1.Dynamics of soil animals during decomposition of Korean pine stump.;红松伐根分解过程中土壤动物动态
2.Fungi s dynamic development during the period of Populus davidiana stump decomposition in the broadleaved-Korean pine forests;阔叶红松林山杨伐根分解过程中真菌动态研究
3.The dynamic of soil animals in the decomposing process of Quercus mongolica stump;蒙古栎伐根分解过程中土壤动物动态

1.Estimation Method for Standing Tree Volume of Poplar By using Stump利用伐根估算杨树立木材积方法研究
2.The Research of Robot Design Theory and Practical Technique for Excavating Stump;伐根清理机器人设计理论与应用技术的研究
3.Dynamic of Soil Animals during the Stump Decomposition of Broad-leave Korean Pine Forest;阔叶红松林伐根分解过程中土壤动物动态
4.A Discussion on the Degradation of CWD and Stump Debris;试述粗木质残体及伐根分解的研究进展
5.The nutrient dynamic research of the Korean pine stump decomposition in the pine broadleaf forest阔叶红松林红松伐根分解过程养分动态研究
6.The pattern of woody increments can be readily observed on stumps and on the ends of cut sections of tree stems.在伐根上和在树干截面上,可以迅速观察出木材生长量的形状。
7.Study on Decomposition Process of Main Tree Species Stumps in Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest in Changbai Mountain;长白山地区阔叶红松林主要树种伐根分解过程研究
8.Influence of Decayed Stump in Betula platyphylla Plantation on Soil Temperature in Gap人工林白桦伐根腐朽程度对林隙内土壤温度的影响
9.For mature timber stands, the approaches of selection cutting, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting成熟的用材林应当根据不同情况,分别采取择伐、皆伐和渐伐方式,
10.Global Workshop on Addressing the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and forest Degradation森林砍伐和退化的根本原因全球讲习班
11.The fungus can persist in stumps and roots for many years.这种真菌宿存于树木的伐桩和根系中许多年。
12."Extermination is good doctrine, my wife," said Defarge, rather troubled; "in general, I say nothing against it.“斩草除根是个好理论,老婆,”德伐日颇感到为难,“大体说来我并不反对。
13.The application of traditional treatment with Puerarin combined Simvastatin in the treatment of unstable angina传统治疗加葛根素联合辛伐他汀在治疗不稳定型心绞痛中的应用
14.Investigation on Species and Distribution of Borer Pests in Diseased Stumps of Pine Wood Nematode松材线虫病疫木伐桩(根)蛀干害虫种类及分布调查
15.One hour later, it was "more than 20 li", which seemed about right given the pace at which we were walking.一小时之后,还剩“20多里”,根据我们走路的步伐长短,这一里数看来是对的。
16.Article 29 In compliance with the principle that the consumption of timber shall be lower than the growth, the State shall impose strict controls over the annual forest cutting volume.第二十九条 国家根据用材林的消耗量低于生长量的原则,严格控制森林年采伐量。
17.In compliance with the principle that the consumption of timber shall be lower than the growth, the State shall impose strict controls over the annual forest cutting volume.国家根据用材林的消耗量低于生长量的原则,严格控制森林年采伐量
18.Every country will work out its own political system and decide upon its own pace of democratization according to its own situation.每一个国家,一定会根据自己的国情,制订出自己的政治制度和民主步伐。

stump grafting伐根嫁接
1.On stump grafting techniques of Populus tomentosa;毛白杨伐根嫁接繁殖技术研究
2.Effect analysis of stump grafting technique of Populus euramericana clone 74/76 ;欧美107杨伐根嫁接法造林技术与效果分析
3)eliminating roots伐根清理
1.This paper introduces basic structure and main function of the eliminating roots robot,deduces manipulator’s kinematics equation by using homogeneous transform,kinematics analyses in view of four steps which need servo control in the working program and static force calculates one of them to find theoretic foundation for design of its control system.介绍了伐根清理机器人的基本构造与主要功能,通过齐次变换导出机械手的运动方程式。
4)Stumps of Cathay Popular青杨伐根
5)the degradation of stump伐根分解
6)Cutting root height伐根高度
