1.Bambusa hirticaulis,a New Species in Genus Bambusa华南箣竹属一新种——毛秆竹(英文)

1.Bambusa hirticaulis,a New Species in Genus Bambusa华南箣竹属一新种——毛秆竹(英文)
2.Changes in Soil Microorganisms under Bamboo Plantation Covered with Tobacco Straw;烟草秸秆覆盖下毛竹土壤微生物的变化规律
3.Research on the Microorganism Characteristics of Tobacco Straw Overburden Covered on the Bamboo Forest毛竹林地覆盖烟草秸秆分解层微生物特征研究
4.A Study on Leaf Area and Culm-form Structure of Natural Phyllostachys pubescens in Haiziping海子坪天然毛竹林叶面积指数及秆形结构
5.Research on Image Segmentation and Visualization of Cell Wall Structure of Vascular Bundles in Phyllostachys Pubescens Culm;毛竹秆茎维管束细胞壁结构图像分割与可视化研究
6.Cultivation Techniques for Oxyternanthera braunii with Culm Burying and Branch Cuttage特用竹种酒竹的埋秆、扦插育苗技术
7.golden pheasant green back feather with bamboo handle竹柄锦鸡绿背毛毛帚
8.golden pheasant blue wing feather with bamboo handle竹柄锦鸡蓝翼毛毛帚
9.Bamboo is also made into paper.The soft pulp inside the hard stems is taken out and sent to factory.竹子也可以用来造纸。把坚硬的竹秆体内的软竹髓取出来送进工厂。
10.RAPD Analysis of Thirty-six Species Bamboo;毛竹等36种竹类植物的RAPD分析
11.Studies on the Reproductive Biology of Shibataea Chinensis and Arundinaria Simonii f. Albostriatus鹅毛竹和异叶苦竹的生殖生物学研究
12.Investigation on Species and Damage of Bamboo Shoot Weevil on Phyllostachys pubescens in Fujian Province福建省毛竹林竹笋象种类及危害调查
13.Comparison of Sound Absorption Properties between Sympodial Bamboo Flooring and Moso Bamboo Flooring丛生竹地板与毛竹地板吸声性能比较
14.The porcelain-roughcast bamboo ware and feather picture.瓷胎竹纺和羽毛画。
15.Studies on Growth Pattern of New Bamboo of Bambusa ventricosa with Abnormal Culms and Its Pot Cultivation Techniques好运竹畸形秆新竹发生规律研究及其盆苗生产技术
16.The Culm form Characteristic and the Variation of Chimonobambusa angustifolia f. repleta Population实心狭叶方竹秆形特性及变异规律研究
17.Canopy Arthropod Community in Moso Bamboo Forest, Biology and Ecology of Schizotetranychus Bambusae Reek (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Typhlodromus Bambusae Ehara (Acari: Phytoseiidae);毛竹竹冠节肢动物群落及竹裂爪螨、竹盲走螨生物学生态学研究
18.Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.竹子一种通常为木质的,温带或热带禾本科植物,青篱竹属、竹属、苏麻竹属、毛竹属或赤竹属

Bambusa oldhami f.striata花秆绿竹
3)Arundo donax L.stalk芦竹茎秆
4)Phyllostachys iridescens f. heterochroma花秆红竹
1.Two new forms of Phyllostachys, Phyllostachys iridescens f.报道了产于浙江省安吉县的刚竹属2个新变型——花秆红竹和白叶石竹。
5)Culm trait竹秆性状
6)Pseudosasa amabilis茶秆竹
1.Reaction of Pseudosasa amabilis Forest Growth under Different Site Bamboo Densities;不同立竹密度下茶秆竹林生长的响应
2.Study on the Effects of Different Reclamation Measures of Natural Pseudosasa amabilis;天然茶秆竹不同垦复措施的效果研究
3.Study on the Integrated Control Technique of the Noctuid on the Bamboo Shoot of Pseudosasa amabilis;茶秆竹竹笋夜蛾综合防治技术研究

《绿竹堂集验方》《绿竹堂集验方》 《绿竹堂集验方》   验方著作。六卷。明·罗浮山人约撰于万历年间。刊于1696年。本书将所集灵验方,固精、种子、妇人、小儿、诸风、痰火、须发等30门。现存1696年重刊本。