科学内涵,scientific connotation
1)scientific connotation科学内涵
1.On Scientific Connofation of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics theory system scientific connotation;试论中国特色社会主义理论体系的科学内涵
2.The Scientific Connotation and Basic Ways for Enhance Party s Ruling Capability Construction;论加强党的执政能力建设的科学内涵和基本途径
3.Probe into the scientific connotation of "Three requirements and heavy load;“三从一大”科学内涵探析

1.Exploring the Scientific Connotation of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Function Medicine从功能医学角度探中医学的科学内涵
3.A Discussion on the scientific connotation of Marx and Engels s Equality Theory;刍论马克思恩格斯平等观的科学内涵
4.The Scientific Connotation of New Type Industrialized Road with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色新型工业化道路的科学内涵
5.On the Scientific Connotations and Realization Mechanism of "Each Is to Be Paid on the Basis of Individual Ability and Achievement";试论“各得其所”的科学内涵和实现机制
6.Scientific Connotation of Marx and Engels Theory of Harmonious Society;马克思恩格斯和谐社会观的科学内涵
7.On the scientific content of the socialist core value system;论社会主义核心价值体系的科学内涵
8.Discussion on the Scientific Connotation of the Work Masses Collectivity Ownership;试论劳动群众集体所有制的科学内涵
9.A Study on Scientific Content of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought of Common Prosperity;试析邓小平共同富裕思想的科学内涵
10.On Scientific Involution of "Three Representatives";试论“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵
11.Connotations of Deng Xiaoping s diplomatic strategy of independence;邓小平“独立自主”外交战略科学内涵
12.Connotation and extension of subject construction of Chinese hematology;论中医内科血液学科建设内涵与外延
13.Scientific Management:an Important Aspect of the Outlook of Scientific Development科学管理:科学发展观的一个重要内涵
14.On the Theoretical Content and Humanistic Inference of Scientific Concept of Development;论科学发展观的学理内涵与人文意蕴
15.Philosophical Thinking on Law of Energy:Connotation,Principle Attribute and Themes;能源法哲学之思:内涵、学科属性及主题
16.Thinking for political philosophy: meaning,characteristic and theme of the subject;政治哲学之思:内涵、学科属性与主题
17.Science-based Education in the Inquiry Learning:18 Meanings;探究式学习中的科学观教育:18条内涵
18.On the Philosophy Intension of the Scientific Development Viewpoint that "People First";论“以人为本”科学发展观的哲学内涵

scientific intension科学内涵
1.We should regard the scientific development view as guidelines and analyze the scientific intensions and creative system and means to build high-quality projects and promote the sustainable development of sci-tech periodicals in market economy.以科学发展观为指导,分析科技期刊的科学内涵和创新机制与手段,构建精品工程,促进科技期刊在市场经济中的可持续发展。
2.The establishment of the Party advancing has its own scientific intension,features and the demand of the era.党的先进性建设有其科学内涵、本质特征和时代要求。
3.According to the thought of "Three Represents", Standing the altitude of history materialism, form the point of view of action of the Party in the social development, the scientific intension of the Party s advance in the new era was studied in this work.本文按照“三个代表”重要思想的思路,站在历史唯物主义的高度,从党在人类社会发展进程中的作用这个角度,来研究新时期党的先进性的科学内涵
3)Scientific Connotations科学内涵
1.It has its deep cultural characteristics which are mainly reflected in the aspects of naming natural attractions, of generalizing and extracting cultural means from natural sights, of exploring cultural methods from cultural scientific connotations, of confirming cultural meanings and so on.珠江源头地区自然旅游资源奇特而丰富 ,且有着深厚的文化意蕴 ,主要表现在自然景观命名的文化意蕴、自然景观特色概括和提炼的文化手段、自然景观科学内涵挖掘的文化方法、自然景观价值确认的文化意义等方面。
2.It is suitable for Chinese situation,reflects Chinese characteristics,and is of strong vitality with rich scientific connotations.中国特色社会主义政治发展道路是中国共产党带领全国各族人民在长期的革命、建设和改革开放实践中探索出的一条既符合中国国情、体现中国特色,同时又具有强大生命力的政治发展道路,它有着丰富的科学内涵;中国特色社会主义政治发展道路是中国共产党把马克思主义基本原理与中国革命和建设具体实践相结合的产物,具有鲜明的中国特色。
4)scientific meaning科学内涵
1.The scientific meaning of human-centered concept in hospital management,including medical employee-centered and patient-centered,was discussed in the paper.该文论述了医院管理“以人为本”的科学内涵,既要以职工为中心,又要以病人为中心,从而提出医院“以人为本”管理思想的实现途径。
5)discipline connotation学科内涵
6)content and scientific implication s内容及科学内涵

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