1.Wood identification of the wooden parts from the gilded-pagoda excavated at Dabaoen Temple site in Nanjing南京大报恩寺遗址出土阿育王塔所用木材的树种鉴定

1.Wood identification of the wooden parts from the gilded-pagoda excavated at Dabaoen Temple site in Nanjing南京大报恩寺遗址出土阿育王塔所用木材的树种鉴定
2.An Interpretive Explanation of the King Ashoka Relief Carvings of the Northern Song Dynasty at the Lingyan Temple Pagoda in Changqing;长清灵岩寺塔北宋阿育王浮雕图像考释
3.Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, Saudi Arabia, 20阿瓦利德?塔哈尔王子,沙特阿拉伯,20
4.The Duke of Aosta was a cousin of the King of Italy.阿奥斯塔公爵是意大利国王的堂兄弟。
5.The man of prayer and Cup bearer to the King Artaxerxes.这个人是个祈祷者并负责为阿塔塞克西斯王(斯国王)送杯子。
6.A:Tara,the red earth of Tara.阿:塔拉,塔拉的红土。
7.O' plus A:The red earth of Tara Tara!奥与阿:塔拉的红土!塔拉!
8.BENDIAB, Mokhtar Taleb莫克塔·塔列布·本迪阿卜
9.The king and the queen ran to the tower.国王和王后冲进塔内。
10.Korkut Ata and Collection of Kuorkut Ata;关于阔尔库特阿塔及《阔尔库特阿塔书》
11.battle in 401 BC when the Persian King Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne.公元前401年波斯国王阿尔塔萨西斯二世打败他年轻的想篡位的弟弟的战争。
12.A genitor who does not parent the child is not its parent&b{Ashley Montagu)不养育孩子的父母不能称为孩子的父母(阿什利 蒙塔古)
13.Ted Turner, the communications magnate, also has bought land in Argentine Patagonia with an eye to conservation.媒体巨子泰德·透纳着眼于环境保育,也买下阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚土地。
14.A Near Eastern goddess traditionally associated with love and fertility.阿斯塔蒂近东地区传统上主管爱情和生育的女神
15.Teaching Humanities at Medical School of National University of La Plata, Argentina阿根廷国立拉普拉塔大学医学院的人文学科教育
16.The Crown of England is on view at the Tower of London.英国王冠在伦敦塔展出。
17.That night, the prince comes to the tower.那晚,王子到了高塔前,
18.Among the pilgrims was the Indian emperor Ashoka, who erected one of his commemorative pillars there.印度的阿育王也是朝拜者之一,并在此建立了一个他的纪念碑。

1.Asoka (304 BC - 232 BC) is the third Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty.阿育王是印度孔雀王朝第三代君主,皈依佛法后形成了独具特色的佛教信仰与佛教实践,不但将印度佛教推向高潮并传向世界,而且对中国佛教文化产生了深远的影响。
3)King Ashoka relief carvings阿育王浮雕
4)King Ajatasattu阿阇世王
1.Image Narration: A Restudy of the King Ajatasattu s Theme in the Western Regions Cave Paintings;作为典籍符号的图像叙事——西域石窟壁画阿阇世王题材再探讨
5)Ahom Kingdom阿洪王国
1.The rise of the Ahom Kingdom dominated the history of North-East India during the period from 13 th to 19 century.十三世纪至十九世纪印度东北部的历史当属阿洪王国的历史。
6)Ava dynasty阿瓦王朝

阿育王塔【阿育王塔】 (堂塔)阿育王为佛以后大兴佛事,到处建立寺塔,奉安佛舍利,及供养僧众。据善见律毗婆沙一,谓阿育王统领之国,其数有八万四千,故王敕诸国建八万四千大寺,八万四千宝塔云。阿育王传一及阿育王经一等,谓王由海比丘知佛有悬记,诣王舍城,取阿阇世王所埋之四升舍利,又悉取他六所所埋之舍利,造八万四千宝箧,一箧盛一舍利,复造八万四千宝瓮,八万四千宝盖,八万四千疋彩,为庄校,以建立八万四千宝塔云。法显传及西域记等亦皆叙王造八万四千塔。又杂譬喻经上,谓阿育王希疾病平愈,造一千二百宝塔。其塔数虽不知孰确,而王由兴教爱法之至情,多建寺塔,则非子虚也。今诸塔殆已无存,彼中印度之僧志古塔,是否为此中之一,亦不可考。又古来有传说此阿育王塔我国亦有之者,如广弘明集十五,举鄮县(今宁波鄞县)塔已下凡十七塔,法苑珠林三十八列鄮县塔以下凡二十一塔,谓皆为阿育王所造。案阿育王之领土,不及于我国,塔何从来?殆附会之说也。考佛祖统纪四十三,谓吴越王钱俶,慕阿育王造塔事,以金银精钢造八万四千塔,中藏宝箧印心咒经,布散部内,凡十年而功竣。其附会即由此欤。