1.The Research on Problems and Solutions of Developing E-commerce in Small and Medium Enterprices in Heyuan;河源中小企业发展电子商务的问题及对策研究
2.Analysis and thought to the Mid-short period precursor anomalies of two M_L4~5 earthquakes occurring in Heyuan in 1999;1999年河源2次4~5级地震的中短期前兆异常及其思考
3.Investigation on Middle School Student s Basic Knowledge of Physical Education and Health in Heyuan City;对河源市中学生掌握体育与健康基础知识情况的调查

1.Ho Yuen Livestock Farm [Ngau Tam Mei]河源畜牧场〔牛潭尾〕
2.Where is the source of the Thames?泰晤士河源出何处?
3.extragalactic double radio sources and multiple radio sources河外射电双源和多重源
4.extragalactic compact radio source河外致密射电源,类星体
5.The river has its source [rise] in the mountains.这条河发源于群山之中。
6.This river heads up in the Tianshan Mountains.这条河发源于天山山脉。
7.The river takes its rise in ( from ) a mountain.此河发源于一 山上。
8.The river springs from the side of the mountain.那条河流发源于山腰处。
9.The river rises in the mountains.这河发源于群山之中。
10.Few men, drinking at a rivulet, stop to consider its source.饮水小河边,无人思其源。
11.Where does the Yellow River take its source?黄河发源地在哪里?
12.Where is the source of the Yellow River?黄河的发源地在哪儿?
13.Fame like a river is narrow at its source and broad afar off .名声像条河,远宽源头窄。
14.A stream can not rise higher than its source .河流不会高过源头。
15.Where is the source of the River Thames?泰晤士河的源头在哪里?
16.The fiver springs from a lake.这条河的源头是一个湖。
17.Where does the Nile rise?尼罗河起源于何处?
18.pollution sources assessment model of river河流污染源评价模型

River source源河
3)the source regions of the Yellow River黄河河源区
1.The annual average and rain season precipitation and yearly runoff of the source regions of the Yellow River were analyzed.对黄河河源区多年平均和雨季降水量、年际径流量进行分析。
4)Fenhe River's stream source area汾河河源区
5)Rivers'sources Area江河源源区
6)source area of the Yellow River黄河源区
1.Effects of neotectonic movement in the source area of the Yellow River, China on eco-environmental deterioration.;黄河源区新构造运动对生态环境恶化的影响
2.Discovery of early Pleistocene strata containing plants fossils in the source area of the Yellow River and significance;黄河源区早更新世含植物化石地层的发现及意义
3.The Hajiang saline pool in the source area of the Yellow River is located in Madoi County,Qinghai Province,at 36.黄河源区哈江盐池被认为是古羌人从青藏高原东北部草原地带向成都平原迁徙和扩张的起点,而且得益于盐的开发和行运。
