1.Reflections on the achievement of the afforestation objectives in Hunan;关于实现湖南跨世纪造林绿化目标的思考
2.Raising Quality on Mountains, Increasing Green in Plain, Sciencific Advancement of Afforestation "One Big and Four Small" Project山上提质、山下增绿,科学推进造林绿化“一大四小”工程
3.Role of "One Big and Four Small" Afforestation Project on the Construction of New Socialist Countryside造林绿化“一大四小”工程在社会主义新农村建设中的作用

1.-- Achievements have been made in afforestation.--造林绿化取得成效。
2.Thinking of Afforestation "One Big and Four Small" and Forestry Industry Development造林绿化“一大四小”与林业产业发展的思考
3.Discussion on Operational Design for Precisely Afforestation in Urban Visual Mountain Surface城市面山精准化造林绿化作业设计探讨
4.Reflections on the achievement of the afforestation objectives in Hunan;关于实现湖南跨世纪造林绿化目标的思考
5.The Ecological Construction of Mine Area should stick to Pollution Control/Emission Reduction and Afforestation矿区生态建设应坚持治污减排与造林绿化
6.Thinking about Bidding Implementation in Afforestation Engineering Project in Yunnan云南省造林绿化工程项目实行招投标的思考
7.Problems And Suggestions Of Forestation And Greening In Heilongjiang Province浅谈我省造林绿化工作存在的问题和建议
8.Raises quality of forest on the mountain, Increases area of forest on the plain, science advancement afforestation “one big and four small” project山上提质、山下增绿,科学推进造林绿化“一大四小”工程
9.Afforestation and Greening to Build the New Socialist Countryside--The Survey in Comprehensive Forestry Development in Youyu County of Shanxi Province;造林绿化 建设新农村——山西省右玉县全面发展林业的调查
10.The Photo-Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism of 4 Offorestal Trees in the Loess Plateau;黄土高原4种造林绿化树种光合产物形成的生理生化机制研究
11.4. Rural women have thrown themselves into afforesting and constructing ecological environment, hence pushing the sustainable development of agriculture.农村妇女投身造林绿化和生态环境建设,推动了农业可持续发展
12.Studies on the Characteristics of Water Consumption and Drought Resistance of 14 Tree Species in Shandong;山东省14个造林绿化树种蒸腾耗水性与抗旱性的研究
13.Positioning of Afforestation "One Big and Four Small" Project in the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone造林绿化“一大四小”工程在鄱阳湖生态经济区中的定位
14.Selection of Suitable Tree Species and Operation Mode for the Construction of "One Big and Four Small" Afforestation Project造林绿化“一大四小”工程建设适宜树种的选择及经营模式初探
15.Plant trees everywhere and make our country green in the interest of future generations.植树造林,绿化祖国,造福后代。
16.Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点
17.For the beautification program, trees were planted in a combined area of 4.72 million hectare throughout the country.全国完成绿化造林472万公顷。
18.Study on Green Afforestation Techniques in Zhoushan City for Saline Soil;舟山市海滨盐碱地绿化造林技术初探

afforestation and land greening造林绿化
1.In order to consolidate the achievement of afforestation and land greening,and to strengthen the work of land greening, analyses and discussions are given to the developmental course, roles, current status and existing problems of the forestry with nonpublicownerships in Fengnan district of Tangshan city,based on some surveys.为更好地巩固造林绿化成果,加快绿化步伐,在调查的基础上,对唐山市丰南区非公有制林业的发展历程、作用、现状、存在问题进行了分析探讨,认为非公有制林业在唐山市丰南区造林绿化中发挥了重要作用,促进了造林绿化投资结构的多元化和投资渠道的社会化,使责权利关系清晰,便于森林资源的经营、管理和保护,实现了造林绿化和集体经济,经济效益和社会效益"多赢"。
1.Study on the microclimate effect of forestation in coal waste piles;煤矿矸石山绿化造林的小气候效应
2.The Study on the Environment Effect Improvement of Forestation in Coal Wasting Piles;绿化造林改善矸石山生态环境效应的研究
5)stoming fortifications of afforestation造林绿化攻坚
6)"one big and four small" afforestation project造林绿化"一大四小"工程

《中国主要树种造林技术》《中国主要树种造林技术》Planting Technique of Major Trees in China  zhongguo zhuyao shuzhong zaol一nJ一shu《中国主要树种造林技术》(Planting Techniq讹of Md~jorZ入汪活in China)论述中国主要树种的造林技术和经验的专著。该书是在当时的中国农林科学院、南京林产工业学院和农业出版社统一组织支持下编写的,是一本优秀的集体著作。有27个省、市(自治区)的林业部门、基层生产单位、科学研究单位、农林院校和有关部门的领导干部、工人和专业人员共2(X〕多个单位500余人直接参加编写工作。 该书内容丰富,包括全国各地的用材树种、经济树种和固沙水土保持树种共210个主要的造林树种,其中绝大多数是中国乡土速生和珍贵优良树种,也有少量从国外引种,经过实践验证适于中国栽培的优良树种。对于这些树种均分别扼要地介绍了形态特征、分布地区、适生条件、生物学特性和生长发育过程。特别着重地叙述了适地适树、选育良种、培育壮苗、造林方法、抚育管理和主要病虫害防治等技术。它总结了中国广大人民群众在植树造林中创造的丰富经验和造林技术,并加以提高和理论化。它的出版标志着中国造林技术发展进人一个新的阶段,反映着中国造林技术的先进水平,是一本权威性著作,成为中国营林工作者必读书。它有效地指导全国造林生产,推广各地主要树种造林经验和技术,对提高科学造林的技术水平,推动造林事业的发展均起到了积极作用。(赖世登)