
1.deputy mayor副市副议, 代理议
2.To grow fat or fatter.胖或得更胖
3.Governors, mayors and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns assume overall responsibility for local people's governments at various levels.地方各级人民政府实行省负责制。
4.have long, black hair着一头、 黑发
5.'Help, gentlemen-officers!“官,官,救火呀!
6.director of bureau [directorate rank]局〔首级职级〕
7.A crane is a bird with long legs, neck and beak.鹤是一种腿、脖、嘴的鸟。
8.A long syllable, vowel, or consonant.音节音节、元音或辅音
9.The plagioclase contains albite, oligoclase, andesine, laboratories, bytownite and anorthite.钠石、更石、中石、拉石、培石和钙石属于斜石大类。
10.Of or relating to a presbyter or the presbytery.老的,老会的老的,与老有关的或老会的,与老会有关的
11.Local people's governments at different levels practise the system of overall responsibility by governors, mayors, county heads, district heads, township heads and town heads.地方各级人民政府实行省、市、县、区、乡、镇负责制。
12.The length of such a segment.直径这样一段的
13.respected captain受尊敬的船/队/上尉
14.honorable president荣誉校/主席/会
15.Elephant has a long nose.大象有的鼻子。
16.high pile fabric毛绒织物,绒头织物
17.semimajor axis of ellipsoid椭球半轴,地球半轴
18.The giraffe is tall. The giraffe is tall.颈鹿很高。颈鹿很高。

steady increment in one place to help develop its neighboring areas长增长极
3)long-term growth长期增长
4)Length of shoot and root芽长根长
5)growth in total length全长生长
6)growing situation feature长势长相

长长 长   ㈠(cháng,音常)   ①长久。《素问·至真要大论》:“气血正平,长有天命。”   ②长度。《灵枢·骨度》:“人长七尺五寸者。”   ③形容两端之间的距离大。《素问·平人气象论》:“平肝脉来,软弱招招,招揭长竿末梢。”   ④通“常”。《灵枢·四时气》:“长太息。”   ⑤脉象名。脉的搏动超过本位,首尾端直,如循长竿。《素问·脉要精微论》:“长则气治。”   ⑥长处,擅长。《张氏医通·凡例》:“历代名医,选艺各有所长。”   ㈡(zhǎng,音掌)   ①生长,增长。《素问·上古天真论》:“丈夫八岁,肾气实,发长齿。”   ②养育。《素问·太阴阳明论》:“脾者土也,治中央,常以四时长四脏。”   ③首位,首要。《素问·风论》:“故风者百病之长也。”   ④年高。《素问·示从容论》:“夫年长则求之于府,年少则求之于经。”   ⑤指夏令长养之气。《素问·四气调神大论》:“逆之则伤肝,夏为寒变,奉长者少。”   ⑶(zhàng,音帐)多余,剩余。《本草纲目·序》:“解其装,无长物,有《本草纲目》数十卷。”