2)Salix babylonica L垂柳
1.Studies on the Extraction Technology and Determination of Total Flavonoids in Salix babylonica L.;垂柳叶黄酮的微波提取工艺
2.Research on the Blossom-bud Differentiation Starting Times of Salix babylonica L.;垂柳花芽分化发端时间的研究
3.Cadmium uptake,accumulation and tolerance potential of three weeping willow(Salix babylonica L.采用水培试验方法,研究了镉(Cd)对垂柳3个无性系生长、吸收、积累及耐性的影响。

1.a weeping birch, willow, etc枝条下垂的桦树、 垂柳.
2.The willow Branches swayed gently in the Breeze.垂柳在微风中轻轻摇曳。
3.The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly.垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。
4.The weeping willows looked fresher and greener after the rain.雨后, 垂柳显得格外青翠。
5.nodding daffodils; the pendulous branches of a weeping willow; lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers.下垂的水仙花;垂柳下垂的枝条;长着下垂花序的芬芳的丁香花。
6.The willows shadow falls on the lake.垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。
7.When the canal was completed, the king had weeping willows planted on both banks and exotic flowers planted all over Fragrance Hill.河道挖成,两岸遍植垂柳,香山广植奇花。
8.Studies on cadmium uptake,accumulation and tolerance in Salix babylonica垂柳对镉吸收、积累与耐性的特点分析
9.A Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture Techniques for Salix×aureo-pendula cl."J1010"金丝垂柳J1010组织培养技术初步研究
10.Measurement of Stem Water Content of Salix Babylonica Using Standing Wave Ratio Principle应用SWR技术研究垂柳茎体含水率
11.willow-pattern (traditional blue and white Chinese design that includes a picture of a willow-tree and a river,used esp on china plates,etc)柳景图案(中国传统蓝白二色图案,有小河垂柳,尤见于瓷盘等上)
12.She turned and looked at Mei, who pointed at the willows and said, "Those trailing willow strands are knotted around my heart ...琴埋下头看梅,梅指着湖畔的柳树说:“这垂柳丝丝也曾绾住我的心。……
13.Cold resistance Species selected are weeping willow,spruce,white elm,Chinese tamarisk and desert date.经抗寒性分析得出垂柳、云杉、白榆、柽柳、沙枣抗冻性较强 ;
14.The boat now carne to the end of the tunnel of willows and out into a narrower stretch of the river.船穿完了那密密的垂柳,前面河身狭一些了。
15.Damage of Anoplophora glabripennis to Salix babylonica in the Landscape outside Qinhuai River光肩星天牛对外秦淮河景观带垂柳的危害
16.Degrading ability of eight species of wood rotting fungi on Salix matsudana var. pseudo-matsudana八种城市旱垂柳林木材腐朽菌分解能力的测定
17.Research on Rotten Law and Protection and Control Technology of Truncated Salix matsudana in City城市旱垂柳平头后的腐朽规律与防控技术研究
18.Household china decorated with a blue-on-white design depicting a willow tree and often a river.饰有垂柳图案的陶瓷餐具装饰有白底蓝画的家用陶瓷,图上画有柳树,通常还有一条河

Salix babylonica L垂柳
1.Studies on the Extraction Technology and Determination of Total Flavonoids in Salix babylonica L.;垂柳叶黄酮的微波提取工艺
2.Research on the Blossom-bud Differentiation Starting Times of Salix babylonica L.;垂柳花芽分化发端时间的研究
3.Cadmium uptake,accumulation and tolerance potential of three weeping willow(Salix babylonica L.采用水培试验方法,研究了镉(Cd)对垂柳3个无性系生长、吸收、积累及耐性的影响。
3)Salix babylonica垂柳
1.Research on Tissue Culture and Regeneration of Salix babylonica;垂柳的组织培养及植株再生体系研究
2.The larvae live in glabrous,red flushed oval or near pea shaped galls covered with warts and attached to the mid vein on the underside of the leaves,chiefly of Salix babylonica L.垂柳瘿叶蜂Pontaniasp。
3.Under CO2 doubling, the content of chlorophyll and carotenoid per unit fresh weight and per unit area of leaves from weeping willow (Salix babylonica L.研究了CO_2浓度倍增对垂柳(Salix babylonica L。
4)weeping willow垂柳
1.Effects of two pesticides on PPO, POD activity and isozymes in weeping willow (Salix babylonica Linn) by trunk injection;两种农药树干注射对垂柳叶内PPO和POD活性及同工酶谱的影响
2.Modeling and developing of virtual weeping willow;虚拟垂柳的造型及生长技术研究
5)Salix babylonica Linn垂柳
1.Induction of stem of Salix babylonica Linn was study.以垂柳嫩枝条为外植体进行茎段组织培养试验研究。
2.With the aid of light microscope,the morphology,structure and development of thefloral nectaries in Salix babylonica Linn.垂柳雌花蜜腺一枚,位于于房与花序轴之间,多呈扁平广卵形,由分泌表皮、泌蜜组织和维管束组成。
1.Salix × aureo pendula is the artifficial hybrid of S.金丝垂柳(Salix×aureo-pendula)是垂柳与黄枝白柳(S。

【药物名称】垂柳 【别名】水杨柳,吊杨柳,线柳。 【科属】杨柳科 【植物形态】植物形态:落叶乔木,高达15米。枝条广展,小枝下垂。叶互生,线状披针形至狭披针形,长8~15厘米,宽2.5~4厘米,基部圆形至锐形,先端渐尖,边缘具腺状小锯齿,表面浓绿色,背面粉绿色,老时光滑。花单性异株,绿黄色,腋生茅荑花序,与叶同时开放,花盘腺状,无花被;雄花含雄蕊2枚,雌花具1子房,2心皮。蒴果2瓣裂,种子有毛。 生态分布:产我国长江流域至南部各省。 药用部分:须根、枝、树皮、叶、花、果入药,除花果春季采外,余四季均可采用。 用途:须根、枝性味苦、寒,无毒。能祛风邪,除湿热。治风湿拘挛,筋骨疼痛,湿热带下及牙龈肿痈。花治风水黄疸,恶疮,金疮,吐血,咯血,湿痹,四肢挛急,走马牙疳,脚多湿汗。叶能治恶疮,马疥,心腹内血,骨蒸劳热,汤火疮毒入腹,白浊,眉毛脱落,痘烂生蛆。果实能治溃痈。用量:须根、枝4~8钱。