1.Based on the research of previous scholars, the article discusses marriage-age, FangQishu and the phenomenon of many-wives during marriage culture in DunHuang , using the DunHuang documents as main materials.本文在前辈学者们研究的基础上,以敦煌文书为主要资料,针对敦煌地区婚姻文化中的婚姻年龄、放妻书和多嫡现象进行探讨。

1.The Regulatins in Marriage of the Tang as Seen in Dunhuang MS.“Fang-qi-shu”;从敦煌《放妻书》看唐代婚姻中的和离制度
2.Don't put the Book on the desk, place it on the Bookshelf别把书放在书桌上,放到书架上去。
3.And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.他们说,摩西许人写了休书便可以休妻。
4.After Reading Mencius · Li Lou · Wife and Concubine of A Person in Qi;书《孟子·离娄·齐人有一妻一妾》章后
5.The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow.书都乱放在书架上.
6.These books go on the top shelf这些书该放在书架顶层。
7.He crowded the shelves with books他在书架上放满了书。
8.Put back the books on the shelves which you are not using.把用不着的书放回书架。
9.He placed the book on the desk.他将书放在书桌上。
10."and Jacob went in flight into the field of aram, and Israel became a servant for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep."从前雅各逃到亚兰地,以色列为得妻服事人,为得妻与人放羊。
11.Now Jacob fled to the land of Aram, And Israel worked for a wife, And for a wife he kept sheep.何12:12从前雅各逃到亚兰地、以色列为得妻服事人、为得妻与人放羊。
12.Jacob fled to the country of Aram; Israel served to get a wife, and to pay for her he tended sheep.12从前雅各逃到亚兰地,以色列为得妻服事人,为得妻与人放羊。
13.NASB:Now Jacob fled to the land of Aram, And Israel worked for a wife, And for a wife he kept sheep.和合本:从前雅各逃到亚兰地、以色列为得妻服事人、为得妻与人放羊。
14.Subject and Writing Technique of Hardy s Poems Mourning His Deceased Wife;娇艳玫瑰花 绽放悼亡妻——哈代悼亡妻诗歌主题与技巧
15.books are placed in categories in libraries and bookstores.图书馆和书店的书是 分门别类摆放的.
16.the non-fiction shelves in the library图书馆中放散文类书籍的书架.
17.Wife: Why did you tear out the back pages of the new book?妻子:为什么你把这本新书的后面几页都撕掉了?
18.Years later, his wife, with her fourth-grade education, would try to teach him to read.多年之后,他的上过四年学的妻子打算教他读书。

Libellus repudii休妻书
3)certificates issuance证书发放
4)Open book开放图书
5)letter of renunciation放弃书
6)lay down a volume放下书卷
