Services;礼貌礼仪与高校图书馆读者服务工作
14.An Analysis of the Rites, Procedure and Written Order of Pardon;浅析唐代赦宥实施的仪式、程序及赦书
15.Language,Deportment and Writing on the Board:The Beauty of Chinese Teaching Process语言·仪态·板书——谈语文教学过程的美
16.Connect hoses, vent meter and read pressure differential in accordance with instructions furnished with meter.连接软管,排放仪器气体,按照仪器配置的说明书读出压差值。
17.Adhering to Etiquette Norms and Advocating Civilized Service--A Discussion about Librarians' Etiquette Qualities把握礼仪规范 倡导文明服务——从图书馆馆员礼仪素养谈起
18.A book containing all the offices for the daily canonical hours of prayer except matins.日课书记有除晨祷外教规规定的每天每次祈祷时间的仪式的书籍

instrument of automatically writing书写仪
1.The instrument of automatically writing can transform analysis result into instruction which is used to make pen rise?drop and imitate to write, and this instrument can make the form of imitated characters consist to the original form completely.自动书写仪可将文字的分析结果转换成控制书写笔的落笔、运笔和起笔的书写压力指令,进行仿真书写,使仿真书写的字符与原字符字形完全一致。
3)academies ritual书院礼仪
4)grave ceremony葬仪文书
1.The Han dynasty s grave ceremony writ records Han people s rel.汉代葬仪文书,记载了汉人在个人地位、财产等方面的宗教热情,也为认识汉画像石宗教思想增加了一个明晰的途径。
5)tex ts of Dunhuang shuyi敦煌书仪
6)Secretary Etiquette秘书礼仪

非律仪非不律仪【非律仪非不律仪】 (术语)三种无表色之一。谓律仪即非善戒,不律仪即非恶戒之非戒律的善恶之无表色也。律仪为极善,不律仪为极恶,其他之善恶,善恶皆势用微劣,故称之为处中之善,处中之恶,皆为非律仪非不律仪,即非戒律的之善与恶也。(参见:无表色)