
1.Study and Develop on Digitalized Cutting Device of Brush Breakers;灌木平茬机切割装置数字化开发研究
2.Test Study on Traction of a Self-propelled Walking Brush Cutter and Its Influence on Sandlot灌木平茬机牵引性能及对沙地影响试验研究
3.Experimental Study and Design on 5GZ-800 Type Self-propelled Walking Brush Cutter5GZ-800型自行手扶式灌木平茬机的设计与试验
4.Experimental Study on the Application of Stepping Hand-held Circular Saw Type Brush Cutter in Shrub Harvesting步进手扶圆锯片式割灌木机用于灌木平茬收割试验研究
5.Study on the Reasonable Cutting Ages of Caragana korshinskii in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region黄土丘陵区柠条灌木林合理平茬期的研究
6.People do not fall headlong on stumpe of underwood with impunity.任何人也不可能头朝下摔在灌木丛的根茬上而不受伤的。
7.shrubby tree of United States Pacific coast; yields cascara sagrada.美国太平洋海岸的一种灌木状树木;生产鼠李皮。
8.The trees and bushes protect the open land from the winds.树木和高大的灌木丛保护着平地不受大风影响,
9.any of numerous evergreen trees or shrubs having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves.常绿灌木,红色杯状浆果,扁平针叶。
10.Screening of Tomato Rootstocks for Protected Culture in Shandong Province山东省保护地越冬茬番茄砧木的筛选
11.Relating to, resembling, or assuming the form of a shrub; shrubby.灌木状的具有灌木外貌的、象灌木的与灌木有关的;灌木的
12.Effect of crop rotation and irrigation on wheat yield and water-use efficiency茬口和灌水对小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响
13.a trellis on which ornamental shrub or fruit tree is trained to grow flat.把装饰性的灌木和果树修剪得平又齐当作墙。
14.shrub of United States Pacific coast bearing small red insipid fruit.美国太平洋海岸的一种灌木,红色小果实,无味。
15.giving way to a stretch of plain where the only obstacles were clumps of bushes.前面是一片平地,唯一的障碍只有一簇簇灌木丛。
16.The great plain was covered in scrub and small lifeless trees.浩瀚的平原覆盖着灌木和毫无生气的矮小树林。
17.Planting bush mulberry on sleep slope land more than 25 degrees with deepen levelditches.陕北黄土丘陵区以水平槽带状灌木化在25。
18.family of tropical evergreen trees and shrubs with thick shining parallel-veined leaves.热带常绿乔木和灌木的一科具有厚实亮质平行脉络的叶子。

desert brush cutter沙生灌木平茬机
3)stumping of timber林木平茬
1.Thus,the experiment of cutting was carried out for Calligonum arborescens(7a),and then its benefit was analyzed based on the monitoring data in middle part of shelterbelt along the Tarim Desert for long time.在极端生境胁迫下,乔木状沙拐枣种植7-8年后即出现长势减弱,自然枯死等现象,本文对7a生乔木状沙拐枣植株进行了人工平茬试验,并对其平茬效益做了分析,得出以下结论:(1)乔木状沙拐枣的再生能力较强,第一次平茬后新生枝株高,冠幅,地径等迅速增长,且经过第二次平茬后仍能保持良好的生长状态,生物效益显著。
2.Cutting could not only rejuvenate the plants, but also increase the yield and ratio of edible parts (leaves and tender stems).探讨了3种岩黄芪属植物平茬与未平茬植株的生物学性状。
3.According to the degradation reasons of Nitraria shrub and by the two measures of manual rainfall and cutting,the growth\,biolmass\,species diversity and soil moisture content were analyzed.本文针对绿洲边缘天然白刺灌丛植被退化发生机制 ,采取平茬和人工降雨两种措施 ,从白刺灌丛的生长量、生物量、物种多样性以及沙丘内部水分变化量等方面入手 ,对白刺灌丛的复壮进行了初步的研究。
1.In the meantime,the rejuve-nation measures of stumping the wind protection & sand fixing forests of 4 years-old Calligonum rubicundunma in different season and with different stubble height were also studied in this paper.在春季和秋季(雨季)采用红皮沙拐枣实生苗和插穗扦插造林,研究造林成活率和保存率;同时将4年生红皮沙拐枣防风固沙林采用不同季节和不同留茬高度平茬措施复壮。
2.The experiment of stumping of Hedysarum scoparium forest was carried out in Yellow River Divert-ing Irrigation Area.通过对引黄灌区沙地花棒林进行不同留茬高度的平茬试验,其新萌发枝条数和生长量有所不同:在新萌发枝条数目上,留茬高度5cm和10cm时较高,2cm和20cm较低;新生枝条生长过程中,其生长量与留茬高度成负相关关系。
3.The optimum time of stumping is in the middle and last ten days of April.平茬对恢复更新腾格里沙漠南缘沙生灌木沙拐枣、沙木蓼和花棒,提高其生长量具有明显的效果,对毛条的恢复有效果,但不十分明显。
6)even stubble machine平茬机
1.According to comprehensive analyzing on test and research of the korshinskll even stubble machine,the structure formation,suited power,safety clutch,lifting mechanism,wattle eduction and cutting tool design was discussed and information was provided for design.通过试验研究及相关分析,阐述柠条平茬机的结构形式、动力配置、安全装置、提升控制、刀具设计及枝条排送等方面的技术问题,为相关设计提供资料。

乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平药物名称:拉西地平英文名:Lacidipine别名: 拉西地平;乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平外文名:Lacidipine,Lacipil, Caldine, Viapres适应症: 用于防治高血压。 用量用法: 口服:开始用量为4mg,1日1次,在早晨服用较好,但应维持4mg剂量不少于3~4周。 注意事项: 1.最常见的有头痛、皮肤潮红、水肿、眩晕和心悸,通常短暂,并随着相同剂量的继续用药而逐渐消失。偶有无力、皮疹(包括红斑和瘙痒)、食欲不振、恶心及多尿。与其他钙拮抗剂一样,极少数病人有胸痛和牙龈增生。 2.对本品中任何成分高度过敏者禁用。 3.妊娠与哺乳期妇女慎用。 4.乐息平与其他降血压药物和利尿剂、β阻滞剂并用,降压作用可以加强。与西米替丁并用,血浆乐息平水平可以增高。 规格: 每片:2mg、4mg。 类别:选择性钙通道阻滞剂\二氢吡啶类||降血压药