1.Comprehensive Evaluation of the Main Agricultural Soils in Xuchang Based on GIS and SPSS;基于GIS和SPSS技术的许昌主要农业土壤肥力综合评价研究
2.Mammalian Fauna from the Lingjing Paleolithic Site in Xuchang,Henan Province;河南许昌灵井旧石器遗址哺乳动物群的性质及时代探讨
3.Analysis of Flora in the Region of Xuchang;许昌地区种子植物区系分析

1.On the peculiarity and position of the history of Xuchang;“天下当朝正许昌”——兼论许昌历史发展特点与地位
2.Archaeological Discovery and Study of the "Xuchang Man" Site at Lingjing in Xuchang,Henan河南许昌灵井“许昌人”遗址考古发现与探索
3.Kanban Management Research of Xuchang Electric Company;看板管理在许昌电机公司的应用研究
4.Positive Study on "Managing City" in Xuchang City;许昌市“经营城市”理念的实证研究
5.Research on Warning System of City Eco-security of Xuchang;许昌市城市生态安全预警系统的研究
6.Quantitative Study of PRED System of Xuchang City;许昌市PRED系统协调发展的定量研究
7.SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of Tourism Development in Xuchang City许昌旅游发展的SWOT分析及对策研究
8.The cranium of "Xuchang man":a recent explanation to modern human origin?--"Xuchang man" cranium s challenging international academic circles;“许昌人”头盖骨:现代人类起源再诠释?——“许昌人”头盖骨对国际学术界的挑战
9.Research on Promotion Mix of "Dihao" Cigarette in Xuchang Cigarette Factory;许昌卷烟厂“帝豪”牌卷烟促销组合策略研究
10.Research about the Business Support Network and Network Security of Xuchang CNC;许昌市网通公司业务支撑网及安全管理研究
11.Study on Stages of Historical Extraordinary Flood Disaters in Xuchang Area since 1644;1644年以来许昌地区历史特大洪水序列研究
12.Review of the academic achievement in "study on Zhong Rong and Shi Pin" in Journal of Xuchang University;《许昌学院学报》“钟嵘与《诗品》研究”学术成果述评
13.The Status Quo of Environmental Pollution in Xuchang and Selection of Anti-pollution Plants;许昌市环境污染现状及抗污染绿化植物的选择
14.The Study on the Organic Whole of Urban Desing and Tour Development in Xuchang City;许昌市城市设计与旅游开发一体化研究
15.Statistics and Analysis of the Papers Publshed in Journal of Xuchang University-Natural Science Edition 2003-2005;《许昌学院学报(自然科学版)》2003~2005年载文统计分析
16.Statistic Analysis of The Articles Published in Journal of Xuchang University (Science Edition) from 1999 to 2002;《许昌师专学报(自然科学版)》1999~2002年载文统计分析
17.The Present Ground Water Geological Environmental Condition and the Prevention and Control Countermeasures in Xuchang;许昌市地下水地质环境现状与防治对策
18.The Construction Plan of Agriculture Science & Technology Park in Xuchang City of Henan Province;关于许昌市农业科技园区建设的若干设想

Xuchang city许昌市
1.Study on Functional Zoning of Land Use in Xuchang City;许昌市土地利用功能分区研究
2.The water resource of Xuchang city is being short severely and is polluted seriously.许昌市水资源严重短缺 ,而且水污染严重 。
3.Xuchang City is lack of surface waater resource.许昌市地表水资源严重短缺,为了供水的需要,该市掠夺性地开采地下水,造成地下水水位急骤下降,市区大面积地面沉降,已出现地裂现象。
1.Status Analysis and Development Strategy on Tridimensional Greening in Xuchang;许昌市区立体绿化现状分析及发展对策
2.Urban Change Analysis of Xuchang Based on Ratio of Spatial Spectral Mapping基于比值维波谱映射的许昌市城市变迁分析
3.After studying the records of the historical earthquakes in Xuchang,a fact is found that there is an interval between groups of small earthquakes during which big earthquakes take place.对许昌市1000年以来的地震记录进行统计分析后,发现许昌地区的地震具有震群型地震和孤立型大震相间分布的特点,地震活跃期一般持续4~20年左右。
1.The Current Agriculture Environment And The Applicable Ecoagricultural Models in Xuchang;许昌地区农业环境现状及适用的生态农业结构模式探析
5)Xuchang tobacco许昌烤烟
1.Eco-geochemical environment of Xuchang tobacco, Henan Province;河南许昌烤烟生态地球化学环境研究
6)West Lake in Xuchang许昌西湖
