1.Differentiation of the Relationship Between and Related Problems of "Xiangbang" and "Chengxiang" as Official Titles in the Qin Dynasty秦相邦与丞相之关系及相关问题辨析

1.Differentiation of the Relationship Between and Related Problems of "Xiangbang" and "Chengxiang" as Official Titles in the Qin Dynasty秦相邦与丞相之关系及相关问题辨析
2.the 48 contiguous states of the Union.联邦中互相毗邻的48个州
3.Cliff and Bonnie have known each other for two years.克里夫和邦妮彼此相识已有两年了。
4.He also directed federal agencies to cooperate with each other,他还要求联邦各机构互相合作,
5.the political orientation of a utopian who believes in impossibly idealistic schemes social perfection.相信乌托邦或理想社会的政治倾向。
6.Each one corresponds to a particular federal branch.每种都与一个特定的联邦部门相联系。
7."Zeng hou qing xiang zhong,cai ye gu bang yan":the discussion of Zeng Huai's achievement“曾侯卿相种,才业固邦彦”——曾怀事迹论略
8.British:Of or relating to the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth of Nations.英国的,英联邦的:英国的或英联邦的或与之相关的。
9.Of or relating to the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth of Nations.英国的,英联邦的英国的或英联邦的或与之相关的
10.A Dispute about Universal Values between Utopia and Practopia--Review and Reflections of the Relative Literature普世价值:乌托邦与实托邦的对话——一种对相关文献的综述与思考
11.However, as he reached maturity, Bandit became more difficult to live with.然而到成年后,邦迪特就变得难以相处了。
12.It was the scene of battles fought in 203 B.C. between Liu Pang, King of Han, and Hsiang Yu, King of Chu.公元前二○三年,汉王刘邦和楚王项羽曾相持于此。
13.a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government.与联邦政府形式相对的中央集权政府形式。
14.A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.相距极远的两国开始了一种亲睦的邦交。
15.Technical reformation for liquid dowtherm spraying system of DuPont process杜邦工艺液相导生喷淋系统技改的探讨
16.The Propaganda War of Chu and Han:Research on Liu Bang s Propaganda Activities;楚汉相争中的宣传战——汉高祖刘邦传播活动研究
17.Disposal of asbestos and asbestos related products should comply with local, state and federal laws and regulations.石棉及其相关产品的处置应该遵守当地、州和联邦法律和相关规定。
18.person who represent a commonwealth country in another commonwealth country, have the same rank and the same duties as an ambassador在一个英联邦国家代表另一个英联邦国家和大使有同样职责和有相同级别的人

New Study on "Shangxiangbang Xi"Inscriptions on Seal"上相邦鑈"新考
1.Seismic Exploration Effect of Thin Coal Strata in Zhengbang Well of Juye Coal Mine in Shandong Province;山东巨野煤田正邦井田薄煤层区地震勘探效果
5)slope enlargement扩邦
1.Good quality and high efficiency can ha reached with proper arrangement of hole drilling, blast, in/out ditches, drainage, initial slope enlargement, replacement of old and new in /on[ ditches and relation between various work.在时间上;空间上,技术上合理安排掘沟的穿爆,出入沟、排水、初期扩邦,以及新旧出入沟的接替,理顺各项工作之间的关系,可达到掘沟的优质、高效。
6)l glutamine monofluorophosphate固邦
1.AIM To evaluate whether l glutamine monofluorophosphate(MFP) together with Alendronate sodium may further increase bone mass in ovariectomized rats.目的 观察特乐定与固邦联合用药是否对大鼠骨骼产生增强疗效的作用。

相邦  先秦官名。简称相。战国时百官中最高者。春秋时,相本为君主或贵族行礼时的赞礼者。据《仪礼》、《礼记》记载,凡饮酒礼、射礼、丧礼中都有相或相者主持有关礼仪。国君外出,亦有相跟随左右,如鲁定公和齐君在夹谷相会,即以孔子为相。春秋时,贵族家中之家宰也称为家相。家相主贵族家室之事,故也称为相室。战国初年,有些国家的卿大夫因掌握大权而渐渐变为有国之君,作为他们亲信的相室便成为邦国之相,相邦由此得名。    据《史记》所记,战国初年最先设置相的是三晋等国。而后,其他各国亦先后置相。相邦之名唯见于铜器铭文,如赵的一些铜矛、铜剑上刻有"相邦建信君"和"相邦春平侯"的铭记。中山国的铜钫铭中有中山国相邦赒之名。赵的铜器铭刻中还有"守相"一名,当是摄相之意。    古籍中仅见相国或相。《战国策》、《韩非子》及山东临沂银雀山所出竹简本战国人作品《王兵篇》都提到过相国。《史记》中关于七国相国的记载尤多,如称张仪为秦惠王相,又说秦昭王时魏冉为相国。但在铜器铭文中,只有相邦仪和相邦冉。又《史记》言吕不韦为相国,而作于秦始皇三年、四年、五年、七年、八年的铜戈铭文上有"相邦吕不韦"。铜器铭文中从不见有相国之名,唯古籍作相国,可能是汉代人因避汉高祖刘邦之讳而改"邦"为"国"所致。         三晋等国以国相为相邦,而秦于相邦外又置丞相,《史记·秦本纪》记载,武王二年(前309),初置丞相。以樗里疾、甘茂为左、右丞相。四川青川出土的秦武王二年木牍上,即有"丞相戊、内史匽",证明《史记》的记载可信。但秦相邦、丞相交替设置,二者非同时并存。据《史记》所记,魏、燕等国也有丞相,其详不得而知。楚在战国时仍置令尹以总百官,但《战国策》、《韩非子》均有"州侯相楚"之语,或者相仍是指的令尹。战国时有的国家以太宰为执政,于是宰和相也可连在一起称为"宰相"。    相邦是助王治理国政的高官,既要综理百事,又要依百官之功过而进行赏罚,掌握了不小的权力。但他们的地位并不稳固,只要不称职或是触犯了君主,随时可以被免除职务。