2)cleaning fire火场清理

1.Study and Realization of the Evaluation System for the Forest Fire Loss and Fire Cleaning Up;森林火灾损失与火场清理评估系统的研建
2.The sparking-plugs need cleaning.火花塞要清理一下了.
3.No one can figure out how the fire started.没有人弄得清这场火灾是怎么引发的。
4.A lot of people go to the crematory to burn paper as a sacrificial offering on tomb-sweeping Day.赶上清明节, 去火葬场烧纸的人会特别多。
5.to combat forest fires and oil pollution at sea;扑灭山火和清理海上油污;
6.Ashes may have to be packed out in river corridors.清理土堆和火盆时,把用到的沙土都处理好。
7.Somebody has got to do something about the fire.某人必须出面来处理这场火灾。
8.They showed great sang-froid in dealing with the fire.他们处理这场火灾时极为镇定.
9.Study and application of wet-ESP focus on the flue gas from edge scarfer火焰清理机烟气湿式电除尘器的研制及应用
10.Quality of Surface of Heavy Section Bar Improved by In-line Flame Cleaning of Processing Bloom在线中间坯火焰清理改善大型棒材表面质量
11.The notorious Hell Row was burned down in a fire, and much dirt was cleansed away.臭名远场的阎王路已在一场大火中化为乌有,许多焦土灰烬被清除一空。
12.aircraft crash-rescue vehicle机场消防车专用于处理飞机火灾和事故
13.Steve says that he was sorely tempted to ignore the fire.史蒂夫说,他真恨不得不去理会这场火灾。
14.The Theory Study and Engineering Application of Exergy Transfer Process for Multi-potential Fields;多势场(火用)传递过程的理论研究及其工程应用
15.Mechanism Research and Experimental Analysis of Magnetic Field and EDM Compound Machining;磁场与电火花复合加工的机理研究与实验分析
16.New Fire Generation Piant Marketlizing Operation Management Research;新建火力发电企业市场化运作管理研究
17.Psychological crisis of firefighters affected by fire scene and its intervention;火场事件对消防员产生的心理危机及其干预
18.Discussion about Economic Management Concepts of Coal-fired Power Plants under Market Economy Circumstances;市场经济条件下火电厂经济管理思路的探讨

cleaning fire火场清理
3)mopping up清理火场<林>
4)clearing up squad火场清理小队
5)mop-up time清理火场时间
6)Fire cleaning火烧清理

212113浇冒口清理滚筒操作规程生产率:5吨/时1、遵守铸造设备通用操作规程。2、工作前还必须遵守:a、 检查滚筒内部锰钢板是否松动、如有松动,应及时紧固好;b、 检查滚筒体入口处是否与滑道相碰,如果相碰应于脱开;c、 先点动试车,然后空运转2-3分钟,检查传动系统(电动机、联轴节、减速器)和滚筒体的运动是否平稳,确认一切正常后,方可进行生产。3、工作中还必须遵守:a、 开车时,先开通风机,后开滚筒。停车时,先停滚筒,后停通风机;b、 经常注意进料情况,过宽过长的料不得进入滚筒内,以免卡住滚筒,使得滚筒体撬起,甩到地坑内,造成设备事故;c、 滚筒进料时,操作人员不要在地坑内停留;d、 设备开动时,如果滚筒压在挡轮上,应通知维修人员调整,以免引起轴瓦发热,甚至烧坏轴瓦;e、 不许浇冒口积压在滚筒出口处,以免妨障滚筒体动动。4、工作后滚筒体内的浇冒口应完全卸尽。