人工造林,artificial afforestation
1)artificial afforestation人工造林
1.Preliminary report on community characteristics and artificial afforestation of Delavaya toxocarpa in karst area of Guangxi广西岩溶地区茶条木群落特征与人工造林研究初报
2.Annual runoff amount of river basin is a significant basis for water resources evaluation and its allocation in reason,while the water reduction function of artificial afforestation is a foundation of estimating influences of soil and water conservation on annual runoff amount.流域年径流量是水资源评价与合理配置利用的重要依据,而人工造林的减水作用又是估算水土保持对河川年径流量影响的基础。

1.Status of Artificial Timber Forest Constriction and Its Future Development;用材林人工造林的现状及今后的发展
2.The artificial afforestation area is 4.388 million hectares, and the afforestation area by the plane is 911000 hectares.其中人工造林438.8万公顷,飞播造林91.1万公顷。
3.China's Afforested Area Comes First in the World中国人工造林面积居世界首位
4.Effects of Reforestation on Species Diversity and Soil Fertility;人工造林对植物多样性及土壤肥力的影响
5.Analysis on Current Situation of Artificial Forestation in Jinghong City and Existing Problems景洪市近年人工造林状况及存在问题分析
6.Study on Soil Physic Characters Changes with Plantation in Datong大通县人工造林对土壤物理性状影响的研究
7.Survey on the Afforesting Effect of Pinus Armandi Plantation in Sichuan Huili County四川会理县华山松人工造林成效初步研究
8.Study on Approach to Selection for Reforestation Sites by ArcGIS Software基于ArcGIS进行人工造林地块的选择方法研究
9.Effect of Adverse Climatic Conditions on Artificial Afforestation in Zhangwu Sandy Area彰武沙区不良气候条件对人工造林的影响
10.Ecological Functions and Processes in Successive Replanting Stand and Natural Regrowth Following Fallow on Clear-cutting Forestland of Chinese Fir Plantations Ecosystem;杉木林采伐迹地人工造林与自然恢复的生态功能过程研究
11.The Characteristics and the Ways of Cultivated Pinus sylvestris Forest in Forest Zone of Daxingan Mountains of Inner Mongolian内蒙古大兴安岭林区樟子松人工造林的特点与方式
12.Study on Forest Hydrological Effects and Optimal Afforest Models of Artificial Water Conservation Forest人工水源涵养林水文效应与优化造林研究
13.Evaluation on Site Quality of Plantation in Mountainous Area in Southeast of Inner Mongolia内蒙古东南部山地人工林造林立地质量评价
14.A research on the Evaluation of Afforestation and Plantation Quality in East China华东监测区营造林与人工林质量状况评价
15.Structural Characteristics of the Three Forest Plantation and the Strategies for Forest Rehabilitation三种人工林的结构特征及林分改造对策
16.Note:Total area of afforestation include 100000 hectares of planted protection forests.注:全国合计造林面积中包括军事管理区100000公顷人工营造的防护林。
17.Effect of Seedling Age on Tree Growth in Yunnan Pine Juvenile Stand苗龄差异对云南松人工幼林林木造林当年生长影响的研究
18.Anatomical Structure, Chemical Characteristics and Utilization of Bark of Acacia Artificial Forest相思人工林树皮解剖构造、化学特性与开发利用

artificial forestation人工造林
1.Research on artificial forestation and cultural techniques to Fraxinus manshurica;水曲柳人工造林与培育技术的研究
2.Proposals like closing hillside to facilitate afforestation, artificial forestation and species selection were made for regeneration of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus deseased pine forest.针对演替类型及更新树种存在单调贫乏的现状,结合海岛具体实际,提出封山育林、人工造林和树种选择的方向性建议,将为松村线虫病除治迹地的更新改造提供依据。
3.According to the data of forest resource inventory in 1993 and 2006 respectively,the paper analyzed the original land sort and structure,forest species structure and tree species of artificial forestation in Jinghong city in recent years.基于1993、2006年森林资源二类调查数据,对景洪市近年人工造林的原土地种类及结构,林种结构、树种结构等情况进行分析,认为目前人工林发展存在着林农纠纷加剧,天然林不断减少,毁林营造经济林现象突出,经济林种植比例过高,天然竹林的减少影响了动物食物来源,商品林比重过大导致林种、树种及林龄结构失衡等问题。
1.Based on status space analysis and optim um theory and m ethod, this paper puts forw ard an optim um m odel for afforestation.应用状态空间分析和最优化理论与方法建立了一个人工造林的最优控制模型,给出了一个用数学规划求解的实
2.Species composition, structure and species diversity of communities were studied, which was formed after (afforestation in) Tieweizhai, Bishan County.从群落种类组成、结构特征和物种多样性角度对重庆市璧山县铁围寨马尾松人工造林生态恢复过程中的群落进行了研究。
3.:9 year s afforestation of Schima superba showed that, in the belts with an elevation of more than 900 m, proper afforestation time was the middle ten days of March;in the belts with an elevation of 500~900m ,proper afforestation time was the first ten days of March;in the belts with an elevation of less than 500m, proper afforestation time was the last ten days of Febuary.经 9 年来对木荷人工造林的实践:海拔 900m 以上地带,宜在 3 月中旬造林;海拔 500~900m 地带,宜在 3 月上旬造林;海拔 500m 以下地区,可在 2 月底造林。
1.Study on Soil Physic Characters Changes with Plantation in Datong大通县人工造林对土壤物理性状影响的研究
2.Approach on Plantation Status in Wulan乌兰县人工造林现状探讨
5)plantation reformation人工林改造
6)afforested land人工造林地

人工造林人工造林forest plantation 在技术上要求根据林木生态适应性和生长发育规律进行科学造林,只有把握住良种壮苗、适地适树、及时抚育间伐、防虫治病等生产环节,才能达到速生丰产的目的。 中华人民共和国建立以来,中国人工造林取得举世瞩目的巨大成绩。目前,人工林保存面积达2 146余万公顷,蓄积量41 670万立方米。但是存在的问题也很突出:首先是人工林生产力普遍偏低,全国人工林平均每公顷蓄积量只有33.3立方米,仅相当于全国林分平均每公顷蓄积量的l乃强;其次是人工造林质量差,造得多,活得少,保存率不到30%。提高人工造林技术,加强人工林的管理,由粗放型向集约型过渡,建立高标准集约经营型的人工林生产基地则可大幅度提高林地生产力。瘾 北京市城市路旁植树(罗锡鹏摄) 一般来说,只要经营管理得当,人工林有较高的生产力。人工林的主要特点是:①所用的种子、苗木或其他繁殖材料经过人为选择和培育,具有良好的遗传品质和种质,有较强的适应性。②树木个体密度适宜,在林地上分布均匀,避免了种内竞争的消耗。③可以用较少的树木个体数量形成森林,群体结构合理。④生长整齐的树木个体有利于林木提前郁闭,并且郁闭后个体分化程度相对较少。⑤人们可以通过多种措施调控人工林,以提高其生产力。(陈飞)rengong zoolin人工造林(forest plantation)在无林地上,采用人工的方法利用苗木种子或营养器官(如枝、茎秆、根等)进行造林。而在采伐迹地或火烧迹地上采用人工种植方法恢复森林时,则称为人工更新。 人工造林是扩大森林资源、改善生态环境和缓解中国木材供需矛盾的主要途径之一(参见彩图插页第52页)。人工造林