1.The discussion on the technology of veneer slicing;单板刨切技术的现状与发展

1.Log of sliced veneerGB/T15106-1994刨切单板用原木
2.Study on Cutting Force and Quality of the Sliced Veneer Used in Laminated Veneer Lumber;LVL用刨切单板切削力与质量研究
3.Amino Resin Emulsion for Artificial Board Covered with Sliced Veneers刨切薄木复合人造板用氨基树脂乳液
4.Study on Gluing and Slicing Technique of Laminated Timber for Reconstituted Veneer;人造薄木木方胶合与刨切工艺的研究
5.Research on Elastic Supporting Effect of Oil Film on Micro-bulge Based on Orthogonal Planing Experiment基于正交刨切实验的微凸体油膜弹性支承效应研究
6.Study on Slicing Processing for Laminated Board from Major Local Precious Tree Species in Zhejiang浙江主要乡土珍贵木材刨切加工与装饰适应性研究
7.Project Content: Purchase the foreign original production line and adopt the import material to cut, plane, produce and export Solid Wood Veneer material.项目购买国外原装生产线,采用进口原材料刨切生产并出口实木单板材料。
8.Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Planing and slotting machinesGB/T6477.10-1986金属切削机床术语刨床和插床
9.a small carpenter's plane with the cutting edge near the front.前部有切边的小的木工刨。
10.a woodworking plane with a narrow cutting head that will make grooves with smooth bottoms.有可以制作滑底槽的切边的木工刨。
11.any tool with a sharp cutting edge as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge.像凿子、刀、刨子或圆凿有尖锐的切边的工具。
12.Peel and slice lotus root and turnip. Chop up chicken, roast duck and roast pork separately.制法:1.莲藕、白萝卜刨皮,切片﹔鸡、烧鸭及烧肉分别切件。
13.BY6010A shaping machineby60100a牛刨
14.animal ivory worked beyond cleaning, simple sawing, cutting (crosswise or legnthwise) and rough planing动物牙,不仅仅进行清洗,且简单锯切(横向地或纵向地)和粗略刨光
15.Mechanical shear components, the need for edge processing, shaving its capacity of not less than 2.0 mm.气割或机械剪切的零件,需要进行边缘加工时,其刨削量不应少于2.0㎜.
16.This lathe (milling, boring, grinding, drilling, gear cutting, planer) machine is of home manufacture.这台车床(铣床、镗床、磨床、钻床、切齿机、刨床)是我们国内制造的。
17.The carpenter trimmed the lumber with a plane.木匠用刨子把木刨平。
18.a woodworking plane designed to cut rabbets.用来刨槽口的木工刨。

1.To verify the existence of the elastic supporting effect of oil film on micro-bulge,orthogonal experimental methods have been used twice,and 28 planing experiments have been made.为证实微凸体油膜弹性支承效应的存在,研究采用了两次正交试验法,并进行28次刨切实验。
2.The planing orthogonal experiment with oil lubrication for three steel plates was presented in order to verify the elastic supporting effects of oil film on micro-bulge.为验证微凸体油膜弹性支承效应,采用涂油润滑刨切正交实验方法对3种钢板进行了刨切实验;通过测量刨切切屑直径以及采用相应的直观分析和方差分析方法,对比了各种实验条件对切屑曲率的影响。
3)the planer刨切机
1.This article has analyzed the kinds of the planer and the characteristics of them.分析了刨切机的种类及各自的特点;介绍两种刨切机在木材加工中的应用;探讨了刨切机在刨切加工时的注意事项。
1.New Technology of Using Wet Precious Species Wood Slice in Veneered Plywood Production;珍贵树种木材刨切薄木湿贴胶合板新工艺
5)Sliced veneer刨切薄板
6)Flitch for slicing-use刨切木方

切木尔切克古墓群切木尔切克古墓群,距阿勒泰市约30公里,距切木切克乡集镇15公里,位于平坦戈壁向山区过度地带,数约有100余琢,分布在约5平方公里范围内。墓有大、有小,有的较集中,有的分散。较大的一座长约65米,宽35米,位于哈底那尔村西,平均海平面高764米,墓前立有高1.5米,宽60公分,厚400 公分,4块巨大黑石石碑,上刻有凸形浮雕头像, 较小的墓大多分散在起伏土丘的制高点,墓前大多有一块立石,四周大多铺成直植的块石围护,隆起略高于地平面。1963年新疆社会科学院考古研究所,有计划进行了部分发掘,发现墓葬形式有墓院制和单墓制两种,墓院制地表大多无封土,周缘多有列石围护,单墓制四周无列石围护。但两种墓葬都又分为石棺和竖穴土坑,石棺表面有的有封土,有的没有,竖穴土坑均有封土,埋葬方式为:屈肢、仰身直肢、俯身直肢和乱首葬。出土文物有石器、陶器、铜器、铁器、骨首质器等,时代起于战国延伸至突厥时期,近千年。墓区除古墓以处,还有左文字石刻,岩画,这些可能是此方草原上的游牧民族匈奴、突厥等民族的遗迹。考古学界有人将切木尔切克墓葬称为切木尔克文化,可见地位之高。