长治市,Changzhi City
1)Changzhi City长治市
1.The Application of Pipe-network Pressure-super-positioned (Non-negative Pressure) Water-supply Equipment in Changzhi City;管网叠压(无负压)供水设备在长治市的应用
2.Analyses on and Solution of the Problem of User End’s Lower Water Pressure in Changzhi City;长治市用户水压低问题的分析和解决方法
3.Probe into the Utilization of Urban Water Resources and the Water-saving Measures in Changzhi City;长治市城区水资源利用及节水措施探讨

1.Investigation into the Female Mosque of Hui Nationality in Changzhi City of Shanxi Province:Taking Sandaoying District as an Example山西省长治市回族女寺调查研究———以长治市回族聚居区“三道营”为例
2.My Opinions on Promoting the Development of Private Sci-tech Enterprises of Changzhi City;促进长治市民营科技企业发展之我见
3.Talking about the Present Development of and the Countermeasures for "One Village One Product" in Changzhi City;长治市“一村一品”发展现状及对策
4.Probes into the Fundraising Difficulties of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Changzhi;关于长治市中小企业融资困难的探讨
5.Considerations about the New-type Industrialization of Changzhi City;长治市走新型工业化道路的若干思考
6.Analysis on the Present Developing Situation of Ecological Agriculture of Changzhi City and Countermeasures;长治市生态农业发展现状分析与对策
7.Research on Realizing Scale Economy in Changzhi City;长治市企业实现规模经济的对策研究
8.Talking about the Development of Online Declaration System of Sci-tech Plan of Changzhi City长治市科技计划网上申报系统的开发
9.A Dated Tomb with Color-painted Brick Carvings of the Jin Period at Weicun Village in Changzhi City,Shanxi山西长治市魏村金代纪年彩绘砖雕墓
10.Praefectus vigilum城市治安长官,宵禁官
11.The statesman retired as the mayor of New York.那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。
12.The people's government of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefecture, or city divided into districts shall have a secretary-general and deputy secretaries-general.省、治区、辖市、治州、区的市的人民政府设秘书长一人,副秘书长若干人。
13.Network of African Mayors against HIV/AIDS非洲市长防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病网
14.On the Landscape Planning and Design of the Quzhi Residential Area of Yuhua District in Changsha长沙市雨花区区治大院景观规划设计
15.The head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.市长一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑
16.A woman serving as the head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.女市长做一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑的妇女
17.Renovates the occupies management to explore the city persistent effect management;整治城市占道经营 探索城市长效管理——以贵阳市为例
18.The mayor has a political machine working for his reelection.市长有一政治机构为他的重新当选而奔波。

1.Study on Function Division of Water Environment in Changzhi,Shanxi;长治市水环境功能区划及其水污染防治
2.Analysis on the Atmospheric Environment Capacity of the Urban Area in Changzhi;长治市大气环境容量核定研究
3.Study on the Water Saving Agriculture for the Optimized Matching Water and Soil Resources in Changzhi;发展节水农业实现长治市水土资源优化配置研究
3)Agricultural Bank of China (Changzhi branch)长治市分行
4)Changzhi city suburb长治市郊区
1.The paper pointes out the rural ecological environment problems in Changzhi city suburbs and puts forward some reforming measures to improve them.叙述了长治市郊区农村生态环境问题及其产生的原因,提出了长治市郊区农村生态治理整改措施。
1.Some Thinking about Accelrating the Construction of Modern Agriculture in ChangZhi;加快推进长治现代化农业建设的若干思考
2.Empress Cixi was a Han girl From Changzhi;解开慈禧童年之谜——慈禧本是长治汉家女
3.Geological Features and Activities of the Changzhi Fault, Shanxi, China;山西长治断裂的基本特征与第四纪活动性研究
1.A Writer Who Changed His Profession: Mayor Li Jieren's Dilemma in Search of His Identity in a New Society, 1950-1962;“改行的作家”:市长李劼人角色认同的困窘,1950—1962
2.There are not a few municipal administrationcases, in which mayors directly handle administrativeissues of all levels, thus resulting in trans-hierarchy ad-ministrative crisis.在城市管理实例中,往往不乏有这样的例子:市长亲自过问和处理问题,并带来行政层次管理危机。
