1.A Study on Garden Art of Sansuci, Meishan, China;中国眉山三苏祠造园艺术研究

1.Study on Maintenance Management of Ancient and Famous Trees Resource in Three-su Temple三苏祠古树名木资源调查与养护管理研究
2.Copy of Memorial to the Throne by Jiangsu Gentiemen on Buildins a Temple in Honor of Zhang Zhidong江苏绅士会同巡抚为张之洞建专祠折抄件
3.Study on Combating Evil Deities in Jiangnan:the Case of Suzhou and Songjiang District;明清江南毁淫祠研究——以苏松地区为中心
4."Visit Wuhou Temple, shrine in honor of Zhuge Liang, a famous military strategist of the Three Kingdoms Period "游览武侯祠,纪念三国时代著名的军事家诸葛亮
5.The third part explore the relationship between ancestress temple and the clan manners.第三部分探讨女祠堂与宗族礼法之间的关系。
6.Analysis Of The Aesthetic Porperties Of Ancestral Halls In Pearl River Dalta;珠江三角洲地区祠堂建筑审美属性分析
7.Income,Property Right and Monk-layfolk Relationshi Pin Suzhou and Songjiang since Ming and Qing Dynasty明清以来苏松地区民间祠庙的收入、产权与僧俗关系
8.Changes of Temple Fair in Southern Hunan and the Study of Motivation Factor--An Example about Han-san-hou Temple in Yongxing;湘南庙会的变迁及其动因研究——以永兴汉三侯祠为例
9.Special Hall and Ancestral Hall:Development of Ancestral Hall in Huizhou in the Mid-Ming Dynasty“专祠”与宗祠——明中期前后徽州宗祠的发展
10.On the temple grounds are many curious and exotic plants of which the most notable are the three referred to as "the three old trees of the Black Water Temple"-- a plum of the Tang Dynasty, a cypress of Song and a camellia of Ming.观内遍植奇花异草,著名的有唐梅、宋柏和明代山茶花,称为“黑水祠中三异木”。
11.Along the steep cliffs are built Taoist temples for the Jade Emperor, the Jade Empress, Immortal Huang, Revered Hu, and Eight Immortals.沿着陡壁建有三清殿、玉帝、王母、黄大仙、胡公、八仙、四海龙王、天师等道家祠观。
12.Vivid Description of Su Xun,Su Shi and Su Zhe--On the Preface of Three Sus玲珑鲜活说三苏——《眉山苏洵》、《眉山苏轼》、《眉山苏辙》三书小序
13.A new species of the genus Cycas Linn. (Cycadaceae) Cycas shanyagensis G. A.海南岛苏铁属(苏铁科)一新种,即三亚苏铁。
14.She grumbled for three whole days and said that the young woman was malingering.她说她装娇,噜噜苏苏地也说了三天。
15.Counter-Campaign against"Besiegment by Three Routes of the Enemy Forces" in Sichuan-Shanxi Soviet Area川陕苏区反“三路围攻”
16.three strawberry sodas三客草莓冰激凌苏打水.
17.Three German army groups faced three Soviet fronts.三个德国军队小组面对三苏联前面。
18.Lenin and the Alliances of the Workers and Peasants in Soviet three Different Periods;列宁与苏俄三个时期的三种工农联盟

memorial temple of Sanliu三刘祠
3)The temple of three virtuous person三贤祠
4)Han-san-hou temple汉三侯祠
1.On the basic analysis of Han-san-hou temple s evolution,the essay thoroughly discusses the reasons of temple evolution,and the social environment is the main reason of temple s evolution,the local government plays an important role in the evolution of temple,the local informal power is the main driving force of temple s evolution.对湖南永兴汉三侯祠庙会变迁的动因来说,总的社会环境是庙会变迁的主要原因,地方政府是庙会变迁重要的推动力,地方非正式权力是庙会变迁的主要推动力。
5)three tablets and two temples三碑二庙(祠)
6)Three Sus三苏
