1.Preliminary Report on Regression Model of Standing Trunk Volume Corelateted with Fresh Weight of Alnus cremastogyne;桤木立木主干材积与鲜重的回归模型初报
2.Report on the recognition characters of eight borers in the trunk and limb of Castane mollissima, happening at large comparatively in Shangrao district, and apply for the research of woods pests.本文对上饶市板栗主干和枝干部8种常见钻蛀性害虫的林间识别特征进行了描述,供林间虫害调查识别应用。
3.The relationship between trunk and lateral branch of Populus tomentosa Carr.研究分析了文安县境内27a生毛白杨侧枝直径与主干直径的相差关系。

1.dual three-lane trunk road双程三线分隔主干
2.a main that distributes electricity.一种用来输电的主干
3.The stem of a bean plant.豆茎豆类植物的主干
4.To cut down the timber of.伐木把…的主干砍下
5.(of mosses) having the archegonia at the top of the stem.(苔藓)主干顶端有颈卵器。
6.Very High Speed Backbone Network Service甚高速主干网络服务(
7.A pipe having a hollow stem.芦笛主干中空的管乐器
8.Who will win the battle for the backbones?谁能赢得主干网之战?
9.A main body, apart from tributaries or appendages.主干除从属物或附属物外的主体
10.On Reconstructing National Mainstream Spirit by Relying on Confucianism;评“以儒学为主干重建民族主流精神”论
11.senior humanitarian affairs officer高级人道主义事务干事
12.The trunk and limbs weighed 29,500kg.树干和主枝重29,500公斤。
13.What use is imperialism?要帝国主义干什么?
14.having no trunk or main part.没有躯干或者主要部分。
15.non-interventionist industrial policy不干预主义的工业政策
16.The toast was duly drunk.宾主照例祝酒干杯。
17.associate humanitarian affairs officer人道主义事务协理干事
18.interventionist foreign policy干涉主义的外交政策

3)English subject-predicate structure主谓主干
1.This article proposes that the translation from Chinese complex sentences into English be based on Chinese comprehension and observe English subject-predicate structure.本文从汉英长句表层结构差异及深层意义差异出发,提出汉语长句英译的关键在于正确理解原文,找准语义重心,从而正确确立英译文的主谓主干
4)Major courses主干课程
1.It also puts forward the direaction and new structure of architechtural art teaching,and gives suggestions concerning the establishment of the major courses in architectural art teaching system.分析了建筑美术教学的地位及现状 ,提出了建筑美术教学的方向及新结构 ,并对建筑美术教学体系的主干课程的设置提出了建
5)main fracture主干断层
1.Large amount of geological material was studied with statistics and geomechanics method,and the distribution law of factures in Cuijiagou mine has been found out:the main fractures are along NNE and SN directions,other small fractures are controlled by the main fractures.利用统计分析、相关因素、地质力学分析方法对崔家沟井生产中积累的大量实际地质资料进行分析研究 ,找出了崔家沟井田范围内断层发育展布的规律 ,即近SN向及NNE向断层是本区的主干断层 ,共它小断层为其派生产物 ,小断层的展布受主干断层的控制。
6)Primary Trunk Die Cavity主干型腔

主干1.主体部分,起决定作用的人物或力量。 2.专负某种职责的官吏。 3.主要干部的简称。 4.植物的主茎。