1.Histological structure and adenocyte ultrastructure of glandular saccus regions in proventriculus of Bactrian camel;双峰驼前胃腺囊区的组织学及腺细胞的超微结构
2.The adult\'s proventriculus that composed of 8 proventricular plates was lantern-shaped.成虫前胃由8个骨化的前胃板组成,呈灯笼状结构。

1.antecolonic gastrojejunostomy结肠前胃空肠吻合术
2.Studies on Mechanism of Biochemistry and Hemorheology of "Qian Wei Shu Tai" in Atonia Proventriculorum of Dairy Cows;“前胃舒泰”治疗奶牛前胃弛缓生化和血液流变学机制的研究
3.Effect of ShanweiⅠ on the Expression of Na~+-H~+ Exchanger-1 and the Value of pH in Gastric Juice in Gastric Precancerous Lesion in Rats善胃Ⅰ号方对胃癌前病变大鼠胃粘膜NHE1蛋白及胃内pH值的影响
4.Do you care for cocktails before your dinner?晚餐前要点开胃酒吗?
5.Her stomach trouble is much better than before.她的胃病比先前好多了。
6.Have you ever had stomach trouble before ?你以前得过胃病吗?
7.Study on Electrogastrogram of Pre-and Postoperative and Gastric Emptying in Patients with Gastric Cancer;胃癌患者手术前后胃电变化与胃排空之间的相关性研究
8.The study on electrogastrogram, blood gastrointestinal hormone and duodenogastric reflux in the patients with cholecystopathy before and after cholecystectomy;胆囊切除前后体表胃电、血胃肠激素、十二指肠胃反流的变化
9.Shanwei PrescriptionⅠ Effect on Bcl-2 and Bax Protein Expression in Stomach of Gastric Precancerous Lesion Rats善胃Ⅰ号方对胃癌前病变大鼠胃粘膜Bcl-2和Bax蛋白表达的影响
10.Effect of Shanwei Prescription Ⅲ on Bcl-2 and Bax Protein Expression in Precancerous Lesions of Gastric Cancer in Rats善胃Ⅲ号方对胃癌前病变大鼠胃黏膜Bcl-2和Bax蛋白表达的影响
11.Application of Indicarmine on the Precancerous Lesions and Early Gastric Cancer;靛胭脂染色在胃癌前病变和早期胃癌中的应用
12.The Clinic Analysis of Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Preoperative Diagnosis Gastric Cancer and Gastric Stromal Tumor;超声内镜术前诊断胃癌和胃间质瘤的临床分析
13.Effect of Gastric Carcinoma-stopping Granule on vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) in precancerous lesions of gastric carcinoma of rats阻癌胃泰对大鼠胃癌癌前病变VEGF表达的影响
14.Expression of Gastrin and Ki-67 in Gastric Cancer and Precancerous Pesions胃泌素和Ki-67在胃癌及其癌前病变中的表达
15.Serum pepsinogen levels in patients with gastric cancer胃癌手术治疗前后血清胃蛋白酶原含量分析
16.Diagnostic Value of Echogatstroscope on Preoperative Staging of Gastric Cancer超声胃镜检查对胃癌术前分期的诊断价值
17.The Effect of Wei-kang-shu on Content of PGE_2 of Rat's Gastric Mucosa in Experimental Chronic Gastritis with Splenogastric Hygropyrexia Syndrome胃康舒对实验性慢性胃炎脾胃湿热证大鼠胃黏膜前列腺素E_2含量的影响
18."Yes, I have. I had stomach trouble two years ago . "得过的。我两年以前得过胃

forestomach neoplasia前胃癌
1.Expression changes of connexin 32 in induced forestomach neoplasia of mice;小鼠前胃癌诱导中Cx32表达的变化
2.Establishment of mouse forestomach neoplasia model induced by benzopyrene and chemopreventive effects of conjugated linoleic acid;苯并(a)芘诱导小鼠前胃癌模型的建立及共轭亚油酸对其预防作用
3)cattle flaccid stomach前胃驰缓
1.This article summarized the experience which adopt the cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine to treat cattle flaccid stomach disease in the practice of rural unit.前胃驰缓病是农村耕牛一年四季常发的一种疾病,但以冬春季节发病率较高。
4)Forestomach atony前胃弛缓
1.The parameters of internal environment in rumen and the indices of autonomic nervous regulation were examined in 69 heads of cattle suffering from the alkaline forestomach atony and ruminal impaction.对69例前胃弛缓和瘤胃积食等胃肠弛缓自然病牛的瘤胃内环境参数和植物神经调控指标进行了检测。
5)atonia proventriculorum前胃弛缓
1.Agreat deal of cottons,plastic bags,ropes and bricks eaten by this goat were deposited in stomach and resulted in atonia proventriculorum which affected its natural emptying inclusion.由于饲养管理粗放 ,波尔山羊发生矿物质营养代谢障碍 ,产生异食癖 ,吃进大量棉花、塑料袋和绳套砖块等 ,在胃内贮积 ,导致前胃弛缓 ,影响胃的排空。

前胃弛缓  反刍兽瘤胃、网胃和瓣胃(合称前胃)合并发生的一种消化机能扰乱。以前胃运动兴奋性降低,胃肌收缩力减弱,及胃壁紧张性衰退为特征。也可作为一种临床综合征而非独立的疾病。如病程延长或程度加重,有的可继发瘤胃炎和胃肠炎等而导致前胃器质性变化。    病因有原发性和继发性两种,前者主要是饲养管理问题,包括饲料调制不当,喂料单纯或突然变换饲料等。使役过长或过重,长途运输,气候骤变也可促使发病。更多的病例则是继发性的,如瘤胃积食和臌气的继发症或由结核病和放线菌病等传染病以及一些寄生虫病引起的临床综合征。急性病例很快转为食欲停止,瘤胃蠕动消失。慢性病例则始终保持一些食欲,或有异嗜癖。原发性病例通过纠正饲养管理方法和进行合理治疗常可痊愈。继发性病防治以治疗原发病为主。