1.As a significant cross-discipline of dendrochronology and forest fire ecology, dendropyrochronology is the science that uses tree rings to date and study past and present changes in wildfires, dating the fire scars left in tree rings to determine how often fires occurred in the past.该文对树木年轮火历史国内外研究现状进行了简要评述,国内树木年轮火历史研究尚处在起步阶段,国外树木年轮火历史研究主要集中在以下几个方面:1)火历史的时空格局特征,主要包括林火发生的时间间隔、空间范围、强度、林火发生的时空关联、林火发生与立地条件的关系、林火发生与物种演替以及树轮火疤与其他方法相结合的火灾判断等内容;2)火灾历史与全球气候变化的关系,主要包括火灾与温度和降水关系,如一般在当年干旱而前几年相对湿润时火灾发生;火灾发生与大尺度气候事件也有一定的关联,火灾一般发生在厄尔尼诺(ElNi?o)向拉尼娜(LaNi?a)转换的年代,而且相位组合比单个事件更容易引发火灾;3)火历史与人为活动及土地利用的关系,战争和人口增加容易引发火灾,而放牧活动却降低火灾发生频率,20世纪以来的森林火抑制降低了火灾发生频率却增加了大火发生的可能性。
2)tree ring树木年轮
1.Correlation between chemical element contents in tree rings and those in soils near tree roots in the southern suburbs of Beijing,China.;树木年轮与其根部土壤化学元素含量的相关性
2.In this paper, with an aim of better monitoring air pollution, we selected tree bark and tree ring core samples(willow, Salix matsudana)close to a smelting industry in northeast Beijing for magnetic studies.通过磁学手段以树木年轮为研究对象,通过多参数磁学研究探讨钢铁厂周围环境污染的历史。
3.The standardized(STD) chronology was established from tree ring data of \%Sabina przewalskii \%in east region of Qilian Mountains.祁连山东部地区树木年轮年表具有明确的气候学意义。

1.Research on Relationship Between Tree-ring and Global Warming树木年轮与全球变暖的关系研究进展
2.Experimental Method of Density for Tree-ring Research and Its Application in Research of Tree Ring Data from Zhungeer County,Inner Mongalia;树木年轮密度实验方法及其在内蒙古准格尔旗树轮研究中的应用
3.D/H Ratio Determination of Cellulose Nitrate from Tree Rings;树木年轮硝化纤维素氢同位素组成的测定
4.The Dendroclimatological Study on the East Part of the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountain,Xinjiang Province新疆天山北坡东部地区树木年轮气候研究
5.Effects of Climatic Factors on Tree Ring Growth in Liupanshan Region,Northwest China六盘山地区气候因子对树木年轮生长的影响
6.Reconstruction of humidity changes from tree rings in Liupan Mountains area since 1900利用树木年轮重建六盘山地区1900年以来的干湿变化
7.Examine the Historical Pollution Situation of Huize Pb-Zn Mine from Analysis on the Pb, Cd and Zn Content of Ring从树木年轮铅、镉、锌含量分析看会泽铅锌矿历史污染
8.Relationship between Tree-ring Chronology of Representative Species in Changbai Mountains and Climate Change.;长白山典型森林植被树木年轮资料与气候变化的关系
9.Dendrochronological Application and Development on the Research of Tugai Advantage Species;树木年轮学在吐加依优势物种研究中的应用与发展
10.The Study and Application of the Tree-Ring Micro Density Based on the Virtual Instrument and Image Processing Technology;基于虚拟仪器和图像处理技术的树木年轮微密度研究及其应用
11.The Application of Dendrochronology in the Research of Tuyuhun and Tubo Tombs in Western Qinghai Area;树木年轮在青海西部地区吐谷浑与吐蕃墓葬研究中的应用
12.Reconstruction of precipitation series from tree-rings at the northern slopes of south Tianshan mountains of Yili prefecture;用树木年轮重建伊犁南天山北坡西部的降水量序列
13.Comparative Analysis of the Content of the Heavy Metal in Tree Ring in Different Growth Backgrounds in Nanjing City南京市不同环境树木年轮重金属元素含量对比分析
14.Dynamic Analysis on Carbon Accumulation of a Plantation in Qianyanzhou Based on Tree Ring Data基于树木年轮信息的江西千烟洲人工林碳蓄积分析
15.You can tell the age of the tree by the number of rings in the wood.从木头的年轮你会知道这棵树的树龄。
16.Oh, red leaves, I've read your poetic message in the tree rings.红叶,我在树木的年轮里读过你的文章。
17.You can tell the age of a tree by counting the rings in its wood.数数木头里的年轮就知道这棵树的年龄。
18.the silhouettes of the trees against the evening sky夜空衬托出树木的轮廓.

tree ring树木年轮
1.Correlation between chemical element contents in tree rings and those in soils near tree roots in the southern suburbs of Beijing,China.;树木年轮与其根部土壤化学元素含量的相关性
2.In this paper, with an aim of better monitoring air pollution, we selected tree bark and tree ring core samples(willow, Salix matsudana)close to a smelting industry in northeast Beijing for magnetic studies.通过磁学手段以树木年轮为研究对象,通过多参数磁学研究探讨钢铁厂周围环境污染的历史。
3.The standardized(STD) chronology was established from tree ring data of \%Sabina przewalskii \%in east region of Qilian Mountains.祁连山东部地区树木年轮年表具有明确的气候学意义。
3)tree growth-ring树木年轮
1.Dynamical character of weather evolutionary process on index of Lyapunov for tree growth-ring;基于Lyapunov指数的树木年轮时间序列混沌特征分析
2.Dynamic character of climatic evolutionary process for tree growth-ring;树木年轮所标志的气候演变过程的动力学特征
3.Law of solar activity and width of tree growth-rings were analyzed by wavelet.从逼近信息看,123 a来树木年轮宽度的相对模数的时间尺度基本平稳略有下降之势。
1.Reconstruction of temporal variations of precipitation in Changbai Mountains area over past 240 years by using tree-ring width data;利用树木年轮宽度资料重建长白山地区240年来降水量的变化
2.Design of Tree-ring Micro-density Analysis System Based on LabVIEW;基于LabVIEW的树木年轮微密度分析系统设计
3.Reconstruction of precipitation series from tree-rings at the northern slopes of south Tianshan mountains of Yili prefecture;用树木年轮重建伊犁南天山北坡西部的降水量序列
6)tree rings树木年轮
1.Reconstruction of humidity changes from tree rings in Liupan Mountains area since 1900利用树木年轮重建六盘山地区1900年以来的干湿变化

树木1.木本植物的统称。 2.植树。