1.Research on the Updating Investigation of Abies Ernestii Watershoots黄果冷杉徒长枝更新调查研究

1.The land is too rank to grow corn.土地过肥不宜种谷类〔徒长枝叶,结实稀少〕。
2.long - limbed有长肢[枝、翼]的
3.The gangster stole a gun and shot his way out of prison.歹徒偷到一枝枪一路杀出监狱.
4.A lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant.分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝
5.Lacking the top branches as a result of age or decay.缺顶枝的因树龄长或枯朽而缺顶枝的
6.An apprentice would serve him a glass of tea and offer him a good cigarette.小学徒送上一杯便茶来,外加一枝小联珠。
7.The trimmings are soon forgotten in a hand-to-hand encounter for life or death.在徒手生死格斗中,细枝末节很快就会被忘掉。
8.A long tiring journey on foot.长而累人的徒步旅行
9.They were sentenced to long terms in prison.他们被判长期徒刑。
10.poplars thrusting their Branches upward白杨的枝干向上生长
11.Having slender, drooping branches.垂下的有细长的垂枝
12.grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers.以长新枝的形式发芽。
13.produce buds, branches, or germinate; of plants.植物长芽、枝或发育。
14.These spurs produce short extension growth in the early part of the season.短枝在生长季前期缓慢延长生长。
15.It is futile to develop perverted knowledge that increases envy and the other five poisons.若长养知识,却徒增嫉妒与五毒,也是徒劳。
16.antlers with their branches pointing forward and giving off short tines, like twigs鹿角上的枝杈向前伸出,上面又长出小树枝船的细枝。
17.A secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub or from another secondary limb.分枝从树或灌木的主干或另一次级树枝上生长出来的次级树枝
18.Other counties like Hsiangtan, Hengshan, Liling and Changsha have 70,000--80,000, or 50,000--60,000, or 30,000--40,000 each.其他各县,如湘潭、衡山、醴陵、长沙等,七八万枝、五六万枝、三四万枝不等。

1.The spindling reason and control method of sugar beet seed plant;甜菜种株徒长原因及调控措施
2.Studies on the Controlling Technology of Spindling of Branches and Leaves of Greenhouse Grape;温室葡萄枝叶徒长的调控技术研究
3.There are diferences among the effects of the three auxins on tomato spindling,treatment with 30 mg/L MET decreased plant growth by 13 % and increased yield by 7.秋大棚栽培条件下,研究3种生长素多效唑、缩节胺和农大2号各3种浓度处理对番茄徒长的控制效果,主要包括2个指标,株高和产量(667m2)。
1.The Study on the Overgrowth Mechanism and Controlling Measures of the Cucumber Seedlings;黄瓜穴盘苗徒长机理及控制技术的研究
4)over growth of hyphae菌丝徒长
5)shoot length枝长
1.lannesiana,and Sophora japonica),leaf display indeces(LDI) decreased exponentially with shoot length(SL),suggesting that short current shoots were favorable to light-capture over space-acquisition,and vice versa for long .在7个树种中(三角枫、元宝枫、七叶树、银杏、紫叶李、日本晚樱和国槐),枝条的功能分化明显,其短枝的主要功能是获取光能,而长枝的主要功能是扩展空间,表现出叶展系数随枝长的增加而呈现出指数型递减,这种递减趋势在银杏和紫叶李中尤其明显;另1种苦楝中,枝条的功能分化不明显甚至缺失,其叶展系数随枝长的增加而表现出线性递增。
2.In Dongling Mountain region,the fates of the buds of Quercus liaotungensis were investigated using randomized branch sampling method,and their relationship to shoot length,the number of leaves and the number of fruits were statistically analyzed.在东灵山地区 ,应用随机枝取样法调查了辽东栎芽的命运 ,并对其与枝长、叶数、果数等的关系进行了统计分析。
6)Long shoot长枝
