2)Heliciopsis lobata(Merr.) Sleum海南裂叶山龙眼
1.Objective To study the constituents of Heliciopsis lobata(Merr.目的研究海南裂叶山龙眼[Heliciopsis lobata(Merr。

1.GC-MS Analysis of Extracts from the Leaves of Heliciopsis lobata by Supercritical Fluid(Ⅱ)海南裂叶山龙眼叶超临界提取物化学成分的气相色谱-质谱联用分析(Ⅱ)
2.GC-MS Analysis of Extracts from the Leaves of Heliciopsis lobata by Supercritical Fluid海南裂叶山龙眼叶超临界提取物化学成分的气相色谱-质谱联用分析(Ⅰ)
3.southern United States hawthorn with pinnately lobed leaves.一种产于美国南部具有羽裂叶的山楂植物。
4.Researches on photosynthetic characteristics of exotic plants Wedelia trilobata,Pharbitis nil and Ipomoea cairica外来植物南美蟛蜞菊、裂叶牵牛和五爪金龙的光合特性
5.large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers; constitutes the order Proteales.产于澳大利亚和南非灌木和乔木的大科带有坚韧的叶片和丛生的分为四部分的花;组成了山龙眼属。
6.Fault structure characteristics and its control action on oil and gas in Kuinan-Longwangmiao region,Liaohe offshore辽河滩海葵南—龙王庙地区断裂构造特征及其对油气的控制
7.tuberous or semi-tuberous South African begonia having shallowly lobed ovate leaves and small white flowers.南非的一种秋海棠,有块茎或半块茎,叶卵形、有浅裂片,开白色的小花。
8.What traffic and what crowds!真是人山人海,车水马龙!
9.any tropical African shrub of the genus Protea having alternate rigid leaves and dense colorful flower heads resembling cones.属于任何山龙眼种的热带非洲灌木,有交替的刚硬的叶子和密集的象圆锥细胞的多彩的花。
10.Kowloon South No. 2 Salt Water Pumping Station九龙南二号海水抽水站
11.Kowloon South (S.W.) Pumping Station南九龙(海水)抽水站
12.Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Flavonoids from Longan Leaves龙眼叶中黄酮类物质提取条件的优化
13.Distribution: Victoria Peak, Ma On Shan, Lantau Island. Hainan, Guangdong, Vietnam, India.地理分布:扯旗山、鞍山、屿山。海南、东、南、度。
14.From the village known as Zhuqi to what is known as the Independence Hill Station at 760 metres above sea level, one is surrounded by tropical jungles where there are a large variety of trees such as banyan, betel palm, longan, kapok, etc.从竹崎到海拔760米的独立山站,是热带林,树木种类繁多,有榕树、槟榔、龙眼、木棉等。
15.South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers.南美洲的秋海棠,有纤维性根,基生叶上有突出的裂片、像天使的翅膀,总状花序、花珊瑚红色。
16.The Longmen Grottoes are situated at the mouth of the Longmen Hills, 12 kilometers in south of Luoyang City.龙门石窟位于洛阳城南12公里龙门山口处。
17.An investigation and study on similarity of satyridae in Fengyang mountiain、Baishanzu mountain .Jiulong mountain and Dayang mountain;凤阳山、百山祖、九龙山、大洋山眼蝶科蝶类相似度的研究
18.Preliminary Studies on Differential Proteins of Flower and Leaf Buds in Longan(Dimocarpus Longan Lour.);龙眼花芽与叶芽差异蛋白质的初步研究

Heliciopsis lobata(Merr.) Sleum海南裂叶山龙眼
1.Objective To study the constituents of Heliciopsis lobata(Merr.目的研究海南裂叶山龙眼[Heliciopsis lobata(Merr。
3)longan leaves龙眼叶
1.In order to make use of the resources of longan leaves,avoid wasting and approach the extraction of total flavanone of longan leaves.目的:为充分利用龙眼叶植物资源,避免资源的浪费,探讨龙眼叶总黄酮的提取及鉴别方法。
2.Extraction conditions of flavonoids from longan leaves using one factor experiment and orthogonal experiment were studied.文章采用单因素实验和正交设计法研究以乙醇作为溶剂在不同的条件下提取龙眼叶中黄酮类物质的效果。
4)Longan leaf龙眼叶片
1.The current production of the woody cut flowers of Proteaceae and its prospect analysis;山龙眼科木本切花市场现状与生产前景分析
1.Objective: To study the chemical constituents in seeds of Helicia nilagirica.结论:以上化合物除豆腐果苷外均为首次从该种植物中分离得到,化合物1,2,3为首次从山龙眼属植物中得到。

山棯叶【通用名称】山棯叶【其他名称】山棯叶 (《生草药性备要》) 【来源】为桃金娘科植物桃金娘的叶。植物形态详"山棯子"条。 【采集】全年可采。 【性味】甘,平。 ①《生草药性备要》:"味甘,性平。" ②《本草求原》:"涩,平。" 【功用主治】治头痛,泻痢,疳积,外伤出血,疮疥。 ①《生草药性备要》:"止痛,散热毒,止血,拨脓,生肌。" ②《本草求原》:"止血,止痢,生肌。治疳积,消疮,洗疳痔、热毒、癔疥、烂脚,理蛇伤。" ③《广西中药志》:"治水泻,红白痢;外用治外伤出血,乳痈。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两。外用:煎水洗残捣敷。 【选方】①治头痛和久患头痛:桃金娘鲜叶茎一两。酌加水煎成半碗。连服二、三天。(《福建民间草药》) ②治急性胃肠炎:鲜山棯叶二至四两(干者酌减)。煎水服。(《岭南草药志》) ③治外伤出血:山棯叶捣烂敷伤口。(《岭南草药志》)