1.Relationship among Species of Sect.Populus Using RAPD Markers白杨派树种亲缘关系的RAPD分析

1.Relationship among Species of Sect.Populus Using RAPD Markers白杨派树种亲缘关系的RAPD分析
2.Cytoplasmic Inheritance of Section Leuce in Populus and Their Triploid Hybrid Clones白杨派树种及其三倍体杂种细胞质遗传研究
3.Genetic Transformation of PeNhaD1 Gene to the Hybrid Poplar 110转Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白(PeNhaD1)基因派间杂种110杨的获得
4.Seedling Measurement of Hybrids of Populus alba and P.alba×P.glandulos,P.alba and P.tomentosa银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及苗期测定
5.In July the Hunan Provincial Committee sent over Yang Kai-ming and he became acting secretary.七月湖南省委派杨开明来,杨代理书记。
6.A Comparalion on the Ethirs Idea of Yangzi and Gyrenies;杨朱一派与居勒尼派伦理思想之比较
7.The Study on Hybridization between Populus Alba and (P.Alba×P.Glandulos)、P.Tomentosa and Original Selection of Hybrid Seedling;银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及杂种苗的初选研究
8.The white poplar is no ordinary tree. Let me sing its praises.白杨树实在是不平凡的,我赞美白杨树!
9.Study on Genetic Diversity in Populus Yunnanensis and Differentiation among Sections in Populus;滇杨遗传多样性与杨属派间遗传分化研究
10.The Studies on Irradiation Effects of ~(60)Co-γ Ray on Four Poplar Cultivars of Sect. Aigeiros黑杨派4个杨树品种~(60)Co-γ辐射效应研究
11.Study on Transformation of P.alba Var.Pyrarridalis and P.alba Var.Payrarridalis×P.alba L with a Gene Encoding for the Betaine a Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (BADH);银白杨×新疆杨和新疆杨转抗盐基因工程研究
12.Infestation and control of poplar clearwing moth Paranthrene tabaniformis in the stump of poplar.杨树截干上白杨透翅蛾的危害及防治
13.Two tall and straight poplars stand in front of the gate.门前有两棵挺拔的白杨。
14.The newly planted poplars had turned green again.新栽的白杨叶子又绿了。
15.poplars thrusting their Branches upward白杨的枝干向上生长
16.a rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds如雨般落下的白杨子
17.They designate Mr. Yang as director of the laboratory .他们选派杨先生为实验室主任。
18.On the Poetic Inherited Relationship Between Yang Zai and the Min School in the Ming Dynasty;试论杨载与明代闽派的诗学传承关系

Populus sect. Leuce Duby白杨派杨树
3)section Leuce白杨派树种
1.So far there are no comprehensive and systematic reports on cytoplasmic inheritance of section Leuce in Populus at home and abroad.国内外关于白杨派树种细胞质遗传至今未见很全面、系统的报道,开展细胞质遗传研究对杨树系统进化、遗传多样性、抗性研究及遗传改良和杂交育种工作具有重要的理论和实践意义。
4)aspen clones白杨派无性系
5)poplar hybridization clones白杨派杂种无性系
6)black poplar group黑杨派杨树
1.Research on tissue-culture reproductive systems of black poplar group;黑杨派杨树组培再生系统的研究

正统派与非正统派  对古代和中世纪印度各派哲学体系传统的分类方法。一般相信吠陀拥有至高权威的哲学派别为正统派,怀疑或反对吠陀权威的哲学派别则为非正统派。根据摩陀婆所著《摄一切见论》,属于正统派的有前弥曼差派(见弥曼差派)、后弥曼差派(也称吠檀多派)、数论派(见数论)、胜论派(见胜论)、正理派和瑜伽派;属于非正统派的有顺世派(见顺世论)、佛教(见印度佛教哲学)和耆那教(见耆那教哲学)。所谓的非正统派,并不承认这种划分法。这种分法虽然有一定的历史根据,但是掩饰了印度哲学派别的唯心主义与唯物主义、辩证法与形而上学的斗争。在正统派的发展过程中,数论、正理论、胜论、弥曼差派常常冲破婆罗门教和印度教神学的束缚,寻求神以外的创世根据,把理性思维、逻辑论证等等放在重要的地位。例如数论认为"原初物质"是世界演变的主要原因,此外,他们还公开批判《吠陀》的错误;胜论认为,整个世界包摄在六个范畴之中,自然界是由多种原素组成的,原子是万物的始基;弥曼差派认为,人们在举行吠陀祭祀仪式时,所获得的果报不是由于神力而是由于业力的原因,从而否定了婆罗门教神的创世说。非正统派中也有着不同的世界观和道德伦理学说,内部之间也进行着剧烈的斗争。