1.We make a summary and report about the 1 302 cases of Eyebrow plastics made in our center in the recent five years.目前眉整形术存在很多误区,也存在很多问题,笔者对近5年做的1302例眉部手术患者进行总结。

1.The patterns of the eyebrow paintings mainly included long eyebrow,wide eyebrow,splay eyebrow,jingcui eyebrow,melancholy eyebrow,yuanshan eyebrow and so on.当时的妆式样主要分为长、广、八字、惊翠、愁、远山等。
2.pencilled eyebrows画, 描出来的秀
3.Header/page &number页/页号(&N)
4."Well, I must be off now, Mei-ching.“! 我就走了。
5.first or last word of a page in a dictionary,printed above the columns(词典上的)题.
6.He puckered (up) his brows [face].他皱起头[脸]来。
7.shaggy hair, eyebrows蓬乱的头发、 粗
8.He drew his heavy black brows together in a frown.他皱着头,浓黑的毛拧成了一个结。
9.He had bushy eyebrows that grew together in the centre.他长着毛茸茸的毛,宇间连在一起。
10."No; frown," he said. "Frown as you did before."“不对,要皱,"他说,"像你刚才那样皱
11.He arched his eyebrows.他把毛向上弯成拱形 [耸起双] 。
12.Eye-brow highlighting : Use a black mineral pigment to outline the eye-brow.画黛:用黛(一种黑色矿物)来修饰型。
13.Generally, there are two types of abnormal eyebrow, a category eyebrow malformation; Another defect is eyebrow.一般来说,的异常有两类,一类是畸形;另一类是缺损。
14.Vivid Description of Su Xun,Su Shi and Su Zhe--On the Preface of Three Sus玲珑鲜活说三苏——《山苏洵》、《山苏轼》、《山苏辙》三书小序
15.He corrugated his brows in throught.他在沉思中皱起头。
16.Change paragraph or heading style更改段落或页样式
17.He was standing in a daze.他直瞪眼地站在那。
18.Don' t be such a worrier !别总那麽愁苦脸的!

1.We make a summary and report about the 1 302 cases of Eyebrow plastics made in our center in the recent five years.目前眉整形术存在很多误区,也存在很多问题,笔者对近5年做的1302例眉部手术患者进行总结。
3)Eyebrow removing and tattoo文眉切眉
1.Analysis and study of the air quality and control measures at Meixian County;眉县大气环境质量状况分析及治理措施研究
2.A study on rural-urbanization of western areas based on the cluster initiatives borders:taking Meixian of Shaanxi Province for example集群创导下的西部农村城镇化模式研究——以陕西眉县为例
3.Management and Industrial Development Following up the Land Conversion Project in Meixian眉县退耕还林工程后续管理与产业发展研究
5)Eyebrow excision切眉
6)tattoo eyebrow纹眉
1.To research the affect of tattoo eyebrow on infection viral hepatitis type C in women.;纹眉在女性人群丙型肝炎病毒感染中的作用研究

眉眉 眉   眉毛。《灵枢·阴阳二十五人》:“足太阳之上,血气盛则美眉,眉有毫毛。”