1.96 under the Principate in the light of the relations between the Senate and the princeps.本文以元老院和元首的关系为主要线索,阐明了从公元前30年到公元96年罗马元老院在元首制下演变的情况。
2.Provinces were divided into Senate provinces and Princeps provinces.罗马帝国早期的行省分为元首行省和元老院行省。

1."The Fuehrer has broken down!"“元首已经垮了!”
2.In the United Kingdom, the queen is head of state, and the prime minister is head of government.在英国,女王是国家元首,首相是政府首脑。
3.Greim: No, my Fuehrer.格莱姆:不知道,元首
4.council of the Heads of State of CIS独联体国家元首理事会
5.first lady [ First Lady ]第一夫人, 元首夫人
6.They offered the Fuehrer birthday congratulations.他们向元首祝贺生日。
7.the signature of a sovereign on an official document.官方文件元首的签名。
8.the office of the US head of state.美国国家元首的职位。
9.The generals have betrayed the Fuehrer.将军们背叛了元首
10.the weighty cares of a head of state;国家元首的深切关怀;
11.(full) military honors军葬礼, (对元首等的) 军礼
12.Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Rio Group里约集团国家元首和政府首脑会议
13.Bureau of the Assembly of Heads of States and Government国家元首和政府首脑会议局
14.Summit of the Heads of States and Governments of the OSCE欧安组织国家元首和政府首脑会议
15.Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries东非和中非国家元首和政府首脑会议
16.Conference of Commonwealth Heads of State and Government英联邦国家元首和政府首脑会议
17.So a leader is often compared to a head.所以领导者也常常被称为元首。(和元首相比)
18.The Roman Senate under the Principate (From 30B. C. to A. D. 96);元首制下的罗马元老院(公元前30年—公元96年)

elements of lead column首列元
3)worship of head of state元首崇拜
4)the fiscus元首私库
1.Different from other countries in the ancient times,the financial system of the Roman Empire was divided into the aerarium saturni and the fiscus.与古代世界其他国家不同,罗马帝国的财政体系分为国库和元首私库两种。
5)head of state国家元首
1.But the appellation of "head of state" is nota invention of modern politics, there were also the appellation in eastancient countries and west ancient countries.国家元首作为一种代表国家主权的制度,是近代民主政治的组成部分。
1.The Roman Senate under the Principate (From 30B. C. to A. D. 96);元首制下的罗马元老院(公元前30年—公元96年)
2.In the relationship with the Central,on the one hand the province\'s develop-ment ensured the stable development of Principate,on the other hand,the dominance of the provinces caused the separation of provinces and the crisis of Principate.行省的发展影响到行省与中央的关系,一方面行省的发展保证了元首政治的稳定发展,另一方面帝国的行省化也导致行省分立运动和元首制危机。
3.The third century in Roman Empire was an important stage, during which constitutional changes took place from Principate to Dominate .公元3世纪是罗马帝国的一个重要阶段,在这一阶段帝国的政治体制完成了从元首制向君主制的转型。

元首1.头。 2.君主。 3.今亦用以称国家的最高领导人。 4.为首者,祸首。 5.创始人。 6.岁之始。