2)Blood hyperviscosity syndrome高粘滞血症

1.Correlative Study on Relationship Between Cell Adhesion Molecule and Blood-Stasis Syndrome in Hyper Viscosity Syndrome as Evidenced by 118 Cases of Clinical Observation;高粘滞血症细胞粘附分子与血瘀证分型的相关研究——附118例临床观察
2.Evaluation of the relationship between hyperviscosity syndrome and ASO by color duplex sonography双功能彩色多普勒超声评价高粘滞血症与颈动脉硬化闭塞症的关系
3.The influence of semi-conductor laser irradiation for hyper-viscosity and hyperlipemia of hypertension patients半导体激光治疗高血压病高粘高脂血症观察
4.Clinical Reasearch of Xue Chou Qing Pill Blood Lipids in Hyperlipemia Patients Based on Differentiation of Splegm and Blood Stagnate;血稠清胶囊对痰瘀阻滞型高脂血症患者血脂的临床研究
5.Therapeutic Observation of Wu Zi Tang in Treatment of Yin Xu Yang Kang Type Hyperviscosity五子汤治疗阴虚阳亢型高粘血症的临床观察
6.The Clinical Study of Xue Xhou Qing Capsule s Effect on Hyperlipemia of Phlegm-Accumulation Stasis about the Chinese Medicine Syndrome;血稠清胶囊对痰瘀阻滞型高脂血症患者中医证候的临床研究
7.The harm of blood high viscosity syndrome to health is discussed from three aspects.从三个方面论述了血液高粘滞综合征对健康的危害。
8.Application of a novel combination of plasma replacement solution in Treatment of hyperviscosity syndrome一种新型血浆置换液在治疗高粘滞综合征中的应用
9.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia with Compound Tongmai Jiangzhi Tang通脉降脂汤治疗高脂血症痰瘀阻滞型的临床观察
10.Having relatively high resistance to flow.粘滞性的对流动有较高抵抗力的
11.Hypertension (or high Blood pressure):Condition in which Blood pressure is abnormally high.高血压:血压偏高的病症。
12.Conlusions The patients with turbid-phlegm type coronary heart disease have main characteristics such as high blood fat, high blood viscosity and sympathetic nerve hyper-function.结论痰浊型冠心病患者有高脂血症、粘度增高和交感神经功能明显亢进为主的标实特征。
13.hypertension complicated with toxemia of pregnancy高血压合并妊娠毒血症
14.viscoelastic retardation粘弹迟滞法[可用于测定高分子量DNA的分子量]
15.Wind-induced Response Analysis on a Connected Tall Building Structure with Viscous Damper粘滞阻尼器在连体高层结构中的抗风减振效果
16.The Clinical Observation to Treat Lumbar Disc Herniation of QiZhiXueYu with HuoXueQuTong Decoction and Acupncture and Massage;活血祛痛汤配合针推治疗气滞血瘀腰突症临床疗效观察
17.The complication: nose conglutination 12 cases, antrum jaws atresia 3 cases, post operation hemorrhage 2 cases.并发症鼻粘连12例,窦口闭锁3例,术后出血2例。
18.The erosion of the mucosa by the stool in the diverticula can produce inflammation and hemorrhage.大便刺激憩室肠侵蚀的粘膜产生炎症和出血。

Blood hyperviscosity syndrome高粘滞血症
3)hyperviscosity syndrome高黏滞血症
1.OBJECTIVE:To compare the cost-effectiveness of 4 schemes in the treatment of same disease (hyperviscosity syndrome).方法:将高黏滞血症患者的4种药物治疗方案进行回顾性分析研究,根据治疗方案不同分为4组:复方丹参组(Ⅰ组)、黄芪组(Ⅱ组)、葛根素组(Ⅲ组)、脉络宁组(Ⅳ组)。
2.[Objective] To explore the clinical epidemic rule and the influence f actors of hyperviscosity syndrome(HVS).犤目的犦探讨高黏滞血症临床流行规律及其影响因素。
3.Objective:to observe the influence of the method of reinforcing kidney and activating blood on aging rats with hyperviscosity syndrome.目的 :观察补肾活血法对衰老模型大鼠高黏滞血症 (hyperviscositysyndrome,HVS)的影响。
4)High blood viscosity syndrome高血粘滞症
6)Logging step length滞后步长

血滞不孕血滞不孕 血滞不孕   病证名。不孕症型之一。《叶氏女科证治》:“妇人血虚经滞,蓄积不行,小腹疼痛,久不成胎,宜五物煎(当归、熟地、白芍、川芎、肉桂)。”