1.Melanotus cribricollis is a major underground pest of shoot-use bamboo stand in Zhejiang province.筛胸梳爪叩甲是目前用竹林主要的地下害虫。
2.Experiment of deep tillage,different fertilizers,application and fertilizing time on shooting of Chimonobambusa pachystachys stand indicated that deep tillage could improve soil conditions and increase yield of shoot.通过林地深翻及肥料品种、施肥量和施肥季节试验表明,林地深翻能改善林地土壤条件,产量增加明显,在林地深翻基础上,增施一定量的肥料不仅显著提高刺方竹竹产量,而且体增粗明显,质量明显提高。

1.A Study on Postharvest Physiology and Storage Techniques of Dendrocalamopsis Oldhami;绿竹采后生理及鲜保鲜技术研究
2.how could tender young bamboo shoots,那么,那些嫩弱的竹
3.It is also forbidden to serve bamboo shoots, kelp and lentil noodles.子、海带、南粉都禁止吃。
4.Fresh asparagus and tomatoes are very nice.鲜芦和西红柿很好吃。
5.Well, have you ever seen how the bamboo shoots grow?那么,你看见的成长吗?
6.Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month.新鲜竹本月将上市。
7.spring up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain好像雨后春似的涌现
8.Studies on the Know-hows of Bamboo Shoot Fresh-keeping and Processing Technologies of Flavoured Shoot Can保鲜竹的调味罐头加工工艺的研究
9.THE FRESH STORAGE,PROCESS AND INDUSTRIAL PROSPECT OF Asparagus officnalis芦贮藏保鲜和加工与芦的产业化发展前景
10.Amino acid content of each part of winter shoot and spring shoot of phyllostachys pubessens was determined.在毛竹冬和春两个不同生长时期,对体各部位氨基酸含量进行测定分析。
11.Product Description: Asparagus when fresh should have firm, straight, bright green stalks with tight unblemished dark green tips, with maybe a hint of purple.中文描述:新鲜芦有硬的、的绿茎和无暇的暗绿或紫色的尖。
12.Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genus Asparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers.芦一种东半球多年生植物芦有叶状茎,鳞状叶,开小花
13.The rapid rise of production of fresh bamboo shoot brings the prosperity of bamboo shoot processing industry.鲜产量的急剧增加引发了竹加工业的繁荣昌盛。
14.With the ample bamboo shoots materials, the series of boiled bamboo shoots is the main products of the company.因为地处产大区,所以水煮系列产品一直是本公司的主导产品。
15.Snow-white in colour and topped by golden pinnacles, which combination makes them look like bamboo shoots just breaking out of the earth, they are also known as bamboo shoot pagodas.洁白的塔身和金色的塔尖,宛如玉破土而出,所以又有“塔”之称。
16.The Role of Asparagus on Soil and Water Conservation and Its Ecological and Economic Benefits Investigation on Asparagus Planted in Field Bund of Dongxifu Village芦的水保作用及生态经济效益——东西富村地埂芦调查分析
17.Product Description : Asparagus when fresh should have firm, straight, bright green stalks with tight unblemished dark green tips, with maybe a hint of purple.中文描述:新鲜芦有硬的、直的绿茎和无暇的暗绿或紫色的尖。
18.Heat 2 tbsp oil. Saute ginger until fragrant. Add black mushrooms, baby corn, carrot and stir-fry for 1 minute.烧热2汤匙油,爆香姜片,加入鲜冬菇、露及甘,炒香1分钟。

bamboo shoot笋
1.History of bamboo shoot market in Gaohong of Lin an, Zhejiang province was introduced and analysis was made on effect and main problems of the market and at last, countermeasures were offered for further establishment.介绍了临安市高虹镇竹专业市场建设的历史,分析了市场建设的效果及存在的主要问题,并提出了进一步建设市场的对策。
3)bamboo shoots竹笋
1.Effect of particle sizes on functional properties of dietary fiber prepared from bamboo shoots;不同粒度竹膳食纤维功能特性研究
2.Processing technology of a bamboo shoots can;一种竹罐头的加工工艺
3.Microscopic structure changes of bamboo shoots in the different storage process;竹在加工及贮藏过程中微观结构的变化
1.Development of nutritional asparagus vinegar;营养型芦醋饮料的研制
2.Optimization of Processing Technology and Ingredients of Asparagus Compounded Juice;芦复合汁的加工工艺和配方的优化
5)bamboo shoot笋片
1.Study on controlling bamboo shoot decaying in exported soft cans;出口软包装罐头片糊状变质原因分析及控制方法的研究
6)Asparagus officinalis L芦笋
1.Free Amino Acid Extraction and Content Determination of Asparagus officinalis L.Stem and Leaves;芦茎叶游离氨基酸的提取及含量测定
2.Quantitative Analysis of Flavones(Rutin) in Asparagus officinalis L.by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC法测定芦中黄酮类化合物芦丁的含量
3.Genetic diversity of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Based on RAPD;芦种质资源遗传多样性的RAPD分析
