
1.A firework that explodes with a sudden loud noise.奇响爆竹爆裂瞬间发出巨大噪音的爆竹
2.fireworks [explosives and blasting agents]爆竹烟花〔爆炸品及爆破剂〕
3.The boy touched off a firecracker.这孩子点燃了爆竹
4.the craft of making fireworks.制造烟火爆竹的技术。
5.It was like a firework display on New Year's Eve.像是大年夜的爆竹
6.The firework went off with a bang.爆竹砰的一声炸开了。
7.The firecracker went off with a bang.爆竹"砰"的一声响了。
8.The firecracker fizzled but didn't explode.爆竹发出微弱的嘶嘶声但没有爆炸。
9.a red ball-shaped firecracker with high explosive power.具有高爆炸能量的球形爆竹
10.Be careful that you don’t set the fireworks off by mistake.当心点,别弄错了引起那些爆竹爆炸。
11.A boy set fire to a firework, and it burned on the sticks.一个男孩点燃了一个爆竹爆竹在木柴上燃烧起来。
12.Yes, they're really beautiful. We have firecrackers, too. They're great. Really noisy!是的,烟花真的很美。我们也放爆竹爆竹很棒。真的很响。
13.Give a Christmas cracker to every other child, so that each pair can then pull one.给每两个孩子一包圣诞爆竹,这样每两个孩子便可拉响一个爆竹
14.The firework did not work properly, but just fizzled out爆竹没能爆响,而只是嘶嘶作响一阵后熄灭了。
15.The history of firework can be dated back to over 2,000 years ago.爆竹有大约2000多年的历史了。
16.a firework that fizzes as it moves.当移动时发出嘶嘶响的爆竹
17.Millie: When will they be letting off the firecrackers…… Aah! Ooh!米利耶:他们甚麽时候放爆竹呢……啊呀!
18.Distant fireworks could be heard popping off.可以听见远处的爆竹在劈啪作响。

1.Recently, the explosion accidents of firecracker frequeutly took place in China leading to serious death and wound.近年来 ,我国烟花爆竹爆炸事故频频发生 ,死伤惨重。
3)fireworks and crackers烟花爆竹
1.Research of safety monitoring system for fireworks and crackers enterprise烟花爆竹企业安全监控预警系统研究
2.Requirements for the safety surveillance of urban fireworks and crackers and for operational management system are analyzed in this paper;the design framework and function of management information system for urban fireworks and cracks based on web is also put forward.对城市烟花爆竹安全监控与业务管理综合信息系统的需求进行分析;提出了网络化信息管理系统的设计架构和功能设置;并设计开发了城市烟花爆竹安全监控与业务管理综合信息系统,将先进的网络通讯技术、数据实时采集技术、组态技术、安全监控与预警技术和基于W eb的信息管理软件开发技术进行集成设计;实现了基于烟花爆竹仓库现场实时数据监测结果的多媒体联动、多用途智能报警监视硬件设备和配套的业务管理软件的信息融合。
3.So far,to light fireworks and crackers is a custom of the Chinese people.一直以来,燃放烟花爆竹是中华民族的传统习俗,而烟花爆竹的生产和消费过程给人类和环境带来的危害与可持续发展是相悖的。
1.Through the investigation of accidents happened in Henan fireworks factories,breaking rules and regulations in operation are proved to be the major risk in authorized factories and lack of effective supervision is proved to be the fundamental cause for the accidents.通过对河南省烟花爆竹生产企业一段时间内生产安全事故的分析,认为违章操作是已取得安全生产许可证企业当前安全生产中最主要的危险。
2.Sustainable development of fireworks industry focused on the safety and environmental functioning of its products.烟花爆竹产业的可持续发展集中体现在其产品的安全和环保性能上,从环境保护的角度,探讨烟花爆竹燃放后其残留物对环境、生命健康和安全的危害产生的机理,进而提出对烟花爆竹的环保项目进行研究的必要性和控制的可行性。
5)Double-sound firecracker双响爆竹
1.Discussion on Problems about the Standard of Safety and Quality of Fireworks;GB10631-2004《烟花爆竹 安全与质量》中有关问题的探讨
