1.The Cause of Franco's Ultimate Victory佛朗哥独裁政权成功上台的原因初探
2.In the introduction of this thesis, the author introduced emphatically the views of scholars domestically and abroad on the Spain s history during Franco period and the politics theory of authoritarianism today, preparing the materials and theory for the dissertation on Franco s ruling of the authoritarianism following.本文引言部分着重介绍了国内外学术界对佛朗哥统治时期西班牙的历史以及威权主义政治理论的研究现状,为下文对佛朗哥政权威权主义统治的阐述论证做了必要的史料和理论铺垫。

1.Franco replied, expressing his undying loyalty.佛朗哥复函,表示他始终不渝的忠诚。
2.Franco:Hey Emilie, you look really smart today.佛朗哥:嘿,艾米莉,你今天看起来很漂亮。
3.Franco:So, are their designs so much better?佛朗哥:那他们的设计真的那么好吗?
4.The Cause of Franco's Ultimate Victory佛朗哥独裁政权成功上台的原因初探
5.Madrid fell into the bands of General Franco. The Spanish Civil War ended.马德里落入佛朗哥将军之手。西班牙内战结束。
6.Mary and Xiaoyan rented a flat from Franco.答案:玛丽和小燕向佛朗哥租了一套公寓。
7.Franco:No,really.Did you make that outfit yourself?佛朗哥:不,是真的。这件套装是你自己做的吗?
8.Juan Carlos was declared King of Spain following the death of Francisco Franco.1975年,胡安·卡洛斯在弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥逝世后,宣布成为西班牙国王。
9.If the belligerent foreign troops were withdrawn, how much chances would Franco have?如果参战的外国军队撤退,佛朗哥还有多少成功的机会?
10.Franco had thrown everything into the assault against Madrid-and failed.佛朗哥曾拿出全副力量进攻马德里,可是未能得手。
11.When, after General Sanjurjo had perished in an air crash, General Franco raised the standard of revolt.在圣胡尔霍将军因飞机失事遇难后,佛朗哥将军就举起叛乱的大旗。
12.a battle in 1859 in which the Franco-Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the Austrians under Francis Joseph.1859年在拿破仑领导下的佛朗哥撒丁岛武装战胜了弗朗西斯·约瑟夫领导下的奥地利人。
13.this together with his political views(he was a supporter of General Franco5) made Dalíexpelled from the Surrealist Group of Paris.再加上他的政治观点(他是佛朗哥将军的支持者),他被巴黎的超现实主义团体开除了。
14.Have you an all-embracing affection for Messers Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Ataturk and the mikado?你对墨索里尼、希特勒、佛朗哥、土耳其国父基马尔和日本天皇都是一概怀有喜爱之情吗?
15.The liberals had expected the Kennedy administration to put Franco sharply in his places.这些自由主义者指望肯尼迪政府好好地收拾一下佛朗哥让他安分点。
16.Franco:I guess I see what you mean . Europeans always look more sophisticated.佛朗哥:我想我懂你的意思了。欧洲人的衣着看起来都比较精雕细琢一些。
17.The Spain not only famous in flamenco dance, but bullfight.西班牙不但佛朗明哥很有名,斗牛也是相当出名的。
18.Spanish people are very jaunty and tropical that almost all of the women can dance the flamenco.西班牙人非常的活泼与热情,几乎所有的西班牙女郎都懂佛朗明哥舞。

Francisco Franco Bahamonde (1892~1975)佛朗哥,F.
3)the Franco regime佛朗哥政权
1.Spain under the Franco regime was the only country that did not officially enter into World War Two.佛朗哥法西斯政权在二战中保持中立的原因主要是:一、从历史上看,西班牙法西斯政权缺乏深厚的法西斯主义基础;从现实看,西班牙缺乏对外发动侵略战争的物质基础;二战爆发后,扑朔迷离的国际形势制约着佛朗哥政权的对外政策的走向。
4)Ronggowarsito (1802~1873)朗哥瓦西多
5)Glandar-ma Persecution of Buddhism causes朗达玛灭佛
6)the Lagrangean Multiplier's Method拉哥朗日乘子法
