1.Experiment on the aerial spray of Sendebao wettable powder against Dendrolimus punctatus;飞机喷施森得保可湿性粉剂防治马尾松毛虫试验
2.Study onEffect of Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) Aerial-control by Sendebao Biological Agent in Large Scale to Cross over Winter;森得保制剂大面积飞防越冬代马尾松毛虫效果研究
3.Efficacy of Sendebao against Hyssia adusta draudt in the Forest;森得保粉剂防治蕉艺夜蛾的药效试验

1.Efficacy of Sendebao Powder Against Dendrolimus latipenis Walker in the Forest森得保林间喷粉防治柳杉毛虫药效试验
2.Effects of Sedebao on the Insect Community Diversity of Schima superba's Stands森得保粉剂对木荷林昆虫多样性的影响
3.Experiment on the Toxicity of Sendebao Against Dendrolimus punctatus and Hyssia adusta in the Forest森得保粉剂防治马尾松毛虫和焦艺夜蛾药效试验
4.Chapter Three Forest Protection             第三章 森林保护
5.Some environmentalists worry that if cork starts to lose it's value, the cork oak forests of Europe will no longer be protected.一些环保人士担心软木塞开始失去价值,欧洲的软木橡树森林不再得到保护。
6.Every time I come here I'm going to get a chill.我每次来这都觉得这里阴森森的。
7.NFRC = National Forest Reservation Commission国家森林保护委员会
8.official conservation(of forests,etc)政府(对森林等)的保护.
9.We need to preserve the forest.我们需要保护这片森林。
10.forest cover and watershed protection;森林覆盖和流域保护;
11.Nathan gasped in shock.内森惊吓得只喘粗气。
12.Allen Iverson was held to only 23 points.艾佛森受限只得到23分。
13.Carson PetersPersonnel人事处卡森·彼得斯
14.You will have a breath that will carry through the forest.你得一口气穿过森林。
15.The legitimate rights and interests of the owners and the users of the forests, trees and woodlands shall be protected by the law; no organization and private individual shall be allowed to encroach them.森林、林木、林地的所有者和使用者的合法权益,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯
16.The legitimate rights and interests of the owners and the users of the forests, trees and woodlands shall be protected by the law; no organization and private individual shall such rights and interests.森林、林木、林地的所有者和使用者的合法权益,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。
17.Great Britain's Jonathan Edwards,the world record holder finished first in the men's triple jump with a leap of 17.6 metres.在男子三级跳远赛中,世界纪录保持者、英国选手约那森·爱德华兹以17.6米的成绩获得冠军。
18.Though China has made remarkable achievement in artificial forest creation, such forests have not substantially protected the biodiversity, because of the monotony of the kind of such forests.加之人工林林种单一,虽然部分地区森林覆盖率较高,但生物多样性却没有得到很好的保护。

Sendebao Ⅱ森得保Ⅱ
1.Primary Report of Control Effect of Sendebao Ⅱ on Pine Moth;“森得保Ⅱ”防治松毛虫试验研究初报
3)Wettable powder of Sendebao森得保可湿性粉剂
4)Peterson graph彼得森图
1.The Control Effect of 2.5% Bulldock EC to Heliothis armigeraHübner and Heliothis assulta Guenée in Field;2.5%保得乳油对棉铃虫和烟青虫田间药效试验
1.SHERWOOD ANDERSON and Spiritual Awakening in His Short Stories;舍伍得·安得森与其短篇小说中的精神顿悟及其现实意义

保罗·安·萨默尔森  保罗·安·萨默尔森,1915年出生于美国印第安纳州,现任麻省理工学院教授。主要经历如下:1935年芝加哥大学学士1936年哈佛大学硕士1941年哈佛大学博士1940年任麻省理工学院经济学助理教授1944年任麻省理工学院经济学副教授1947年任麻省理工学院经济学教授1955年任麻省理工学院客座教授1945年任弗莱契法律与外交学院(FletcherSchoolofLawandDiplomacy)国际经济关系教授保罗·安·萨默尔森的研究涉及经济学的全部领域,经过多年的研究,特别是发展了数理和动态经济理论,将经济科学提高到新的水平。为此1970年获得诺贝尔经济学奖。重要著作:《经济分析基础》(FoundationsofEconomicAnalysis)《经济学》(Economics)《线性规划写经济分析》(LinearProgrammingandEconomicAnalysis),与多夫曼(Dorfman)及索洛合著。《经济学文选》(ReadingsinEconomics)《萨缪尔森科学论文选》(TheCollectedScientificPapersofPaulA.Samuelson)