技术措施,technical measures
1)technical measures技术措施
1.The technical measures of reducing the rebound degree of crushed sand sprayed concrete;降低机制砂喷射混凝土回弹率的技术措施
2.Inspirations to treatment of Taihu Lake by technical measures of Lake Biwa in Japan;日本琵琶湖治理的技术措施对太湖的启示
3.Old city river sewage interceptor program and technical measures;老城区内河污水截流技术措施研究

1.Discussion about the Legal status and Management of Technological Measures;略谈技术措施的法律地位和管理措施
2.pasture measure of soil and water conservation水土保持牧业技术措施
3.Research on the technical measures of banking-up in 300 MW CFB boiler300MW CFB锅炉压火技术措施
4.Discussion on the construction technology of borehole pile in the sand bed浅谈在砂层中钻孔桩施工的技术措施
5.Construction Method and Technology Measure for Pipe Tacking in A Certain Power Plant in Nansha南沙某电厂顶管施工方法及技术措施
7.The accuracy of this method is estimated.得出了该方法相应的精度与技术措施
9.Technology Measures for Improving Surface Quality of Large Bore Valves提高大口径阀门表面质量的技术措施
10.The methods for resolving the wall sticking were put forward.提出了解决各种类型粘壁的技术措施
11.Technical Measures to Raise the Powder Reduction Efficiency of the Cement Mill提高水泥管磨机粉磨效率的技术措施
12.The Lightning Protection Research of 35kV Weiyu Line;35kV魏玉线防雷水平的技术措施研究
13.A Study on the Legal Issues Concerning the Technological Measures for Copyright Protection;保护著作权技术措施的法律问题研究
14.Technical Measures of EMS System to Ensure Its Safe and Reliable Operation;确保EMS系统安全可靠运行的技术措施
15.The Problems and Countemeasunes of Highproduction Technology in the Sesame Seed Production;芝麻生产中常见问题及高产技术措施
16.Discussion on Evasion & Utilization of Technical Measures in Copyright Law;试论版权法中技术措施的规避与利用
17.Guaranteeing Technique Measures and Its Realization for the Server Safety;保障服务器安全的技术措施及其实现
18.On Management and Measures of Safety Control during Construction浅谈建筑施工安全生产技术管理措施

technical measure技术措施
1.Technology investigation and technical measures to improve yarn evenness;提高成纱条干均匀度的工艺研究和技术措施
2.Talking about the technical measures to improve quality of Mount Tai white sptrit;浅谈提高泰山特曲质量的技术措施
3.Technical measure for reducing total sulfur content in town gas;降低城市煤气中总硫含量的技术措施
3)technological measures技术措施
1.Analysis and technological measures for longwall topple mining process at the big inclined angle seam;大倾角煤层倾斜长壁仰斜开采工艺分析及技术措施
2.Legal protection on technological measures of internet works;网络作品技术措施的法律保护
3.Defining the Technological Measures: Comparison and Review;技术措施界定:比较与评价
4)Technology Measure技术措施
1.The production process is optimized according to the characteristics of fibres and the technology measure in producing is summarized.介绍了竹浆纤维/细旦涤纶混纺高支府绸织物的织造工艺流程,根据纤维的特性对生产工艺进行了优化,总结了生产过程中的技术措施
2.4 exploring site,including the steady side slope and technology measure of the exploring safety.分析了连城锰矿4号点采场高台阶应用在开采技术条件和经济上的合理性,及做好边坡稳定和开采安全的技术措施
3.The anthor brings forth four technology measures, which are contrding the sulphur trioride content and the water vapor content of the smoke, reducing the producing of sublimation sulphur, enhaning the electric conductivity of liquid membrane and preventing the producing of leak electricity while in condensation, througn summariring the.介绍了塑料电除雾器性能与构造特点,分析其净化硫酸酸雾时可能发生的故障,通过对湘南某硫酸厂运行经验,本文提出了控制烟气中SO3和水蒸气的含量,控制升华硫的产生,增强液膜导电性能,防止冷凝爬电等四项技术措施,保证电除雾器高效运行。
5)technique measure技术措施
1.The study about improving the technique measure of earth groundsill undertake ratio;关于提高土基承载比技术措施的研究
2.The practice verified that these technique measures were viable, and the result was perfect .分析了冷却塔运行不良的原因,介绍了改善冷却塔运行的一些技术措施
3.Have on the construction certain difficulty,has been analyzed detailedly and compute,adopted the dependable technique measure.施工上具有一定难度,经过详细分析和计算,采取了可靠的技术措施
6)technological measure技术措施
1.In the network environment, technological measure plays an important role in the fair use,but also leds to a series of disputes.这种变化直接导致复制这一行为变得快捷和低成本、传播手段变得多样化、传播者的责任认定也复杂化;网络环境中,技术措施对合理使用制度的实施起到重要作用,但也引发了一系列纠纷;合理使用的判断标准在网络环境下陷入困境。
2.,expounds some technological measures for guaranteeing the quality of surface milling.介绍了影响平面铣削质量的主要原因,从合理选用切削液、合理确定切削用量、正确使用平面铣削方法等方面,阐述了确保平面铣削质量的技术措施
3.Combined with practical rubblization construction work of Donghong road in urban section of Yishui,the preparation work and construction technology of rubblization technology in major repair works of cement concrete pavement are introduced as well as major technological measures,in order to promote the application and research of this technology.结合东红公路沂水城区段碎石化施工的实际情况,介绍了水泥混凝土路面大修中的碎石化技术需要的准备工作、施工工艺、主要技术措施,从而促进碎石化技术的研究、应用。

技术措施  在一定时期内为改进生产技术和完善生产管理而制定的方案及其实施办法。它的任务是在技术进步的前提下,通过更新和改造原有的生产工艺和技术装备,采用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,以及推行先进的生产管理方法,达到增加产量、增加品种、提高质量、节约原材料和能源、提高经济效益的目的。它是实现技术改造和技术革新计划的具体方法和步骤,是实现内涵扩大再生产的重要途径。    在中国,技术措施一般是利用国家更新改造措施预算拨款、科研费用拨款、企业基本折旧基金和自有资金,以及国内外贷款等,由企业、事业单位自行组织实施。技术措施一般具有投资少,见效快,针对性强等特点。它对于克服生产上的薄弱环节,保证完成和超额完成国家计划,巩固和实现科技研究的成果,提高企业的生产技术水平等具有重大作用。