1.The introduction of 4 genus Corymbia species in Deqing County;伞房属4个树种在广东德庆的引种试验
2.The Optimization of CCR PCR Conditions,the New Discovery and Analysis of Multi-copy Gene in the Genus Corymbia;伞房属CCR基因PCR优化体系建立及多拷贝的发现和分析
3.Growth Performance of the Four Species from Genus Corymbia in Qingxin County桉树伞房属4个种在广东清新的早期生长表现

1.Growth Performance of the Four Species from Genus Corymbia in Qingxin County桉树伞房属4个种在广东清新的早期生长表现
2.The Growth Performance of 4 Corymbia Species in Guangdong Province伞房属四个树种在广东的早期生长表现
3.The Optimization of CCR PCR Conditions,the New Discovery and Analysis of Multi-copy Gene in the Genus Corymbia;伞房属CCR基因PCR优化体系建立及多拷贝的发现和分析
4.American red-fruited hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-red flowers.美洲的一种结红果的山楂属植物,伞房花序,花粉红色。
5.a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.属于伞菌科的真菌一科。
6.The frame of the umbrella is made of metal.伞的骨架是金属制的。
7.mostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower heads.草本植物的一个属,大部分产于澳大利亚,叶基生互生,花成头状花序,稀疏伞房状。
8.the largest genus in th Agaricales; rusty-spored agarics having prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils).在伞菌属里的最大的模式属;长有明显的丝膜,带有锈孢子的伞菌。
9.Extracting and Identifying Ursolic Acid from Hedyotis Corymbosa Lam.;伞房花耳草中乌索酸的提取与鉴定(VI)
10.Any of various mushrooms in the genus Amanita, many of which are extremely poisonous.天狗菌属,毒伞肽菌属一种天狗菌属,毒伞肽菌属属蘑菇,很多都有剧毒
11.Bank loans to thaw" umbrella" Shanghai Real Estate" Yinzhuan cloudy"?房贷解冻银行送"伞"上海房地产要"阴转多云"?
12.(botany) relating to or belonging to plants of the family Umbelliferae.(植物学)关于或属于伞状花科植物。
13.Research on the Development of Pholiota;鳞伞属(Pholiota)真菌个体发育研究
14.Studies on Taxonomy of the Genus Pholiota from China;中国鳞伞属[Pholiota(Fr.)Kummer]真菌分类学研究
15.The waiter handed Miss Sun the parasol, which was now steaming hot as well as dripping wet.茶房把伞交还孙小姐,湿漉漉加了热气腾腾。
16.Friday on" Housing" Tan: Industry Authority is the owner of the umbrella?周五焦点"房"谈:业委会是业主的保护伞吗?
17.Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb.欧亚草本植物,伞房花序末端开白色或淡紫色花。
18.I was arranging my belongings in my room one day when I noticed that my umbrella was gone.一天我在房间收拾行李的时候,发现伞不见了。

1.Determination of the Cold-resistance of Cassia bicapsularis and C.corymbosa by Electric Conductivity Method;双荚槐和伞房决明抗寒性的测定
4)definite corymb伞房状聚伞花序
1.Strophariaceae of China(Ⅰ) Pholiota;中国的球盖菇科(一)鳞伞属
2.Known Species of Pholiota (s.l.) from China and Their Distribution;中国鳞伞属(广义)已知种类及其分布
3.Research on the Development of Pholiota;鳞伞属(Pholiota)真菌个体发育研究
1.Two new genera of Orchidaceaearedescribed: Luiguishania Liu et Zhang from Taiwan,China and Wutongshania Liu et Zhang from Guangdong,China.它们是伞花兰属LinguishaniaZ。

伞房决明伞房决明介绍 伞房决明 (Cassia spp)科属: 豆科 别名: 形态特征: 决明属。为灌木或小乔木,羽状花序生于枝条顶端,冬季可观荚果。花期长(夏秋季开花),花金黄色,开花繁茂,生长旺盛。分布与习性:黄河以南地区可露土栽培。耐寒,抗干旱能力强。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:可群植.亦可孤植.为美丽的观花树种.图片: