1)SMS[英][,es em 'es][美]['?s '?m '?s]短消息服务
1.Research and Development of SMS Gateway in OPC-based DCS;基于OPC监控系统的短消息服务网关的研究与开发
2.Design and Implementation of Common SMS Application Platform Based on JMS;基于JMS的通用短消息服务应用平台CSAP的设计与实现
3.Aiming at the problem of scarcity of information acquiring system at present in precise agriculture, this paper discussed and put forward a system based on embedment as Linux system, also integrated the GPS and GSM (SMS) technologies to implement the basic structure of the agricultural information acquiring system and the design of software and hardware.针对当前精准农业中实用型数据采集系统匮乏的问题,提出了一种基于嵌入式Linux系统,并结合GPS技术、GSM短消息服务(SMS)实现农业数据采集系统的基本结构和软硬件设计,重点分析了uClinux的移植、嵌入式系统、GPS模块和GSM模块的通信等关键技术,解决了农业信息采集问题,从而更好地为精准农业生产服务。

1.Establishment of SMS platform for the college using GSM modem;应用GSM短消息服务构建学院短信平台
2.Message undeliverable. You must first subscribe to the SMS feature through your carrier.\0无法递送短消息。您必须首先通过服务商获得短消息服务功能。\0
3.Message undeliverable. You must first subscribe to the SMS feature through your carrier.无法递送短消息。您必须首先通过服务商获得短消息服务功能。
4.Research about Application of Short Message Service Based on, Mobile Computing;基于移动计算的短消息服务应用研究
5.Applied Research of Mobile Telephone Short Message Service(SMS) on Hospital Services;手机短消息服务(SMS)在医院服务上的应用研究
6.Message undeliverable. Make sure the SMS address was entered correctly and try again.\0无法递送短消息。请确保短消息服务地址输入正确,然后再试。\0
7.Message undeliverable. Make sure the SMS address was entered correctly and try again.无法递送短消息。请确保短消息服务地址输入正确,然后再试。
8.Development of GIS Short Data Service System for Beijing 800MHz Digital Trunked Radio Network;北京800MHz无线政务网GIS短消息服务系统的开发
9.SMS, or short messaging service, has been given its own appendix.词典专门增设了SMS(即手机短消息服务)用语附录。
10.M-Learning : Based-on Short Message Service of Mobile Phone;基于手机短消息服务的移动学习系统方案
11.Total Frame of the Design of Developing General Short Message Service Terrace;通用短消息服务开发平台设计的总体框架
12.Design and Implementation of Common SMS Application Platform Based on JMS;基于JMS的通用短消息服务应用平台CSAP的设计与实现
13.A Novel Scheme of Short Message Service for Mobile Number Portability Based on Virtual Node一种基于虚拟节点的移动号码携带短消息服务解决方案
14.While Microsoft and AOL compete directly in such areas as dial-up access, instant messaging, and interactive TV, there are many others where they don't.一方面,微软和AOL在拨号上网、短消息服务和互动电视等领域短兵相接;
15.Application of Mobile Short Message Service in the Service after Blood Donation移动短消息业务在献血服务中的应用
16.Your message could not be delivered. Try sending the message again or contact your customer service center if the problem persists.短消息未送达。请重试发送短消息。如果问题依旧,请与客户服务联系。
17.The Design and Implementation of Instant Messaging Server Converged Short Message Capability;融合短信能力的即时消息服务器设计与实现
18.Your SMS message cannot be sent. Contact your customer service center for more information.无法发送您的短消息。请与您的客户服务中心联系以获得详细信息。

short message service短消息服务
1.Study on mobile work system based on short message service(SMS);基于短消息服务(SMS)的移动办公系统
2.With GSM Modem and computer,which connected with each other through serial port,an office online system based on short message service is designed by short message service applications in network office automation.短消息服务(SMS)在信息产业中占据越来越重要的位置。
3)Short Message Service(SMS)短消息服务
1.In this system,the component oriented technology of GIS,MapInfo s MapX component and technology of Short Message Service(SMS) text message were adopted.采用组件式GIS技术,运用MapInfo公司的MapX组件,以及短消息服务(SMS)通信技术,实现了对环境污染的数据采集、车载实时监测和紧急事故的应急处理。
2.The solution of short message service(SMS) for mobile number portability(MNP) based on signal relay foundation successfully implemented in many countries and areas is analysed.对当今世界主流的基于信令中继的移动号码携带(MNP)短消息服务解决方案进行了分析,并针对其不足提出了一种新的MNP短消息服务解决方案。
4)short message service(SMS)短消息服务(SMS)
5)short message service(SMS) platform短消息服务平台
1.Based on the probes into the normal function and structure of short message service(SMS) platform,a SMS platform oriented to intelligent public transport travel service is proposed in this paper,consists of the normal need definition of public transport travel,the protocol of need short message and the working mechanism of the platform.概要:讨论了短消息服务平台的一般功能和架构,设计了一个基于短消息服务的公交出行信息服务平台,定义了其中的公交出行需求、公交出行需求短消息协议以及服务平台运行机制。
1.Research of Multi-dimensional Enhanced Schedule Technology in SMSC Based on QoS;基于QoS优化的短消息服务中心多维智能调度策略研究
2.As a Short Message Service Center (SMSC), one of the core components of the network, whether it can run properly and keep a quantitative and qualitative state of the work under a intense load pressure, often is the key to a short evaluation of the networks.作为短消息网络的核心部件之一,短消息服务中心能否在强负荷状态下保质保量地工作运行,往往是评价一个短消息网络好坏的关键。

服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义  服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义国际服务贸易的政策和措施。在国际贸易中,服务贸易占1/3,西方发达国家服务出口占世界服务出口的80%。20世纪80年代以来,贸易保护主义盛行和债务危机加深,发展中国家工业制成品也越来越具有竞争力,发达国家就越来越重视服务贸易出口,并积极倡导服务贸易自由化。1986年9月关贸总协定乌拉圭回合《部长宣言》提出建立服务贸易原则和条例的多边框架,在提高透明度和逐步自由化的条件下扩大服务贸易,促进所有贸易伙伴的经济发展及国家的进步。服务贸易保护主义是在世界性经济萧条、服务市场竞争激烈的情况下,各国为了自己的利益,对服务贸易采取逐步实行的政策。尤其是服务业不甚发达的发展中国家更是如此,如阿拉伯国家为了保护阿拉伯国家利益,多次召开区域性国际会议,制定保护阿拉伯国家利益,限制外国承包商的法令和措施。西方发达国家一面倡导服务贸易自由化,同时对发展中国家劳动密集型服务贸易实行严格限制,如美国限制外籍普通服务人员入境,西欧各国近几年辞退发展中国家服务人员多达几万人。