1.A Study on Growth Regularity of Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocala mopsis grandis in Shooting Period;撑绿竹出笋成竹规律的研究
2.The rule of shooting and height growth of Dendrocalamus latiflorus was studied in Huaan,Fujian Province during the period from May through October,1995.1995 年5 至10 月,在麻竹中心分布区福建省华安县对麻竹出笋和高生长规律进行的试验研究结果表明:采用有序样本的聚类分析方法,可将麻竹出笋过程和高生长过程定量地划分为3 个时期:初期、盛期和末期。
3.Observations on fixed sample plot and random sampling investigations showed shooting and setting regularity of Phyllostachys nidularia and shooting variation raw with different diameter shoot and different density stand.采用固定样地观测和随机样地调查相结合的方法,分析了光箨篌竹的出笋成竹规律以及不同径级竹笋和不同密度林分的出笋变化规律,进而分析了气象要素、立地条件和林分结构对出笋质量的影响,上述研究结果将为短周期工业用竹林的营建与培育提供依据。

1.Habitat and ecology: On hillslopes. Sprouting: spring.生境与生态:生于山坡。春季出笋
2.Effects of reclamation on bamboo shooting and growth of Oligostachyum scabriflorum垦复对糙花少穗竹出笋和生长的影响
3.A Study of Shooting Law of Dendrocalamopsis vario-striata,Dendrocalamus brandisii and Dendrocalamopsis beechyana var.pubescens吊丝单竹、云南甜竹、大头典竹出笋规律研究
4.Investigation and Analysis on Regulation of Shoot Appearance of Dendrocalamopsis variostriata,D.beechyana var. pubescens and Dendrocalamus brandisii吊丝单竹、云南甜竹、大头典竹出笋规律调查与分析
5.Snow-white in colour and topped by golden pinnacles, which combination makes them look like bamboo shoots just breaking out of the earth, they are also known as bamboo shoot pagodas.洁白的塔身和金色的塔尖,宛如玉笋破土而出,所以又有“笋塔”之称。
6.New houses spring up like mushrooms.新房屋像雨后春笋般涌现出来。
7.New buildings sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.新的建筑物如雨后春笋般大批出现。
8.Analysis of Its Impact Factor Exportation and Situation of Poached Bamboo Shoot in China;中国水煮笋出口现状与影响因素分析
9.New buildings have mushroomed all over the area.在整个地区,新的建筑物像雨后春笋般出现。
10.“What are those stalagmite projections sticking up?“那些笔直竖立的石笋状凸出物是什么东西?”
11.After world war II, new nations spring up like bamboo shoots after spring rain.二战以后,新国家如同雨后春笋似地出现。
12.Equipment cost will be pay for with the asparagus produce by the machine.设备的费用将用这套机器生产出的芦笋支付。
13.New houses are springing up all over the city.新建筑物犹如雨后春笋般地出现在这座城市里。
14.Many millionaires have sprung up in the last ten years.过去的十年里,雨后春笋般冒出了许多百万富翁。
15.Market Investigation of Bamboo and Bamboo Shoot Products in New York City;纽约市场笋竹产品销售现状及我国出口对策
16.Through a deep analysis of the presence of bamboo shoots processing and utilization in China, the author has raised some profound suggestions and proposals on the development of bamboo shoots industry in the future.通过对我国竹笋加工利用现状的深刻剖析,对今后竹笋业发展提出了一些建设性的建议。
17.new blocks of flats and offices mushrooming all over the city在全市各处如雨后春笋般出现的新公寓楼和办公楼.
18.Nd offices mushrooming all over the city在全市各处如雨後春笋般出现的新公寓楼和办公楼

shoot emergence出笋
1.Preliminary study on the law of shoot emergence and degradation of Chengluzhu bamboo;撑绿竹出笋、退笋规律初探
2.The results indicate that about 15% of the total shoot can be produced at the earlier stage of shoot emergence (the first 10 days), 75% at the middle stage of shoot emergence (10~20 days), and 10% at later stage (after 20 days).应用出笋量的逻辑斯谛 ( L ogistic)模型研究了出笋量随时间增长的变化规律 ,结果表明 :出笋前期 (前 1 0 d)出笋数占总数的 1 5%左右 ,出笋中期 (第 1 0~ 2 0天 )占 75%,出笋末期 (第2 0天以后 )占 1 0 %;对退笋特征的观察及其规律的研究得出 :出笋前后期退笋数量少但退笋率高 ,而出笋中期退笋数量多但退笋率低 。
3)shoot preserved rate出笋率
4)shooting index出笋指标
5)Bamboo shoot formation竹子出笋
6)Emergence rhythm of bamboo shoots出笋规律
