1.The change of the material was measured and analysed by using differential scanning calorimetry after decay.研究了人工模拟菌类条件下塑木复合材重量的变化情况,采用差示扫描量热技术对腐朽后的塑木复合材进行了检测分析,并进行了扫描电镜的观察试验。
2.The decay in each wood component was observed and classified after having been measured by FAKOPP.采用应力波测定仪对西藏古建筑上的腐朽与虫蛀木构件进行无损检测和目测腐朽观察,并将两种结果进行比较。
3.Wood species identification and study on variation of chemical components along decay and MOR of ancient wood structure in the Imperial Palace were conducted in this paper.本研究以故宫武英殿的几种主要木构件为研究对象,在进行树种鉴定,划分腐朽等级并测定其抗弯强度的基础上,以不同抗弯强度的健康材和不同腐朽程度腐朽材为依据进行分类,分别对其化学成分的含量变化进行了测定并进行了木材结构的显微观察分析。

1.To infect with corruption or decay.使腐败传染腐化或腐朽
2.Both species occured on rotten angiosperm wood,and caused a white rot.这两种木材腐朽菌均生长在阔叶树腐朽木上,造成木材白色腐朽
3.Biological Characters of Wood Rot Fungi and Decay Capacity to Betulla Platiphilla and Gene Differential Display几种木材腐朽菌对白桦木材的腐朽腐朽中基因表达初探
4.They too will be changed from mortal people to immortal beings.他们也将从腐朽的人变成不朽的人。
5.A source of spreading corruption or decay.腐败的原因传布腐败或腐朽的根源
6.The timber has rotted.这些木材已经腐朽了。
7.I should like to speak about the tendency towards degeneration and corruption.再讲一讲蜕化腐朽思想。
8.otherwise, the Party will become decadent.如果不整,党确实要腐朽
9.He stressed the corruptions of sin.他强调了罪恶的腐朽
10.By nature trees do rot when they are grown.树长大了自然要腐朽
11.The body is corruptible but the spirit is incorruptible.肉体会腐败,但精神不腐朽
12.Don't you think it passes on to children the corrupting values of a corrupt society?难道你不认为电视传递了这个腐朽社会的腐朽思想吗?
13.It must be accepted that wood is perishable.众所周知,木材是容易腐朽的。
14.The wasting process of erosion.侵蚀作用的逐渐腐朽过程
15.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.一个好教师具有化腐朽为神奇的力量。
16.For if the darkness and corruption leave因为假如黑暗和腐朽之余
17.We are mortal because of Adam's dis- obedience to God's laws.我们腐朽是因为亚当违反了神的律法。
18.Fungal-decay can, in fact, originate within the standing tree.菌腐朽可起源于立木阶段。

1.In a word,the corruption of the political power, the hopelesness of resurgence,the slackness of the army,the weakness of the national power,the sharpness of the social conflicts and the decentra.南宋初期 ,政权腐朽 ,高宗无意中兴 ,军政涣散 ,力量薄弱 ,社会矛盾突出 ,统治力量分散 ,是高宗退避妥协政策的原
5)wood decay木材腐朽
6)incipient decay初期腐朽
1.Fungi can cause dramatic decreases in strength properties during incipient decay in wood, because they can rapidly cause structural failure, even though the weight loss is minimal.生物培养和显微镜观察被认为是目前唯一权威的用来检测和评估木材初期腐朽的方法,但这些方法很难对木材的初期腐朽进行快速、准确地评估。
