1)understory[英]['?nd?,st?:ri][美]['?nd?,st?ri, -,stor-]林内
1.The research on winter soil respiration characteristic in the understory and gap林内和林窗冬季土壤呼吸特征

1.In case that firewood cutting and grazing in seedling forests and forests with special uses have led to the destruction of forests and trees在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧致使森林、林木受到毁坏
2.Firewood cutting and grazing shall be forbidden in seedling forests and special-use forests.  禁止在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧。
3.Changes of Heavy Metal Contents in the Precipitation Inside and outside Liquidambar formosana Plantation枫香人工林林内外降水重金属含量变化
4.In case that firewood cutting and grazing in seedling forests and forests with special uses have led to the destruction of forests and trees in violation of the provisions of this law, the compensation in damages shall be paid;违反本法规定,在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧致使森林、林木受到毁坏的,依法赔偿损失;
5.magazine camera菲林匣相机﹝早期内置片装菲林转换的相机﹞
6.Study on Forest Rights Institutional Change in Northeast and Inner Mongolia State-owned Forestry Region;东北内蒙古国有林区林权制度变迁研究
7.The Evaluation on the Effect of Cropland Conversion to Forest and Grassland in Xilinguolemeng of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古锡林郭勒盟退耕还林还草工程效果评估
8.Evaluation on Integrative Efficiency of Forestry Enterprises in National Forest Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古国有林区林业企业综合效益评价
9.Discuss on Forest Resources Sustainable Management in Daxing an Mountains Forest Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古大兴安岭林区森林资源可持续经营探讨
10.The Analysis on FSC Forest Identification of Domestic Forest Management Units;国内森林经营单位FSC森林认证结果分析
11.Forestry s inside structural adjustment practice and discussion in the reforesting formerly cultivated land is implemented;退耕还林实施中林业内部结构调整实践与探讨
12.Existing Problems of Logging Management in the Northeast and Neimenggu Forest Regions;东北及内蒙古林区林木采伐管理中存在的问题
13.Multifarious Daydreams: Summarization of Chinese Classical Dream Poems林林总总“白日梦”——中国古代“记梦”诗内容综述
14.The Change of Forest Resources of Wuchagou Forestry Bureau in XingAn League of Inner Mongolia内蒙古兴安盟五岔沟林业局森林资源变化浅析
15.Evaluation on Site Quality of Plantation in Mountainous Area in Southeast of Inner Mongolia内蒙古东南部山地人工林造林立地质量评价
16.The Present Situation and Distribution Characteristics of Forest Resources of Alongshan Bureau in Inner Mongolia内蒙古阿龙山林业局森林资源现状及分布特点
17.Discussion on Developing Non-national Forestry in Daxing'anling Mountain Region of Inner Mongolia内蒙古大兴安岭林区发展非公有制林业探讨
18.To specify a forest fire prevention period, during which no fire shall be used out in the field in the forest area;规定森林防火期,在森林防火期内,禁止在林区野外用火;

1.Acidity of stemflow was much greater than that of open rainfall and throughfall at two located monitoring slies at varyng distances from sulphur dioxide sources.通过一年的定点对比监测表明,树干茎流的酸度明显地高于林外雨和林内雨的酸度,高污染源较近的西芹监测场的降水酸度普遍比污染源较远的福建林学院监测场的高。
2.The indicators of water quality,such as pH and so on,of rainfall and throughfall of natural forest in Huoditang region,Qinling mountain,were measured from collected samples,and then analyzed through comparing and contrasting.通过对秦岭火地塘天然林林区大气降水和林内雨pH值等相关水质指标进行测试和对测试结果进行对比分析,发现天然林冠层对酸性降水有显著的调节作用,可使其酸性降低并趋于中性,而起关键作用的是林木的叶。
3.The relative throughfall in this r.辽东山区林内雨率68。
3)air temperature in the stands林内温度
4)air temperature in forest stands林内气温
5)in-forest landscape林内景观
1.The results showed that the scenic beauty of in-forest landscape had a nonlinear relationship with the number of species in tree layer.北京市郊区风景游憩林侧柏刺槐混交林研究表明,侧柏刺槐林中,林内景观美景度差异与乔木层树种数量呈非线性相关,无其他伴生树种的林内景观美景度最高,两种以上伴生树种其次,而一种伴生树种为最低;伴生树种以黄栌为好,蒙桑和栾树其次,油松最低;两个主要树种的比例基本以其中一种占优势时,其景观美景度值高,且以刺槐的比例高时,林内景观美景度值更大;其林下植被物种多样性指数与林内景观美景度标准化绝对值成正比关系,即林下物种Simpson多样性指数、Shannon多样性指数、均匀度指数越大,其林内景观美景度出现两极分化现象。
1.The paper reviews the studying progress on chemistry and pharmacology of coumarins of khellactone derivatives.本文综述了近年来凯林内酯衍生物的化学和药理研究概况,内容主要包括化合物的提取分离,光谱特征,立体结构,化学转化及合成等。

“榕林雨霁”(中国画)“榕林雨霁”(中国画) “榕林雨霁”(中国画) 作者:金鸿钧