抗冻性,frost resistance
1)frost resistance抗冻性
1.Evaluation of the study on the test method about the frost resistance of concrete and the appraising parameter;混凝土抗冻性试验方法及评价参数的研究评述
2.Effect of high-frequency vibration on concrete frost resistance;高频振捣对混凝土抗冻性的影响
3.Effect of polyacrylonitrile fiber on frost resistance of air-entrained concrete;聚丙烯腈纤维对引气混凝土抗冻性的影响

1.Effect of Artemis Sphaerocephala Krasch Gum on Microstructure and Gluten of Frozen Dough沙蒿胶提高冷冻面团抗冻性及其抗冻机理的探讨
2.Roles of AtCBF1 Gene in Tobacco Freezing and Drought Tolerance;转AtCBF1基因烟草的抗冻性和抗旱性研究
3.The Improvement of Viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Frozen Sourdough;提高冷冻酸面团中乳酸菌抗冻性的研究
4.Characteristics of Fly Ash and Soil Mechanics Experimental Study on Freezing Resistance粉煤灰土力学特性及抗冻性试验研究
5.Mechanism of Antifreeze Protein and Ice Nucleoprotein on Plant Antifreeze Activity抗冻蛋白和冰核蛋白对植物抗冻性能的作用机制
6.Integrative Assessment of Resistance to Frost and Chloride Penetration of Marine Concrete海工混凝土抗冻性与抗氯离子渗透性综合评价
7.The Test Research on the Relationship of the Frost Resistance and Impermeability of the Road Concrete道路混凝土抗冻性与抗渗性关系的试验研究
8.Test method for frost-resistance of aerated concreteGB/T11973-1997加气混凝土抗冻性试验方法
9.Test method for freeze-resistance of ceramic wall and floor tilesGB/T6955-1986陶瓷墙地砖抗冻性能试验方法
10.Freezing-thawing Durability of Carbonized Concretes Subjected to Multiple Damage Factors;多重因素作用下碳化混凝土的抗冻性
11.Effect of air-entraining agent on antifreeze properties of concrete引气剂对混凝土抗冻性能影响的研究
13.Test Study on Anti-frozen and Shrinkage Properties of Stable Granular Base Course Materials in Seasonally Frozen Area;季冻区稳定粒料类基层材料抗冻性能及温缩性能试验研究
14.Studies on Antifreeze Strength and Antifreeze Physiological Biochemical Characteristics of Korla Fragrant Pear库尔勒香梨抗冻力与抗冻生理生化特性研究
15.Experimental Research on Freeze-thaw Resistence Property and Impermeability for Rock-filled Concrete堆石混凝土抗冻抗渗性能的试验研究
16.Anti-frost Design Method for Highway Pavement in Seasonal Frost Region季节性冻土地区公路路面抗冻设计方法
17.A Review of Study on Freezing Denaturation of Fish Protein and Its Cryoprotectants鱼蛋白冷冻变性及其抗冻剂的研究综述
18.Research on Frozen and Uplift Resistant for Concrete Short Pile Foundation in Seasonal Frozen Soil Area季节性冻土环境下混凝土短桩基础抗冻拔研究

freezing resistance抗冻性
1.Relationship between frost resistance and freezing resistance of winter wheat;冬小麦抗霜性与抗冻性的关系
2.The monoester phosphate starch can improve the freezing resistance of quick freeze boiled dumpling and stuffed dumpling.研究了磷酸酯化淀粉对速冻水饺、汤圆抗冻性的影响,结果表明:磷酸酯化淀粉Hc能显著改善水饺、汤圆的抗冻裂性,其最适用量均为5%。
3.Through freeze-thaw test in chloride condition,infiltration test of chlorion in concrete and mortar,and through distribution test of fine holes in mortar,the freezing resistance and its mechanism of concretes in various mixture ratio was researched.通过氯盐环境下的冻融试验、混凝土和砂浆中氯离子渗透试验、以及砂浆中细孔分布实验等试验手段,研究了氯盐环境下,具有各种配合比的混凝土的抗冻性及其作用机理。
3)freeze resistance抗冻性
1.Study on freeze resistance of unburned brick produced by solidified mud in oil field;利用油田污泥固化生产免烧砖的抗冻性研究
2.Besides a dramatically improved freeze resistance and workability,the permeability of both water and Cl-of air-entrained concrete were decreased distinctly,and carbonation resistance,sulfate erosion resistance and AAR resistance of air-entrained concrete were improved remarkabl.系统地研究了引气对混凝土力学性能、早期抗裂性能以及耐久性能的影响,这些耐久性包括抗冻性、Cl-侵入、盐结晶破坏、碳化等。
3.This experiment further studied the impermeability of the mortar treated by superabsorbent resin synthesized in situ in different media and its freeze resistance under low temperature.试验进一步研究了用原位合成高吸水性树脂处理后砂浆在不同介质条件下的抗渗性及低温条件下的抗冻性
4)freeze-thaw resistance抗冻性
1.Experimental study on compressive strength and freeze-thaw resistance of steam curing concrete;蒸养混凝土抗压强度和抗冻性能试验研究
2.Accordingly,water stability and freeze-thaw resistance of stabilized saline soils are studied.通过室内饱水时间模拟试验、干湿循环模拟试验和抗冻性试验,对4种固化盐渍土的水稳性和抗冻性进行了初步研究。
3.In this paper, the slump, air content, compressive strength, freeze-thaw resistance and air-void characteristics of medium sand concrete and fine sand concrete without and with 0.试验结果表明,混凝土掺入引气剂后增加了大量微小气泡(直径小于100μm),明显提高了混凝土的抗冻性;当含气量相同时,随着水灰比的增大, 小于100μm 的气泡个数逐渐减少,大于100μm的气泡个数逐渐增多。
5)Freezing tolerance抗冻性
1.Changes of content of CaM, and activities of G6PDHase and ATPase during low-temperature-induced freezing tolerance of Populus tomentosa seedlings.;在低温诱导毛白杨抗冻性中CaM含量和G6PDHase及ATPase活性的变化
2.The methods of electric conductivity, tissue browning, growing recovery and TTC reduction were used to study the freezing tolerance of main introduced evergreen broad leaf plants in Beijing open gardens.采用电导法、组织变褐法、生长恢复法及TTC还原法研究了北京园林中主要常绿阔叶植物的抗冻性
3.Changes in the concentrations of total soluble sugar , the survival rates, and freezing tolerance of seedlings during cold acclimatio n were investigated.在低温锻炼和结合蔗糖处理的低温锻炼下 ,对毛白杨 (Populustomentosa)幼苗枝条和叶片的可溶性糖含量 ,以及幼苗存活率和抗冻性分别进行了测定 。
1.Study on increasing the freeze-resistance of Lactobacillus bulgaricus;提高保加利亚乳杆菌抗冷冻性的研究

冻干人抗血友病球蛋白药物名称:冻干人抗血友病球蛋白英文名:别名: 冻干人抗血友病球蛋白;冷沉淀物;凝血第Ⅷ因子 适应症: 本品适用于防治血友病甲(先日性凝血因子Ⅷ缺乏症)、获得性凝血因子Ⅷ缺乏症和血管性假血友病的补充疗法。对血友病乙(缺乏凝血因子Ⅸ)无效。 用量用法: 静滴:通常每次5~10U/kg,用25~30℃的注射用水100ml溶解,于20分钟内输完。每隔12~24小时1次,连用3~5日即可。在出血量较大或大手术时,剂量可加大2~3倍,间隔时间可缩短,滴速60滴/分钟,输液器应有滤网装置。 注意事项: 大剂量输注(每日超过20U/kg)时可出现肺水肿。本制品应与受血者ABO血型相同。 规格: 针剂:200U(相当于200ml血浆中所含的AHG),另含纤维蛋白原0.1~0.2g。 类别:促凝血药