1.Studies on Holocene Wildfire and Environmental Changes and Their Comparison in the Eastern and Western Loess Plateau;黄土高原东西部全新世野火与环境变化对比研究
2.Holocene Wildfire and Ecological Environment Changes in the Weihe River Drainage;渭河流域全新世生态环境变化和野火活动记录
3.The wildfire was considered to have three basic attributes: natural, catastrophic and manageable as a tool.野火泛指发生于野外植被中的火,归纳发现有3个基本属性:自然性、灾害性和工具性。

1.A raging, rapidly spreading fire.野火蔓延得很快的烈火
2.Even fire can't burn them up; again they rise when vernal breezes blow野火不尽,春风吹又生
3.The species was being degraded.混种将导致野火鸡灭绝;
4.It must go rapidly like wildfire.那必须像野火一样快。
5.fire disclimax【生态】野火偏途顶极
6.Those light, swift fires, run about the country.那明亮而疾走如飞的野火在田野里到处奔窜。
7.extreme fire behavior极端火灾行为极端指林野火灾特性的一种程度
8."One hundred percent pure wild turkey!" they said.他们说,“百分之百的纯种野火
9.The fact was, they had discovered a wild turkey nest.事实是,它们发现了一个野火鸡窝。
10.wild turkey of Central and northern South America.南美中部和北部的野火鸡。
11.And the woods where I live are full of pure wild turkeys.我所住的林子里满是纯种野火鸡。
12.NWST program = National Wildfire Suppression Technology Program国家野外火灾扑救规划
13.Torches illuminated the picnic areas.火把照亮了野餐地。
14.The wild animals took flight before the onrushing fire.大火卷来,野兽逃窜。
15.A wild fire jump contained line in California came out with a half mile upon ranches.野外大火在加州大牧场形成半里火线。
16.Smoking is dangerous. pay more attention about your cigarette.不要在野外生火,乱扔烟头,严防火灾。
17.Fire Pans: Use of a fire pan is a good alternative for fire building.火盆:火盆是野营生火的另一个好的选择。
18.A luminosity that appears over swamps or marshes at night;ignis fatuus.鬼火,磷火夜间在旷野或沼泽出现的闪光;鬼火

3)Trifolium lupinaster L野火球
1.A Preliminary Report on Optimization of RAPD Reaction System for Trifolium lupinaster L.;野火球RAPD反应体系优化研究初报
1.A new race(determined as race 2) of wildfire pathogen occurred in Zimbabwe in 1998.烟草野火病是世界普遍发生的一种主要侵染烟草的细菌性病害。
2.Based on the quantitative studies on the epidemic stages of wildfire, a tabular model of weather promoting disease index(PDI) was established for short-term forecast.在对野火病各流行环节定量研究的基础上 ,提出了可以进行烟草野火病短期预测的“天气促病指数表解模型”。
5)fire using in fields野外用火
6)field fire origin野外火源
1.Meanwhile the outbreak law of various field fire origins and their distribution situation in different months are also analyzed.同时也分析了各种野外火源的发生规律及在不同月份中的分布状况。
