1.The Mechanized Cultivation Technique of Glycyrrhiza uralensis at Hexi Area;河西地区甘草机械化栽培技术
2.Thinking about the Construction and Ecological Layout of Nanjing Hexi Central Business District;南京河西CBD生态规划的思考
3.The Study on Extending Areas of Winter Wheat in Hexi Corridor;河西绿洲灌区扩种冬小麦防沙固尘引种研究

1.far up the western branches of the Mississippi.一直延伸到密西西比河西部各支流。
2.Name the states west of the Mississippi!命名密西西比河西部的州。
3.Mississippi Steamboat Days密西西比河的汽船年代
4.a tributary of the Mississippi River.密西西比河的一条支流。
5.a large catfish of the Mississippi valley.密西西比河中的大鲶鱼。
6.Life on the Mississippi密西西比河上的生活
7.The High Bridge crosses the Mississippi.大桥横跨在密西西比河。
8.The boundary between Shanxi and Shaanxi is the Huanghe River.山西和陕西以黄河为界。
9.fish of the lower Mississippi.密西西比河下游的鱼。
10.The Mississippi River has always been a freight carrier.密西西比河一向都是一条货运河流。
11.The missouri river be the chief tributary of the mississippi密苏里河是密西西比河的主要支流
12.The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi.密苏里河是密西西比河的主要支流。
13.The Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.密西西比河是世界上最长的河流之一,
14.Zambezi River Basin Project (Zambezi Project)赞比西河流域项目(赞比西河项目)
15.The Ohio River is one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River .俄亥俄河是密西西比河的一条支流。
16.The region of the United States west of the Mississippi River.西部地区美国密西西比河以西的地区
17.the region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River.美国位于密西西比河以西的区域。
18.The Mississippi rolls south to the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河滔滔地向南流入墨西哥湾。

Hexi region河西
1.The utilization of N-fertilizer and P-fertilizer is inefficient in the Hexi region.河西三地区氮、磷肥利用率较低 ,在整个作物生长期间 ,有 60~ 80 %的氮肥未被当季作物吸收利用而通过水、气进入环境。
2.After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty,the Hexi region was developed and managed as an important strategic base.隋朝建立后,为进一步解除来自于西北的突厥和吐谷浑的强大威胁,进而开通西域,安抚诸夷,保障丝路贸易,将河西作为重要的战略基地,全力以赴进行经营。
3)Hexi Corridor河西
1.Religion and Faith Based Archeological Material During Wei-Jin and Sixteen States Period:Taking Hexi Corridor as an Example;考古所见魏晋十六国时期的宗教信仰——以河西走廊为例
2.further more,we will face many contradictories to adjust the industrial structure of Hexi corridor.农业是改革开放 2 0年河西致富的经济增长点 ,但农业的发展是以损害生态环境为代价的。
4)the West River西河
1.On the Relation between the Event of Qi's Conquest of the West River and the Location of that River in the Xia Dynasty启征西河与夏代西河地望
5)inland river in Hexi region河西内陆河
1.Influnce of flow in inland river in Hexi regions on surface heat intension on Tibetan Plateau;河西内陆河流量对高原加热场强度的响应
6)Mississippi river密西西比河
1.Mark Twain and the Mississippi River;马克·吐温与密西西比河
2.This paper introduced the development and standardization for river of EU and USA, especially about shipping modernization on Mississippi river and Rhine river, which promoted of ship standardization.本文介绍了美国和欧盟国家在内河航运开发建设中的成功经验,特别是密西西比河和莱茵河航道和船闸的现代化建设,促进了船型标准化。
3.In fact,Twain treats Mississippi River,as epitome of femininity and almost exhausts description for it.许多女性主义批评家质疑马克吐温在《哈克贝利费恩历险记》一书中对女性角色的描写不够充分,但马克吐温实际上将这条河流视为女性特质的缩影并对其进行了大篇幅的描写,使贯穿整部小说始终的密西西比河具有了女性的纯洁和母性表征。
