
1.[I,Tn]strike(bushes,undergrowth,etc)to raise game for shooting击打(灌木、下层林木等)使猎物暴露出来以便射杀之.
2.A dense growth of trees, plants, and underbrush covering a large area.森林一大片树丛、花木丛和下层林丛
3.A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.小树林缺乏茂密下层树丛的小树林或树木群体
4.a forest fire that burns only the surface litter and undergrowth.仅燃烧林地表面的枯枝落叶或林下灌木、草层的一种森林火灾。
5.Tourism Effect on Niche Dynamics of Dominant Shrub Populations in Suobuya Stone Forest旅游干扰下梭布垭石林灌木层优势种群生态位动态特征
6.a small growth of trees without underbrush.没有下层林丛的小树林。
7.Study on species niche of Schima superba and Pinus massoniana artificial forest shrub layer木荷马尾松林更新层种群生态位分析
8.the ferny undergrowth.长满蕨类的下层丛林。
9.Variations of Arbor Layer Spatial Pattern in Surface Fire-mediated Mongolian Pine Forest,Hulunbeier Sandy Land,Inner Mongolia,P.R.China地表火干扰下呼伦贝尔沙地樟子松林乔木层不同组分空间格局的变化
10.Shrubs and small trees growing beneath taller trees; underbrush.林下灌丛生长在高树下面的灌木和小树;灌木丛
11.Article 31 The following provisions shall be observed in the course of forest and forest tree cutting: 第三十一条 采伐森林和林木必须遵守下列规定:
12.Soil heterotrophic respiration in Casuarina equisetifolia plantation at different stand ages不同林龄的木麻黄林下土壤异养呼吸特征(英文)
13.Carbon dioxide sequestration of main shrub species in a natural secondary Pinus Tabulaeformis forest at the Huoditang forest zone in the Qinling Moutains秦岭火地塘林区油松林下主要灌木碳吸存
14.Effects of Understory Vegetation Litter Fall on Soil Animal Community in Chinese Fir Forest杉木林林下植被凋落物对土壤动物群落的影响
15.Study on the Distribution Pattern of Arboreal Species Abundance of Mountainous Rain Forest in Dawei Mountains,Yunnan,China大围山山地雨林乔木层物种多度分布格局研究
16.Ecological Functions of Forest Floor and Coarse Woody Debris in Forest Ecosystems in Subtropical China;森林枯枝落叶层与粗木质残体的生态功能
17.Studies on Structure and Function of Shrub Layer of Karst Forest in Guizhou Provincial Center Mountainous Area, China;黔中喀斯特山地森林灌木层结构与功能研究
18.Carbon and nitrogen storages and allocation in tree layers of Fraxinus mandshurica and Larix gmelinii plantations水曲柳和落叶松人工林乔木层碳、氮储量及分配

under storey下层林(林)
1.Comparison between the communities of arthropods in the canopy and the underwood of masson pine forest in Wuyi Mountain;武夷山马尾松林冠与下木层节肢动物群落比较
1.Relationships between the arthropods in the canopy and the underlayer of Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.pubescens forest;毛竹林冠层与林下层节肢动物类群的关系
1.Contributions of below-canopy CO_2 fluxes to ecosystem carbon budget of a temperate mixed forest in Changbai Mountain长白山温带混交林林冠下层CO_2通量对生态系统碳收支的贡献

阿密替林 ,阿米替林药物名称:阿米替林英文名:Amitriptyline别名: 阿密替林 ,阿米替林外文名:Amitriptyline适应症: 1.抗抑郁作用可使各类抑郁症病人情绪提高,对其思考缓慢、行为迟缓及食欲不振等症状有所改善。一般用药7~10日可产生明显疗效。 2.镇静、催眠作用:具有较强的镇静、催眠作用。 3.抗胆碱作用: (1)治疗抑郁症:适用于各类型抑郁症,如内源性抑郁症、更年期抑郁症、反应性抑郁症等。对兼有焦虑和抑郁症状的病人,疗效优于丙咪嗪。 (2)治疗遗尿症:对功能性遗尿有一定疗效。 用量用法: 1.治疗抑郁症:每次服25mg,1日2次,以后递增至每日150~300mg,维持量每日50~150mg。 2.治疗遗尿症:睡前服10~25mg。 注意事项: 1.不良反应比丙咪嗪少而轻,常见有口干、嗜睡、便秘、视力模糊、排尿困难、心悸,还可能引起心律失常,偶见体位性低血压、肝功能损害及迟发性运动障碍。 2.严重心脏病、高血压、青光眼、前列腺肥大及尿潴留者禁用。有癫痫病史者慎用。 规格: 片剂:每片10mg、25mg。 类别:抗精神失常药