枯枝落叶层,forest floor
1)forest floor枯枝落叶层
1.Energy of forest floor in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii;格氏栲天然林与人工林枯枝落叶层能量现存量
2.Bio-chemical properties of the forest floor in subalpine bamboo communities in western Sichuan;川西亚高山箭竹群落枯枝落叶层生物化学特性
3.Carbon and nutrient pools of forest floor in native forest and monoculture plantations in subtropical China;格氏栲天然林与人工林枯枝落叶层碳库及养分库

1.Dissolved Organic Matter of Soil and Forest Floor in Forest Ecosystems;森林土壤和枯枝落叶层DOM的研究
2.A Study on the Element Extraction from OrganicMatter of Forest Floor of Norway Spruce挪威云杉林枯枝落叶层元素浸提量的研究
3.Ecological Functions of Forest Floor and Coarse Woody Debris in Forest Ecosystems in Subtropical China;森林枯枝落叶层与粗木质残体的生态功能
4.Its long sensitive trunk enables it to investigate the depths of the leaf litter它们利用那好像象鼻的鼻子 便知道枯枝落叶层 的深度
5.Yet another varied population of creatures lives within the leaf litter.还有另一些生物在这枯枝落叶层 生长 这里的空气非常潮湿
6.Habitat and Ecology: On litters under forests. Flowering and fruiting: Aug.生境与生态:局限生长于林下的枯枝落叶层上。花、期:8月。
7.The buds are protected by the soil or surface litter.该种植物在近地面或土层内有越冬芽,可以被土壤或表层的枯枝落叶层保护起来。
8.The smaller, less savage litter feeders are collected by little mammals这些弱小和在枯枝落叶层 觅食的生物 都会被这里寻找食物的哺乳动物捕捉
9.a forest fire that burns only the surface litter and undergrowth.仅燃烧林地表面的枯枝落叶或林下灌木、草层的一种森林火灾。
10.STUDY ON LITTER ACCUMULATION IN LEYMUS CHINENSIS GRASSLAND一Litter Accumulation Act on Ecological Environment and Productivity of Grassland羊草草原枯枝落叶积累的研究──枯枝落叶积累对草原生态环境及生产力的作用
11.To be affected by dieback.枝叶枯萎受顶枯病影响
12.In initial stage of decomposition, litter loss accorded with an exponential attenuation model.分解初期,枯枝落叶的损失符合指数衰减模型。
13.A rake is used on a lawn to collect leaves and dead grass.草耙被用来聚拢草地上的断枝落叶及枯草等。
14.A dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the earth.一片枯萎的枫叶离开了树枝,正朝地上落下来。
15.The grass is gradually dried-up and withering and pallen leaves.草渐渐干枯、枯萎并落叶。
16.Allelopathy of Chinese Fir Litter by Bioassy and Identification in Different Decomposition Stage;杉木枯枝落叶不同分解阶段化感物质生物评价与鉴定
17.Ecological Characteristics and Function Study of Litterfall in Some Landscaping Forests in Shanghai;上海几种主要绿化树种枯枝落叶的特征及生态功能研究
18.the withered leaves lie dead;枯萎的落叶死气沉沉,

litter layer枯枝落叶层
1.Barrier effect of litter layer on natural regeneration of forests:A review;枯枝落叶层对森林天然更新的障碍
2.Water holding capacity and nutrients of litter layers in a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation at different ages in Mount Xiaolong of Gansu;不同林龄油松人工林枯枝落叶层持水性及养分含量
3.Aiming at promoting relative studies in future on the basis of synthesizing existed results and achievement,some relevant studies are systematically analyzed,such as canopy interception and its effect on the rainfall erosivity, effect of litter layer on conserving soil and water, the relationship between vegetation coverage and soil loss and water runoff, and the improvement of root s.系统分析了国内外有关植被的冠层对降雨的截流作用以及对降雨侵蚀动力的影响 ,地表枯枝落叶层的水土保持作用、植被覆盖度与水土流失之间的关系和地下根系提高土壤抗冲性等方面的研究。
1.The Effect of Litter on Succession of Plant Community in Saline-Alkali Grassland;枯枝落叶层对盐碱化草地植物群落演替的作用
2.The new matured seeds,seeds placed in the forests and in litters for 2 months were taken into lab as testing materials.对辽宁东部清原森林生态实验站的花曲柳、蒙古栎、水曲柳3种林型种子进行带菌状况检测,将新成熟种子、在林下置放2个月和在林内枯枝落叶层下置放2个月的种子取回实验室,对其种壳表面上清液中的细菌、真菌和放线菌进行计数分析,并把剥离种衣的种子在三大菌培养基上接种,检测其染菌状态,结果表明,在林内枯枝落叶层下种子菌落最多,林下对照种子次之,新成熟种子最少,种子随着时间延长,染菌几率急剧增多。
3.The wilting litter in Qilian Mountains water resources conservation forest and the decomposing process of the litter as well as the amount of their accumulation were analyzed with changes in time.通过对祁连山水源涵养林凋落物及其分解过程以及蓄积量随时间变化的分析 ,研究了枯枝落叶层的持水、截留作用和蓄水保土效益 ,认为祁连山水源涵养林枯枝落叶层的水文生态功能最终体现在水土保持和水源涵养效能上 ,为综合评价祁连山水源涵养林生态功能提供了科学依
4)forest litter枯枝落叶层
1.Effectiveness of forest litter to soil and water conservation;黄土高原森林枯枝落叶层保持水土的有效性
2.In this experiment, simulated rainfall and evaporation methods were applied respectively to study the effect of forest litter on surface runoff, rainfall interception and water evaporation in different L and F composition under 11 different species.结果表明 :①在不同L ,F层组合涵养水源作用中 ,以厚LF最佳 ,其次为厚F ;②不同树种间以落叶松最佳 ,其次为油松、侧柏 ,阔叶树种较差 ;③枯枝落叶层持水后的水分蒸发过程 ,可用指数函数型表示 ;④中雨时枯枝落叶层的截持量较
3.Based on the comprehensive analysis on the hydroecological functions of forest litter and its benefits to water storage and sediment reduction,the litter as a main working layer among the three layers of forest vertical structure conserving soil and water source is put forward firstly.在综合分析森林枯枝落叶层各水文生态功能和蓄水减沙效益的基础上,首次提出了在森林垂直结构的3个层次中,枯枝落叶层是实现森林涵养水源、保持水土的主要作用层。
5)Water-retaining capacity of litter layer枯枝落叶层持水
6)removal of forest litter清除枯枝落叶层

枯枝牡丹园位于江苏 盐城市亭湖区便仓镇。枯枝牡丹因奇、特、怪、灵而驰名中外,古典小说《镜花缘》及明、清《盐城县志》均有描述和记载。 枯枝牡丹每年都是谷雨前后3日内开花,花信儿准确无误。此时,满园花开,姹紫嫣红,犹如胭脂凝成,美艳润泽,芬芳馥郁;衬托着花朵的叶片,繁茂厚实,青翠欲滴,主干却似饱经风霜、憔悴欲朽,如干柴一般。更奇的是,正常年份,每朵花多为十二瓣;闰年,每朵花多为十三瓣。花分紫红、粉红两种,花蕊金黄。清人孙一致有《醉杨妃》诗赞曰:风流当日擅红颜,天宝承恩独压班,尘暗胭脂零落尽,却余花影在人间。现园中牡丹已有400多株,70多个品种,每年谷雨前后,这里繁花似锦,游人如织。